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Yik Yak Engineering
Yik Yak Engineering
Share some of the lessons learned as we evolved Yik Yak from early-stage startup code running in Amazon Web Services to an eventual incremental rewrite, re-architecture, and live-migration to Google Cloud Platform.
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Moving a platform into Kubernetes :

Previously we discussed auto scaling within AWS and programming language selection for a re-platforming of the Yik Yak backend. These were precursors to discussions of moving from platform services being deployed on individual EC2 instances and instead being deployed…

Elasticache for Redis — Not a Datastore

Redis is a popular in-memory data structure store that can be used as a datastore, cache and message broker. There are lots of posts about companies successfully using Redis as an integral part of their service. For example, this post gives a good overview of…

DynamoDB — What you should know…

DynamoDB has a lot of desirable traits. It is a NoSQL store with the usual horizontally scalable attributes. You provision and pay for the capacity that your use case demands. You can optimize your capacity dollars through the judicious use of the less expensive…