Young, Shiftless, & Black & 7 Essays

Day 23 of #ThirtyDaysofEssays and I am down to the final stretch. So far, I written about Alzheimer’s and my Sunday night routine. I tackled focus, commitment, and the dreaded business plan. I have written about Natalie Cole and Prince; the construct of time and…

Young, Shiftless, & Black & Commitment

I read a Benjaim Hardy article a few days ago on commitment and weak decision making and realized that my current state in life is a direct result of weak decisions I have made. Don’t get me wrong, I made the decision to come home and stay with my parents for a…

Young, Shiftless, & Black & Alzheimer’s

My grandmother has Alzheimer’s and it is one of the most difficult things I had to deal with in my 30 years of living. I feel foolish as hell for even saying the I am having a difficult time with someone else’s disease. But the truth of the matter is, if you…

Young, Shiftless, & Black
Young, Shiftless, & Black
I write for the Black Millennial who is still a work in progress…even at 30.
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