Practical use of saveAll() (part 1, working with multiple models)

(Part 2 is here)

I would like to provide some insight on how to use the saveAll() method, with a few real-world examples. First, I’m going to cover how to use saveAll() when working with two…

Building “the blog tutorial”… the TDD way (part 2 — controller testing)

CakePHP 2.2

We have prepped our app with enough testing, to be ready to move on to write out the rest of the code… 
There was a good reason why we have started our TDD with the…

JQuery autocomplete in CakePHP

Update to this post is here. (New libraries and new techniques are discussed).

This is a quick example on how to setup an autocomplete field using JQuery and CakePHP.

Zen of Coding
Zen of Coding
holistic web development
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