Once upon a time, I lived on an island, it had a bridge to the mainland, so does it really count? It was created as a by…
In my circles compassion is defined as your ability to be in the presence of the suffering of others…
Current events have made us all think about our relationship to social media and Facebook in particular. As…
Recently I had the opportunity to facilitate a group interested in Conscious Capitalism. I am not…
I have never been in good standing with hope. I could never articulate why.
In Zen we have a koan — an enigma wrapped in a riddle*
Answer yes, 30 blows; Answer no…
Stress manifests from one source and that is the maintenance of your story(s).
We each have a…
For contrast, a contrarian holds a view opposing a belief or opinion commonly held in a given population or culture. A contrarian’s actions will be in response to the position of the other. Therefore, a contrarian is bound to its opposite.
Today I gained an understand of the plight of Millennials by taking a survey they constructed. I recently completed my…