Top Stories published by zepheira in 2008

PURLZ Server version 1.2 released.

The PURLZ Persistent URL Server version 1.2 is now available. See the PURLZ Downloads area to get your copy now. PURLs are Web addresses or Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) that act as permanent identifiers in the face of a dynamic and changing Web infrastructure. This…

Mulgara 2.0.6. Release Extends SPARQL Support

As one of the first scalable RDF Semantic Stores, Mulgara has had a very capable query language called TQL. The Mulgara project added programmatic support for SPARQL earlier this year, but the 2.0.6. release has just added support for the SPARQL…

Brian Sletten interviewed about REST for JavaWorld Podcast

Andy Glover interviews Brian Sletten about REST and how it applies to software developers and the organizations they support. Far from being a rogue way to do Web Services, Brian explores exactly why organizations should care…

CSC Releases Digital Disruptions Report; Names Zepheira

Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC ) has released their landmark new report, Digital Disruptions: Technology Innovations Powering 21st Century Business. CSC’s entire 94-page, 7.5 MB report (PDF) are available on the Web. Zepheira’s…

RDFa Reaches W3C Recommendation Status

The W3C and its members have long sought the ability to mix extractable structured content with existing publishing processes to improve the machine-processability of the Web. Microformats have been a successful step in this direction, but the models embraced by…

“Practical Semantic Technology for the Enterprise” at EIM Toronto

On 19 June at the Enterprise Information Management Conference in Toronto, Uche Ogbuji presented Practical Semantic Technology for the Enterprise in which he shared techniques and tools for applying semantic…

These were the top 10 stories published by zepheira in 2008. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2008 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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