Top Stories published by zepheira in 2012

“Make your HTML pages smarter with RDFa 1.1 Lite”

IBM developerWorks recently published an article by Zepheira’s own Uche Ogbuji giving Web developers a straightforward introduction into how to add structured data to Web sites using the new RDFa Lite specification. Zepheira has recently worked…

Viewshare: Up Close and Personal with Your Digital Treasures

A recent article in Information Today highlights the Viewshare Project and takes a closer look at the way the application offers new options for access to the vast amounts of unstructured information curated by our nation’s

MIT Libraries and Zepheira complete “Exhibit 3.0” software project

A grant from the United States Library of Congress has funded development of a new version of Exhibit, the popular open source software tool developed at MIT to help people search, browse and visualize data on the…

Zepheira selected to revamp key World Health Organization Web site

The World Health Organization (WHO) has selected Zepheira to revamp the Global Health Observatory (GHO) site. GHO is a tool for people, organizations and corporations to provide data and analyses relating to global…

Zepheira to present on Linked Data, MARC21 modeling at ALA Annual

Eric Miller from Zepheira will be giving the opening keynote at the LITA Linked Data Pre-Conference at the ALA 2012 Annual Conference on Friday, June 22 in Anaheim, California.

Zepheira supports the Digital Public Library of America

Zepheira has been contracted by the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) to provide software architecture experience, particularly with the Technical Aspects workstream. Zepheira is supporting the overal development of the DPLA…

The Library of Congress Announces Modeling Initiative with Zepheira

The Library of Congress has announced today a new Modeling Initiative with Zepheira that focuses on reflecting the MARC 21 library standard as a Linked Data model for the Web. The following excerpts form this…

These were the top 10 stories published by zepheira in 2012. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2012 by using the calendar at the top of this page.