ZCP Update 5th November — UK Market Launch Success, Triple Rewards for Trial and an Explanation of ZeroCarbon Token Rewards

Darren Moore
Zero Carbon Project
3 min readNov 7, 2018


Zero Carbon Project is Delighted to Launch to the UK Market This Week

After many months of anticipation and hard work, we are delighted to launch the UK Zero Carbon Market today. Our UK Market was launched on 25th October. During the week we have attracted about 150 customers who have registered with the Market service to switching to zero-carbon energy while reducing their energy costs and earning ZeroCarbon token rewards. Read more about our launch.

Zero Carbon Project Tripling Rewards for Post-launch Trial Period

Read how Zero Carbon Project is tripling consumption rewards for our earliest customers for the period of our live post-launch trial period. This is to attract initial interest but also as a reward for helping us with any teething problems experienced.

You can earn additional token rewards by helping us spread the word using our easy-to-use referrals programme, either by old-fashioned word-of-mouth or by social media campaigning. These bonus reward tokens could be worth up to an additional £167/year for each referral on top of any reward tokens your energy use is creating.

How to earn ZeroCarbon token rewards and are they really worth anything?

Energy consumers can benefit financially from using the Zero Carbon Market to purchase energy while contributing to the social good. Consumers can switch to zero carbon energy, while saving money compared to their existing supply; and also earn ZeroCarbon tokens. A typical household consumer spending £1,000 could earn tokens worth £70/year at current managed market prices. Traditional loyalty rewards don’t cut it, our solution is more like giving you equity in our business but even better because they can be traded globally and issued immediately.

Our rewards have been designed to pack a punch. Have a read of our article to see the calculations and work out how much you could earn.

