Top Stories published by Zig Zag Zuck in May of 2017

Rwanda: hills and ‘how’

If South Africa is a study in contrast, Rwanda is practice in disbelief. I usually strive to ask ‘why,’ trying for deeper understanding and new perspectives. In Rwanda, I just kept wondering “how?”

Egypt: ending on a high note

(photo albums: Cairo and Alexandria)

The last hurrah: Egypt was planned months ago — in some ways years in advance — and is a fitting end to the trip. It was always going to be either a disaster or a highlight. I’m so thankful for everyone who made it…

Kenya: the essential stop

(photo albums: Nairobi and safari in Amboseli)

Kenya was perhaps the most inevitable country on this trip. In planning mode a year ago, my friends and I debated how to decide where to go. Start with Africa or Asia? Squeeze in South America or save it…