【Sherry’s leadership story】

Sherry Hsieh
4 min readSep 6, 2019

我的屬下說她給我兩條路選, 升她職或是等著簽她的離職單

My subordinate says promote her or lose her.


A good leader helps team members to grow stronger.

Original picture from Realistic Shots

這個故事發生在某個我曾任職的公司, 我當時是新報到的部門經理。故事主角丹妮兒是隸屬在我部門下, 年資剛滿一年的30歲營運組專員。在我到職第一週, 因為她的直屬主管離職, 她直接來找我談, 說她希望我升她職等。

This story happened during the second week after I joined the new company as a department manager. Danielle, a 30-year-old young lady, was an operation specialist with one-year experience in the operation team that under my supervision. Since her direct supervisor resigned and left the company on the first Friday I was on board, she came to me to ask for promotion.

據我了解, 丹妮兒在一年前加入公司前, 並沒有其它相關經驗, 也就是說, 她在這個營運領域中, 只有一年相關經驗, 完全不符合被升職的條件。但是為什麼丹妮兒會如此開門見山地找我談升職呢? 因為當時部門的人力狀況不穩定, 營運組的直屬主管跟資深專員們相繼離職, 有一年資歷的丹妮兒竟是當時營運組內最資深的。當時我們其實很努力在面試營運組主管, 同時為了讓營運組能夠維持日常作業, 我額外雇用了一位助理, 並請丹妮兒幫忙協助處理營運主管的日常工作。

Danielle didn’t have any related experience before she changed her career path to this operation job, which means she only had one-year experience in the field. She literally wasn’t capable of moving to the supervisor level. Unfortunately, the operation team was having manpower issues: the supervisor and other senior specialists resigned, making Danielle the most senior team member at that time. While we worked on finding an experienced operation supervisor to lead the operation team, I hired an assistant and asked Danielle to help handling routine work of the operation supervisor.

也是因為這樣, 丹妮兒在營運主管的交接會議後提出要升職的要求。

The conversation began after we had the operation supervisor hand-over meeting.

丹妮兒說: “我現在是營運組中最資深的專員了, 而且還幫忙負擔營運主管的工作, 我要加薪並升官成營運主管, 不然我就辭職。”

Danielle: “Since now I am the most senior person in the operation team, and cover the duties the operation supervisor handed over, I want to get promoted to the supervisor position and get salary raise. If not, I will quit.”

丹妮兒正中紅心! 當時新到任的我一時之間找不到其他人來穩住情勢, 我需要丹妮兒幫忙維持營運組的日常運作。但是, 我也很明白如果升職丹妮兒, 因為丹妮兒對相關產業經驗不足, 之後一定會讓整個營運狀況不穩, 引起惡性循環。丹妮兒其實還是需要直屬主管來帶領她。在我跟丹妮兒的職涯討論中, 我發現丹妮兒並不確定自己未來的方向, 她甚至不知道自己是否想在現有的營運領域中繼續發展下去, 這造成她對於在工作上為了什麼付出感到疑惑, 她也直言好像只有錢才是工作唯一目標, 不知道有什麼可以在工作上持續發展的。

Indeed, I couldn’t afford to lose Danielle in that unstable situation. I was just new in the company and did really need Danielle to keep the routine running. However, I also knew that the situation would get worse if I promoted her to the position that she wasn’t capable of. She was so uncapable that she still needed an experienced supervisor to look after. From the conversation with her, I found she didn’t have clear vision of her career development, either of the operation field that she chose. It made her confused about every effort she put in the work. She was even not sure if she should stay in the current field. That’s why she told me that money was the most certain thing that she could think of instead of career development goal.

我給丹妮兒的建議是: “雖然這只是暫時的, 我明白妳目前確實分擔了額外的工作。這不會是常態, 妳也知道我們正努力找尋新的營運主管來帶領營運組。我也要誠實跟妳說, 我有幾個顧慮是我無法直接升妳當營運主管, 第一個顧慮, 就是妳的經驗還不足以帶領團隊。 成為一個小主管, 需要管理方面的技能, 營運主管有太多面向要考慮, 至少要可以分配團隊工作, 並讓團隊成員可以順利合作, 不是只有完成我們請妳幫忙的日常報表工作; 第二個顧慮, 我覺得就妳的職涯長期發展來看, 有一個經驗豐富的營運主管帶領妳, 讓妳有機會在這個領域發展, 妳會看得更全面, 我們甚至可以慢慢訓練妳成為營運主管副手。"

My response was: “I do understand that you carry extra work now, even though it’s temporary. As you know, we are working on finding the new experienced operation supervisor to lead the operation team. There are several reasons why I don’t recommend you to take over the supervisor position. First of all, yes, you are too inexperienced. Being a supervisor requires management skills. The supervisor should be able to access the team and manage the workload of the team well. The duties are not merely routine reports that we ask you to help on. Secondly, I think an experienced supervisor can help you to develop in this field. We can train you to become deputy supervisor.

"更重要的是, 我想妳也注意到了, 妳最大的癥結在於妳還不清楚自己要走哪個方向。這應該是妳現在最需要想清楚的, 未來職涯妳想怎麼發展? 而這部份我可以幫妳。我建議妳先想清楚究竟對什麼有興趣, 如果妳真的想在現在這個領域發展妳的職涯, 我們可以一起討論如何規劃。工作不該只是工作, 如果妳有目標, 工作起來會更開心。”

However, I think you also notice that your biggest concern is that you don’t know where you should go or work on for your career development. That should be the first important thing for you to find out. And I can help you. I suggest that you think through about what you are really interested in. If you do want to develop you career in this operation field, we can discuss together on how to develop your career. Work shouldn’t be just work. You would be happier if you knew where you are going.”

丹妮兒被說服了, 她說:”從來沒有經理會對我說這些話。妳是第一位會跟我分享職涯經驗的老闆, 並跟我討論職涯發展, 妳講話好像人資喔 (笑), 但是我覺得妳是對的, 妳說的話確實值得我好好去思考, 並找到未來發展目標。”

Danielle was convinced: “Other managers never told me these things before. You are the first manager sharing your own career experience with me, and giving me the career development idea. You talk like a HR person. (Laugh) But you are right. You give me the food for thought and motivation to pursue bigger goals.”

那次談話後, 丹妮兒比之前更有動力了。我覺得, 丹妮兒之前只是找不到她的職涯方向, 所以她無處施力。身為一位主管, 可以提供給她的, 是幫助她成長並找到願景。畢竟只有我們整個部門團隊一起成長, 大家才能越來越強, 共同迎接挑戰。

Danielle was motivated after the discussion. From my point of view, Danielle lacked vision in her career development. What I could provide to her as a leader is helping her to grow and articulating vision. After all, when my team members grow, our team will become stronger and stronger in achieving the greater vision.



Sherry Hsieh

15年跑跳紐約,胡志明市,台北,廣州,上海的行銷天秤女, 除了分享工作心得, 更愛探索有趣的生活小事。LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sherryhsiehmarketing