34. How to make it

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2016

Start seeing your world differently.

Everyone wants to “make it” somewhere. Be it a physical location where they dream of living or a figurative destination, like the top of a career pathway, it’s a natural human desire.

For everyone 100 articles you read of someone who’s trying to make it, there’s probably only one of someone who will say they have “made it”.

I don’t think it’s because people are lazy. It’s more so because people can’t appreciate where they currently are.

Your life is the only one you ever have. Get more out of life, but don’t ever forget where you came from. You have to learn to love it before you can leave it.

While you might not have made it yet, a fertile, strong mindset that embraces your current world will open you up the opportunity inherent in the environment you were born and raised it. That’s what will lead you along the right path.



