8) You are not more mature than your high school self.

Eric Turner
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2017

Contrary to popular belief, we aren’t. Who are we kidding? Being a little more professionally developed and having more maturity are two very different animals.

I find myself mumbling things under my breath a lot during the day. Yeah, I’m that guy. The one that laughs at his own jokes. Of course, I know how to be a professional and act appropriately in correlation with the setting, but I sure don’t fall short of my daily wise-cracks.

The other day I was scrolling Facebook and through the “memories” filter I’ve been noticing these little bits of insight that my past self has shared. I thought the other day, “dang, I used to have potential”.

While I was doing this I realized that I’m really the same person, as I recalled several moments from those days when I had no idea what I was doing. Truth is, I still don’t know what I’m doing. Every step of life I think about the future and I’m like, “man, what is that gonna be like?”

Shoot, there are times where I actually feel less mature than I ever was. Does that mean that I’m just wise enough now to distinguish the difference, though? Food for thought.

I don’t think I have myself more together than say, high school Eric, but I do think that I’ve grown to embrace adversity, think about other people a little more, and think about myself a little less. That stuff has come with a little experience. I’m sure as I continue to gain experience, future Eric will be a little more developed. Does that lead to more maturity? I doubt it ;)

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Eric Turner
100 Naked Words

Husband. Father. Friend. Social Worker. Life is messy. Come along for the ride! Also, check out Medium membership! https://medium.com/@eturn102/membership