Photo by Tim Gouw in

What university gives me?

Day 24

Minh DN


Unviersity can’t give me enough knowledge and skills to working in company. But, It gives me a lot of memory and experience I’ve never had before.

Discipline with my study

I always be late for class. I wake up soon enough to go to class in time, but I don’t want. My studying result is good due to self-taught.

I don’t care too much about going or not going to class. To me, studying at home, and go to class late with full of questions than go to class in time but not have any questions.

So when you go to university, you have to learn with discipline, because nobody cares about your studying, remind you to wake right time.

You decide your days, your study.

New friends and relationship

Do volunteer work give me a chance to have more friends, catch a relationship and challenge myself with leader position. Maybe this is the best experience I’ve been done.

Going to volunteer trip, compete in contests help me have more close friends. I also recognized that friends at university is not like my old friends. I can’t describe that feeling. Your old friends in high school are always better friends.

New experiences

Living alone, no parents , in the new big city. No old friends. I decide everything myself. Life give you so many choices.

Right or wrong, I’m too young to sure. No parents take responsibility for me now, I have to do it. This is the milestones to decide you will be mature or immature.

Success or failure, this moment is very important to me.

It teaches me love my family more

Stay away from home and family. Stress and intense by studying and work pressure, the only one thing I want to do is coming back home. The meal my mother cooked, or just a simple sentence she scolded me.

When you’re young, you always want your parent do everything for you, for what you want and buy new clothes, smartphone for you. And now, live far from home, I just want my parents are OK, live well and that’s all my happiness.

Thanks for going to university give me opportunity to stay far from home. I respect and love my family more.


University, new environment, independence. You may success, may failed and live worst, it’s up to you. The most important is your patience, your willpower to overcome the difficulty and archive your future.

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Day 23

