Go to 3PM LAB 產品三眼怪實驗室
3PM LAB 產品三眼怪實驗室
來自網路圈的三位產品經理,透過【Medium 文章】與【Podcast】和大家分享各種網路產品經理的 #產品心法 #職場合作 #數據思維 #產業觀察 #職涯學習等等。歡迎追蹤三眼怪加入我們的實驗室,ooohh!👀💡
Note from the editor

「ooohh!」是 Toy Story 中三眼怪的經典台詞之一,他們總是對各種事物好奇並發出讚嘆。Anne、Nana、Yolanda 是來自網路產業的三位 PM ,不同背景的我們在產品開發領域各有涉獵,也秉持如三眼怪的好奇心持續探索產品新知,我們創立此實驗室希望能定期分享實務經驗與產業趨勢,內容將涵蓋產品研究、實驗方法、UX 使用者體驗、產業觀察、團隊協作、跨組織溝通等。歡迎訂閱三眼怪加入我們的實驗室,文章每週末定期更新,別錯過了唷!

Go to the profile of Nana Chiang
Nana Chiang
一個曾經在台灣、新加坡、荷蘭、現在則搬到英國倫敦的台灣產品經理 🇹🇼🇸🇬🇳🇱🇬🇧 希望可以透過一些經驗分享,增加產品經理相關繁體中文內容 🧡 | LinkedIn @ nanachiang
Go to the profile of Anne Hsiao
Anne Hsiao
謝謝大家陪著我在產品的路上成長| 產品三眼怪文章列表 - https://airtable.com/shrxS45CMD7p16Y2I
Go to the profile of Yolanda Chiu
Yolanda Chiu
Business Operations | Growth Strategy | Passion for start-up
Go to the profile of Wanting Chang
Wanting Chang
Go to the profile of Anne Hsiao
Anne Hsiao
謝謝大家陪著我在產品的路上成長| 產品三眼怪文章列表 - https://airtable.com/shrxS45CMD7p16Y2I
Go to the profile of Yolanda Chiu
Yolanda Chiu
Business Operations | Growth Strategy | Passion for start-up
Go to the profile of Jason HOU
Jason HOU
從 Developer 變成 Growth Hacker,然後又變成 Product Manager。 https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-tc-hou/
Go to the profile of Josie Cheng
Josie Cheng
Amazonian / User Growth / from 0 to 1 / Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josiecheng17/
Go to the profile of Peter Su
Peter Su
❏ 策略致勝|產品經理的戰略思維實戰 ❏ 產品經理的策略顧問 Peter SU 從 10+ 年實戰與顧問經驗中提煉戰略思維實戰課 用 3 階段 8 大步驟打造屬於你的產品致勝方案 幫助你從產品思維進化到戰略思維 讓產品成功,職涯向上邁進!
Go to the profile of Aki
文章已全數轉載至 https://akichy.com/
Go to the profile of 你好,我姓艾名許利。
Go to the profile of YuHsuan Chao
YuHsuan Chao
Reads most things online these days but still likes to hoard books. Product & entrepreneur in B2B SaaS.
Go to the profile of Bastiane Huang
Bastiane Huang
Humans, Minds, Machines ✉ bastiane.substack.com - reimagining the future of life
Go to the profile of Steff Yang
Steff Yang
Researcher, Designer, & Technologist; Currently a Product Owner at UNH3O.
Go to the profile of Finn Yeh
Finn Yeh
Product@iKala. Enjoy economics, music and squash ball. fb.me/heyfinn
Go to the profile of Pei-Kang Hsieh
Pei-Kang Hsieh
Product Manager @ FunNow. Passionate about creating products people love. https://www.linkedin.com/in/peikangh/
Go to the profile of CelineChou
🇹🇼 🇨🇳 🇸🇬 Expact / 💡 8+ years in Product / 🐈 🐾 Keep a 6-kilo cat
Go to the profile of 林士生 Shawn
林士生 Shawn
台灣大學物理學系畢業|硬體新創公司 FLUX 共同創辦人|小米科技可穿戴產品經理
Go to the profile of Sammy Long
Go to the profile of 曾仲平|Charles Tseng
Go to the profile of Karen Hsieh
Karen Hsieh
Data📊 Empower 🙌 Product 💜
Go to the profile of Glen Yeh
Glen Yeh
出生台北 🇹🇼,現居舊金山🏳️‍🌈的產品經理。目前於Meta總部擔任資深產品經理。先前於Amazon西雅圖總部擔任資深產品經理、LINE台灣分公司擔任產品經理。平常除了工作外,就是被家中的柴犬欺負🐕 Linkedin: /glen-yeh-19030958/
Go to the profile of Sean Hsu
Sean Hsu
產品經理 — Fintech / 區塊鏈。追尋意義、創造與分享平衡專業與生活的內容。 追蹤與獲得我的專屬內容創作:https://linktr.ee/seanpost
Go to the profile of Mark Liao
Mark Liao
Product Manager & Kellogg MBA | Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yu-wei-liao-561583124/
Go to the profile of TC Wang
TC Wang
Technical Account/Project Manager • INSEAD MBA
Go to the profile of Amor
Product Director @PressPlay 數據產品經理&資深產品經理 招募中 📢 https://www.linkedin.com/in/mengchenlee/
Go to the profile of 徐子涵 ( Helena Hsu )
徐子涵 ( Helena Hsu )
疫情下的畢業生。混跡教育、公關、生醫,繞了一圈才發現自己對於科技和技術有興趣。想往軟體業產品經理邁進,寫文章記錄自己眼神發著光的時刻。LinkedIn: https://reurl.cc/4R13XY