6th Part: Examples of tasks requiring PTW — 6.5 Excavation Work Permit

3 min readOct 14, 2020

Excavation Certificate shall be used for any activity which consists in doing any excavation activity. After 1.2 m excavation planning is required also confined space work permit.

Excavation Certificate Activity requiring PTW

Any man-made cut, cavity, trench

2.Any excavatıon workıng actıvıty shall be require certıfıcate it does not matter any trench depth

3.After how much meter exceeding, we shall be requiring excavation planning ? 1.2 m also confined space must require !!!

Poorly planned excavations can result in damage to underground services, such as electrical lines, water lines The consequence of damaged service lines is often complete shutdown of operations resulting in major business losses.

Excavation Certificate shall be submitted submitted with supporting documentation such as sketches, drawings and method statements and duly authorized before to commence the work. Lets see example this link..

Excavations can result in:

• Head Injuries from materials falling from overhead surfaces.

  • Rupture of high pressure hydraulic lines used on backhoes, shovels, and drills.
  • Excessive noise from concrete breaking and cutting equipment, and collapse of excavation walls and piles due to poorly secured soil, sudden weather changes, or other factors.



My publication will take about 2 hour with reading totally. I have divided my publication into seven parts.

1st Part: Natural Requirement of a Work Permit. I will give a few basic definitions regarding to permit to work system.

2nd Part: Formal Ways Definition

3th Part: When is PTW required ?

4th Part: Permit to Work Family !

5th. Part: Simultaneous Operations (You are here)

6th Part: Examples of tasks requiring PTW (You are here this part)

6.1 Cold Work Permit

6.2 Hot Work Permit

6.3 The Radiography Work Permit

6.4 Confined Spaces Work Permit

6.5 Excavation Work Permit (You are reading here)

6.6 Hazard Energies Isolation Certificate & Lock-Out- Tag-Out (LO-TO)

6.7 Grating/Handrail Removal & Open Hole Certificate for Construction

6.8 Working At Height Work Permit

7 th Part: I give you some facts and figures regarding to practicle example PTW and How we can organize Permit to Work Systems

7.1 Toolbox Talk

7.2 RA/JSA and How to fill Job Safety Analysis

7.3 Essentials Parts of PTW — First Part PTW Document

7.4 How to Monitor PTW System on field ? — First Part PTW Document Location

7.5 Essentials Parts of PTW — Second Part safety precautions

7.6 Essentials Parts of PTW Third part related to the issuing, starting and closure of the document


7.8 Display Permit to Work Papers

7.9 Simple Flowchart Permit To Work Systems

7.10 Management Responsibilities &Site Responsibilities

