Habits of Calm and Happy People

Amanda Johnson
4 min readJun 18, 2018


by Amanda Johnson, Employee Motivation Consultant for ClickHelp.com — professional technical writing tool

Can slight unpleasantness make you mad? For example, you can’t find your keys because you just huck them and forget. And you’re yelling at your dears during searching. It’s not because you have a violent temper, you’re stressed and don’t realize it because yelling at people has become your habit. I want to help you change this situation, that’s why I developed a list of habits that will help you start a new stress-free life.

Eat Healthy Food

Don’t think that food is just a fuel for your body so you can eat everything you want. It doesn’t work this way. Food is a medicine that should make you not only active but healthy.

Junk food and snacks will cause energy spikes and dips, so after eating some sweets you’ll feel burst of energy but soon it’ll fall. As a result, you’ll feel sluggish and irritable until you eat another chocolate bar, and the circle is closed.

Source: https://www.inyourhometherapy.com/our-blog/eat-healthier-happier-gut/you-are-what-you-eat/

In order to eat healthy you need to take control of what you eat and develop a habit of healthy nutrition, which will keep your body happy. Of course, it’s hard to change your eating habits and it doesn’t happen right away. That’s why you need to start with small steps and try to stick to a habit at least for a week or two. It’s not going to be easy, but you will not feel like eating junk food anymore.


When you think about sport, gym is the first that comes to mind. But you don’t need to go to the gym to keep yourself fit. You can do exercises any time: in the morning before work, during your lunch break or in the evening. Let’s make it clear: your willingness and ability to take part in sports is quite enough not to look for excuses anymore. Exercising raises the level of endorphins — the hormone of happiness. Just 20 minutes of exercise a day can help you to refocus, relieve stress, depression and anxiety.

Declutter Your Space

Messy surroundings annoy and stress you physically and emotionally. Clear your home and workspace, get rid of unnecessary stuff, be a minimalist. It’s also uneffective to do the cleaning in a regular manner because the space will clutter again. Instead you might want to try a method of Marie Kondo. Marie “KonMari” Kondo is a Japanese organizing consultant. Her method conveys some unconventional rules that you can find here.

Clear space will help you not only to stay stress-free but find necessary things like keys so you will not yell at your dears anymore ;)


In order to lower the stress level, take time out. First of all, keep your work life separate from your home life, and don’t complete your current tasks when your office hours are over. It’ll lead not only to stress and health problems, but to death. Read about Karōshi (“overwork death” in Japanese).

In order to prevent exhaustion and burnout you need to learn to meditate. Meditation allows you to clear your mind, balance the emotions, calm nerves and even boost the immune system. If you’re always stuck thinking about past or worrying about future, meditation can help you to clear your mind.

Delete Your Social Media Accounts

Nowadays it’s hard to keep away from social media but it’s really worth it. Social media such as Instagram or Facebook is full of photos of success. It’s a custom that we don’t share our problems. That’s why we always compare ourselves to successful people and their achievements. But it only leads to stress and anxiety. Instead of watching someone’s life, take control of your own. If you think that without social media you’ll be bored, maybe, it’s a sign that you should change something. Later it will play a cruel trick on you, and you can feel some kind of discomfort, demotivation, and oppression. When you break free from the influence of social media, your brain will clear from the overload of unnecessary information. So you can use it for your own profit and invest that time in yourself by reading books or communicating with smart people.

Learn to do nothing

Nowadays when we do nothing we tend to feel guilty. We always want to stay productive even during our spare time. Forget about it and just waste the time. It can be watching a stupid TV show, walking, dancing, listening to your favourite track for the hundredth time. You should keep in mind that you live not for work but for live itself.

So this is my list of habits that will help you to become happier and calmer. But don’t think that you’ll see results in one day. Changing habits and fixed pace of life is a hard process but stay strong and chose to live a better life.

What habits help you be happy and stay calm?

