Shawn Cullen
168 min readNov 5, 2019

YOU FOOLS, YOU ATTACKED A MAN WHO IS ONE OF THE REAL ONES CHOSEN OF GOD, AND YOU TARGETED A AUTHOR WHO HAS ONE OF THE MOST UNDERSTANDING MINDS OF ANY ONE EVER ON THE EARTH. NOT GOOD !!! NOT GOOD !!! I knew there are system persons and society persons that are stupid, but I did not think they were that violently stupid, madly ignorant, enemies to the Pellucidity of everything Shawn Cullen reveals !!!





YES EVERY BODY !!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS IS THE MOST PARAMOUNT NEWS ON EARTH — Alberta State and others attacked Scientist Shawn Cullen to attempt to cloak and conceal. ALBERTA IS EXPOSED !!!

**First know; A greatest matter I must record is** that of dis-information and mis-information of persons running systems, a matter which is that of persons managing information guilty of robbing people of their story rights, a matter of persons managing information, by that guilty of robbing people of their stable power to choose a non-secondary security, security founded a way founded in hope of life, a matter of persons managing information that are guilty of robbing people of; their power to choose to and their will to, not head to what is unbearable, a matter of persons managing information, guilty of robbing people of their story right to not be trapped. Causing effects to your story rights and robbing you of your story rights is not the same. By nature people face and pass through troubles, tribulations, and trials, yet it is not that matter I expose here. No, it is not affordable sacrificing that we face. No, it is not that we are enduring being misdesigned, surviving effects, enduring to pass into being savable, serviceable. No, what matter we face is not that !

**Therefore what is it that we face?** What we face is that we are being robbed of story rights in ways which are unaffordable, robbed of the right to choose to not be trapped and right to not let your story be designed into a unaffordable fail. There you have the special key for opening your eyes to what that great dis-information and mis-information matter is. It is a matter of identity theft, a matter of forcing people to be of fragmentation if they are on the threshold of carrying on to be real, on the threshold of, beginning-growth points, elementarily arrived at knowledge pathways for who they need to become.** Here you see the leading foundation point of law, the law or legal crux point of my unprecedented paramount report** which weighs in on and is with respect to, civil rights inside of constitutions with respect to criminal codes and all world-wide securities !!! Now you see what I am founded on, and why I have been fighting and working for years to be heard !!! — I am the author of unprecedented insights Shawn Gordon Cullen — 2020–2021

**Photo introduction page**

**Here-are-the-unprecedented-paramount-insights-of-scientist-shawn-cullen-Proof-of-scandal-Proof-shawns-subsection-6-rights-were-sabotaged-and-falsely-maliciously-prosecuted-falsely-branded-labeled-betrayed-persecuted **

**The first part is a introduction on disinformation and misinformation = THE REST IS ON SHAWN G. CULLEN PERFECTLY ADDRESSING JUDGE AND FORCED PROCEEDING = FURTHER PARAMOUNT PROOF !!! 2020**

Scroll down to see part 7, latest threat at my life !!!

**Paramount Creative Intro to Conspiracy and Scandal** to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — Black Eyes — 2020 -New Year —

**Part 1 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal** to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my life, knowledge and free speech — **Black Eyes and Earliest Bail Scandal Proof** -2020 -New Year —

**Part 2 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal **to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — **Paramount Oct 22nd 2015 Proof of Systematic Conspiracy to falsely brand and label** -2020 -New Year —

**Part 3 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal** to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — **Remand Suicide Aura, Medical Crimes, Bathroom, telephone, (terrorism)** 2020 -New Year —

**Part 4 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal — First time I got bail was Homeless and Hunted**

**Part 5 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal = after getting free from forced phony trial, abducted to ‘attempt’ to stop campaign.**

**Part 6 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal = Shawn speaks to lawyer, lies, false labeling, false brand, Detective Perjury, Powerfull Proofs points said in court, **

**Paramount Audio Proof of Ontario Child Advocate office Conspiracy, fitting with Part 6 of Conspiracy and Scandal**

**LATEST THREAT AT MY LIFE = Part 7 of Conspiracy and Scandal **to false brand and lable to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — 2020 New Year

Right here Shawn gives **perfect proofs which prove persons running systems are attracted to youth and that they legalized youth porn in Alberta and Canada.** How can any see this proof and call Shawn a liar or act as if he is a liar, if they their self are not a cursed liar or totally mad ???

**Added pdf proof **

**Here is paramount proof by Shawn’s own lawyer;**

**Man who works for CBC who said Shawn Cullen is the one with the answers to change the world**, on sick leave …


**MESSAGE TO SATANISTS AND TO SHAWN’S ADVERSARIES** Shawn speaks to scriptures, false belief in Aliens, speaks of supernatural signs. Shawn says;

**Shawn Cullen EXPOSES FALSE Christianity** in Alberta;

Shawn reveals a sense of humor and exposes mad psychiatric corruption by psychiatric persons protecting a market of material and state involved family nudism

**City supporters of Shawn Cullen respond to the exposed scandal;**

**Shawn boldly tells the police what the reality is;**

I am loving but I will not be mocked! Violently and illegally stupid people turn and coddle into cognitive dissonance and daintily back-pedal into personal incredulity, which is a unseeming nature that invites any or every air of evil that wants to block or act as a stumbling block to the truths I have raised and resurrected for international and public security.

**In a one minute rhyme** Shawn re-writes the constitution as he gives a long forgotten but resurrected rule of law.

Here is a key public interest report and victim statement by Shawn, which reports that Edmonton Remand **guards admitted their facility is run by** a number of murderers that are sexual child predators, (run by these persons in the name of corrections Canada). Shawn says this is not a theory but is a great matter that must not be kept a secret.

The twitter world needs to wake up ;

Another SONG by Scientist Shawn Cullen of Edmonton

Another SONG by Scientist Shawn Cullen of Edmonton


Two hackers were caught at work with respect to this link;

I am loving but I will not be mocked! Violently and illegally stupid people turn and coddle into cognitive dissonance and daintily back-pedal into personal incredulity, which is a unseeming nature that invites any or every air of evil that wants to block or act as a stumbling block to the truths I have raised and resurrected for international and public security.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -


Have you wanted to know the real nature of politicians and people you see and hear on television ?


IN THIS PARAMOUNT PUBLIC REPORT IS THE PROOF Alberta State and others attacked Scientist Shawn Cullen to try to cloak and conceal their secret of decades of State involved Family Nudism and a market of youth material which truthfully Shawn Cullen has now EXPOSED thanks to his unprecedented insights, enduring spirit and his unprecedented civilian detective work!!! 2019–2020 — IN THIS SUMMIT REPORT IS THE PROOF Ontario Child Advocate’s Office conspired to head to Edmonton to act out criminal perjury, to feed malicious prosecuting, to attempt to falsely brand and label Shawn Cullen’s years of unprecedented online public investigating and reporting, into systems, online civilian detective work for the public good according to a never before used coded section of the law called Sub-Section 6. By this we know, that Office cannot be trusted, and we know this is A TITANIC SCANDAL that is reason for Albertans and Canadians and others to neither trust Alberta nor Ottawa. You will be eye-witnesses of part (9) in which I scientist Shawn Cullen perfectly reveal and expose why we know Family nudism is legalized adult and youth pornography for youth and children, and why we know it is legalized youth pornography for older people.


How could they deceive people for so many years. The subject of youth is the subject you absolutely must not lie about otherwise that equates into instant mind control and brainwashing. Remember the rhyming principle; by nature there is a truth which faces menacing intrusions by strongest illusions!!!

Here is my rule of law which is a cornerstone of my paramount public story and my summit report;

Shutting out knowledge of what you are, shows you are (most unidentifying) that which you accuse others of. By that we know they that act that way are most evil of all. They are not good; that conceal that they tell their self they would if they could yet that they fear their hood so they choose what hypocrites say they should, by that, letting real truthfull and honest people be misunderstood !!! — As I have written; by denying the sine qua non truth, others face menacing intrusions by strongest illusions !!! That is what their mind and conscience face!!! You see why the story in Luke 18:11 warned of people being cursed. -This social point I raise here is of world-wide national and societal public interest.


I have not any attraction to what I exposed therefore by system persons that I exposed illegally putting their mark on me, that is like saying a vegetarian allergic to meat is a meat-eater. In my ten years of online investigating I have seen it all, and what I have known for years and what I know right now, is I am the God gifted world leading authority on lust. I have a number of insights on lust which shake the foundations of all constitutions and expose false criminal codes, and I am the author of a number insights which are most precious, yes of other powerfull precious insights on lust which thus far I have not made public !!! Five years ago I tried warning I am the one with the answers yet rather than be wise you chose lies, chose to capitalize, illegitimate enterprise, chose false rabbis, chose to emphasize that you apologize, idolize that you criminalize, chose sociopaths to psychoanalyze to attempt to tranquilize and paralyze the one with black eyes, hidden away with manacle ties to traumatize the one you said you will cut down to size, you chose to propagandize not prioritize, to scandalize, chose that which misidentifies, chose to mischaracterize and conspire my demise, the one who tried to show a old woman’s cries to you guys. And here I am the one made wise by the one who said He shall rise, here I am the one who helps others realize, the one you cannot hypnotize with your lies, nor by false media and their pulitzer prize, I am the one with God-given eagle eyes who you fear will revolutionize !!!

Politicians seen on cpac are tenuously Christian, not seriously connected to the actual Christian pathways. They are rather designed into Christianity’s misbegotten happy while a reality bearing citizen is forgotten, politicians that are acting on Christian Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. God exists, created and ordered the world and watches over human life on earth. God wants people act good, nice, and fair with a central goal to feel fortunate and lucky about oneself. God saves us but we are to use our talking points to ride a course with him. Politicians (seen) on tv and they that vote for us head to heaven if any of us die. That vain nature is catered to party practical, majority and entertainment-driven people, possessing stage advantage that ‘changes’ channels even if you head to their channel. The cross they must bear is always a series of u-turns, uturning into positivity that denies what another like myself has revealed and exposed. That is why you see that fake christianity as they say, Mr. Speaker I would just like to thank my colleage or It is a wonderful works day. Their national anthem is; Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-A. My oh my, what a wonderful day. Plenty of sunshine heading my way. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-A. Mister bluebird on my shoulder. The bible teaches that even people in cemeteries bear needing to be avenged. Revelations 6:10

Before you curse your self or trouble your self by fighting a chosen one, you might want to first see what I say on Jesus; — And see part (40)


Hypocrites act as evil authors in their thoughts at me because I teach I set the records straight on youth and children. Behold; They act as if I made them feel strange, rather than seeing they are strange for feeling strange at my exposing what is strangest which strangely appears related to every person and to every person that act as if I am strange for being truthfull rather than being strange !!! And then they carry on acting estranged, deranged, and I am left by my self, unloved for being one of the few who are truthfully honest, just and good !!! SGC Behold every word


They anti-lawfully threw me down the Devils’ throat and they spent years attempting to unlawfully hide me away to torture and to try to secretly murder me or induce me to kill my self to get away from extreme abuse that breached the united nations charter agreement against torture and other cruelly inhuman and belittling acts, the officially signed and internationally declared ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution entered into force in accordance with article 27 (1).-Nobody in power or in authority get to do what was done to me !!! Now all is publicly exposed !!!

I am not saying all running Canada are as guilty as hell. People can suffer effects and affects of being confused by too much information, disinformation and misinformation. What I am saying is that now that my report is public people are now without excuses. Behold; I was; abducted three times by cops that are violent sexual deviants, I was illegally remanded, lost my home of ten years and things which were precious and irreplacable, my information records and health records were illegally tampered with, altered, deleted, and records were falsified. I was systematically criminally extorted, entrapped, illegally falsely labeled, systematically threatened and abused day and night, poisoned, mocked, tortured, suffered extreme indignity, was criminally assaulted a number of times, system-gang stalked, forced to be homeless, I was forced to search for food inside store garbage bins, I was hunted by cops that rape and traffic children, I lost significant body weight, muscle mass, I was stalked by satanists, had my faith in Christ mocked, I was canabalisticly and ravenously insulted by satanists, deviously and hypocritically lied about, betrayed, abandoned, deserted, unlawfully falsely branded, I encountered wicked counterfeit Christians, and I had to endure pervertedly obtuse and perfunctory attitudes and perpetual arrogance of adversaries, and absurdly stupid smiles of televised political people — all to get this paramount report public, and so I will not be ignored further !

Lawyer at Hardwicke chambers in London Barbara Hewson admitted, messaged; ‘What we have here is (devilish) manipulation of the criminal justice system to produce scapegoats on demand’. Yes that, is what I Shawn Cullen of Edmonton exposed with respect to Alberta and Canada.

I Shawn Cullen warn that I am is a witness and have evidence that there are prosecutors and persons running legal aid Alberta that are feeding and feeding from corruption in Alberta and that were covering up what I Christian Shawn have now exposed for every Edmonton citizen and the world to know and behold. I am warning that if legal aid interferes with my need to appeal then every Edmonton citizen, Albertan, Christian and Canadian need to know that is further proof legal aid Alberta in Edmonton is nakedly acting to attempt to obstruct justice and to contort to conceal what I Shawn Gordon Cullen has definitely definitely definitely exposed !!! And really Canada’s Governor General ought to prove her integrity and show honour by fully lifting every court affect put on me, without my needing to file a appeal.



Here is further proof of the publicly exposed conspiracy to illegally falsely brand and label a man who is in reality the summit world leading author on human nature and the world’s unprecedented internet investigator and reporter. Hear this;

In the recording you hear the lawyer say three things which prove I faced a illegal and phony trial and was falsely labelled. In the audio you hear the lawyer suggest I accept that it is a scandal !!!

I was so abuse to such degrees that when I got free I was barely able to record myself in this recording. Any way you can hear how exhausted and trampled on I sound. I did this recording for people to hear the damage I bear and to get a few facts. I felt like damaged goods while I did this recording. Hear my witness statement proof of what system persons acted out to conspire to falsely label and hide me away for dead.

Nobody in power or in authority get to do what was done to me !!!



“These people on tv talking about other subjects are obviously mad. That Emperor still thinks he is a wise Emperor and not a lofty lewd man I have exposed he is. Like fools, politicians proudly talk about other issues in their fiscal plans. By their smile they want to rile as they defile in denial and for a while their hope is some alien reptile til they head to nether for saying I am not worth while, like Jimmy Savile they revile any who is not of guile as they reconcile not my falsified file by that forced phony trial. Are they not wonderfully made? Yes that is why they are, heading to hell !!! They are wonderfully designed, yet God only saves they who are fearfully and wonderfully made. The fearfully part, of psalm 139 and Matt.7:22, is what they that are rich and powerfull missed, and they that are of false faith missed. That great politician seen on tv see their self as loved as design, by what they are, by what, not who. Behold; they are loved by many attending, yet are not according to just ascending. Of every truth hater I face their every word and act is condescendng disgrace. They that are rich and possess rich attention, think their evil is passing, that a fire is there as a light to enjoy and warm, yet they (deny the one), calling for their flames to be put out. They are believing their own lies, seeing highs, yet not mindfull of judging the whys they are seeing highs !!!

Are you heading to hell for lying?

Hamish Marshal talks about debates as campaign manager for conservatives. Jeremy Broadhurst talks about debates as campaigner for liberals. Michael Balagus talks likewise. Obviously they are tamed for hypocrisy, domesticated hypocrites of hell, if they think they can ignore this report !!!

They that normalize lying, normalize beguiling, normalize soul tying, normalize not trying, normalize not replying, normalize spying, normalize causing crying, normalize dying, normalize not identifying, normalize falsifying, normalize denying;



Shutting out knowledge of what you are, shows you are (of most unidentifying) variety of that which you accuse others of. By that we know that they that act that way are most evil of all. They are not good; that conceal that they tell their self they would if they could yet that they fear their hood so they choose what hypocrites say they should, by that, letting real truthfull and honest people be misunderstood !!! By denying the sine qua non truth, others face menacing intrusions by strongest illusions !!! A Paramount Legal Point of international and societal public interest that I call anti
sine qua non truth affect, or anti sine qua non truth effect if any are facing that anti matter.

And they that do not address, profess, yet they suppress, repress, obsess, do not confess, transgress by acting as if honest people are less, They do not really bless, and with false press they design care-less laws without due process, and they call that success, yes they possess and false witness, and this is not a guess. They says they are righteous more or less, their life is not a mess, and to eternal life they say they have access, and yet yes yes all liars are heading to hellfire nevertheless !!!




“My exhibit on Helios family nudism by Edmonton and Tofield evidenced and evidences that policy makers and policing persons believe in nakedness (at) and (of) all ages. That weighed in on my reporting of wide open material not blocked and not addressed for months and years. (((They are willing to let family nudists uncover children’s bodies to the eyes of strangers.))) This was said in QB court room 412 2019. Canadians and people world-wide need to know I Shawn said this in court!

Strangely shockingly, unjustly and unconstitutionally that Edmonton trial Judge named “Jerke” did not answer to that !!!

That corrupt prosecutor named my great final report which was the title to my 2009 earliest report sent to federal system persons and to sociopath politician Brian Mason. Not any in court spoke of the nature of the earliest report which was and is, proof there is a great matter of incest, which weighs in on my later public report exhibit on Alberta’s Helios.

What the Hell did you think you were doing James Rowan. Are you totally mad ???

A FURTHER PARAMOUNT POINT EVERY ALBERTAN AND ALL NEED TO KNOW, WHAT YOU DEFINITELY NEED TO KNOW Youth nudism photos and videos are legal in every city, every state and every county inside the United States, protected by the First Amendment and are not subject to local obscenity laws or ordinances. The depiction of adults and children nude in the visual media has enjoyed constitutional protection in the United States since 1958, when the Supreme Court vacated a Court of Appeals finding that Sunshine and Health magazine could be obscene (Sunshine Book Co. v. Summerfield, Postmaster General, 355 U.S. 372). The right to depict adults and children in nude poses has been upheld without a pause for 60+ years. In case after case, the Supreme Court and lower courts have always upheld the constitutionality of nudity of youth, specifically referring to the nudist depiction as a fully constitutional form of expression, websites widely visited in all of Asia, Europe, South America, (((Canada))), Australia and Africa.

Family nudism is legalized adult and youth pornography for youth and children, and it is legalized youth pornography for older people. How do we know? First you need to understand that the reason any are ignorant is that they are being fed disinformation and misinformation that has caused them to not be truthfull or sound in ways everyone need. We know family nudism is legalized pornography because what that nudism is saying is that it is only pornography if youth detect a chemical change in naked older people, as is detected viewing online porn, and therefore, people that need information need to know that as eye specialists know, every eye organ is a messenger and superior camera sleightest motion detector, and faster than you can utter a word a eye message or body motion can trigger hypothalamus sex hormone, faster than a second. Therefore we know eyes and sleightest physical motions can at that speed turn a naked person into a porn person that youth detect. At any turn without even trying, attraction can fire up like crazy in ways drug addiction fires up. All that can act as a false reward system for ways people think. Every person possesses conscious and subconscious vision that can. By this we know, by nature eyes and sleightest physical motions turn family nudism into a pornography haven for youth, and into a youth and child pornography haven for older people. This reasoning knowledge exposes that by family nudism people possess great power to act out public pornography and not be caught. And by the way, contrary to what people are told testosterone increases libido in women and pretty much every person. By this on the eye, we know family nudists are lying, and by this unprecedented knowledge I have given I warn that if systems persons are not totally mad and cursed they will see the need to reopen the constitution. This is the revealed truth with respect to Alberta family nudism and all family nudism, and this is not a time for personal incredulity !!!

Canada’s Federation of Canadian Naturists is reported to have 35,000 members that are about Quebec. And 15 minutes from downtown Vancouver is family nudists at Wreck Beach which by family nudism takes in over $60 million in tourist revenue annually, and takes in 12000 to 14,000 visitors daily. In that link a Mother talks about letting her naked children exercise their own critical thinking. And in Toronto is Bare Oaks that has a children’s playground where adults can watch nude children reposition their selves to human eyes. In Alberta is Helios family nudism by Edmonton that in 2018 was telling the Star Edmonton that it is pondering how to call more youth to be naked there where a street sign is marked Hooters Blvd. Helios admits priests head out there, some government officials, nurses and people that appear common. Its Helios board voted to hand out pamphlets to Edmonton’s gay citizens. They say they don’t put up with people acting strange yet Helios that likewise has a playground possesses home surveillance advantage, and in my 2015 report I recorded that the most educated respected people were later exposed as repressing interest in material and youth. And there is a concept called believing your own lies and what is the illusory truth effect, ,which fits with that anti sine qua non truth affect matter, point # 8 I have written of. It is most extremely entirely unfair that while I am the proven author I am that all this appears knowing I have had all my Canadian Charter Rights and free speech systematically targeted, trampled and tyrannically, left as vulnerable as supporters of mine know. This is 100% totally not acceptable !!!










Not a surprise to any who know the fact that two decades ago Canadian Civil Liberties Association Lawyer Allan Borovoy with members arrived in Alberta Edmonton on September 1999 to urge ccla Board Director and MP Anne McLellan to loosen Canada’s laws on youth porn.




Natural born leading Social Scientist Shawn Cullen knew people were lying on the subject of youth and children and he refused to quit til he got the real needed answers. He now has revealed and exposed the paramount answers for the world !!! He would of given the answers to people on his email list quicker but after he was ignored at every turn, he was busy being systematically hostaged and tortured like a prisoner of war. You might see how that would affect one’s calendar !

Things are becoming super clear that Mr. Shawn was never in any way a common man, and clear he has the needed keys to international security and international public safety.

Man who works for CBC said Shawn Cullen is the one with the answers to change the world, CTV IS NOW INFORMED Likewise Global was informed.

If media bury their heads in sand like Ostriches then we know without any doubt that Alberta’s media must not be trusted and are covering up activities with respect to youth and fraudulently profiting from dull or slow minded Edmontonians and Albertans, using fake news. I expect media to prove their integrity, and I will be patient .




I Scientist Shawn Cullen sent examples of material he believed political people and policing people were playing in. I warned for years and then acted on a section of the law called sub-section 6 which gave my the right to send and make public proof. I sent evidence to persons running things. After letting me for years, a few Ontario liars designed a way to falsely arrest, threaten and torture me day and night for years, and they forced me to face a brutally phony trial. They falsely branded. Now I have proven all my rights were and are breached, a TITANIC scandal. And I (WAS) to my email list warning saying I am able to prove the nature of people. I said therefore be patient!!! Remember?!



Yes by nature there are youth which do design as older people, and saying this is not the full truth of our world is the greatest lie ever perpetrated on the earth. -And by that there is loss of definition, (city by city policy witch hunting), (a person to person hypocrite element), (loss of truthful media), (loss of really mature governors and citizens), (a identity effect to a number of youth), (a world-wide delusional threat to children that designs, rapes, and murders), and world wide tyranny !!! That will carry on causing effects and affects to all world designs, political designs, administration designs, economic designs and health designs! And since it is a great matter of propaganda mind wiring and brain-washing we must be carefull which words we magnify and how much !!! A key instruction !!!

I Shawn Cullen of Edmonton Alta Canada have PROVEN that criminal codes and constitutions of all nations were and are misdesigned.



What is now proven, is that without any doubt (I Shawn Cullen investigated for years), (reported for years), (questioned for years) [reasons to say there are hypocrites running Alberta systems and systems outside Alberta that were for years and are now playing in material of youth while using criminal code laws to accuse and maliciously unjustly unconstitutionally nakedly prosecute citizens!

What is now proven is that without any doubt great numbers of persons were wickedly and abusively displacing and speechless at my public reporting which was lawfull reporting for public interest according to sub-section 6. And what is now known years later is that persons let a anti-lawfull phony trial be forced on me to act as they had all under control, and YET a investigation has exposed that while I Shawn Cullen was facing that 2019 unlawfull anti-constitution trial, nnclub (totally known by authorities) and persons running Alberta systems, was fastly totally accessible to all and is not blocked, and inviting people of all ages. Months later in December heading towards 2020 that site inviting Canadians is still fastly accessible to all and inviting people of all ages, (as that was during and months after that false trial was forced on me). — This exposed proven matter is proof that there is material that needs to be decriminalized for national security, public safety and constitutional realness, otherwise system persons and society persons carry on running a secret market while others are fed propaganda!!! What system persons? — (Political, Judicial, prosecutorial, policing, correctional, psychiatric, legal aid, health, societal).

By his unprecedented sub-section 6 online work this is visibly seeably in deed one of the greatest exposed scandals ever in the history of the world.



From the paramount brave first in history civilian detective work and unprecedented insights of Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen, we now know without any doubt that persons running systems in Alberta and Canada are interested in youth and interested in material of youth. This calls for a nation-wide emergency debate by parliament and the public. Nations now have a duty to all Shawn has revealed and brought to light. Every person need to beat their cognitive dissonance into subjection otherwise they are serving Satanic forces.



I Shawn should not have to bear and endure watching people using national television air time to act as if they might be smarter than me. Please, get serious. From Edmonton and from a glass I cannot throw wine or water at your face to wake you up. You better get in your think-tanks and find ways to get on the same page as me the World leading Social Scientist. Are you thinking I am proud or aggrandizing? We can talk about that when you show the good faith and justice of responding to my report here. And you better start talking to the Governor General because it is a greatest criminal matter to be forcing a citizen as I am to bear and endure any proven anti-lawfull nonsensically false brand and proven totally illegally fiction label.

Addedly every head running Canada’s and Alberta’s judicial systems and civil rights need to make certain, must make certain, my rights are fully restored and left alone !!!

Do not listen to any language, terms and talk about policies, that act out willfull blindness and contradict what I Shawn Cullen revealed and exposed. Honesty is the best policy !!! I Shawn Cullen of Edmonton am the very first man in history to PROVE persons running systems in Alberta and others were and are playing in material they tell the public not to head to.



(Within this report), I Shawn give Albertans and our entire world (every proof needed to know that persons running systems in Alberta were always) attracted to youth and are caught playing in material they use criminal code laws to condemn others for. This is not a conspiracy theory. Inside this summit report I have given the proof and further in this report I give further proof.

This visibly seeably is the most paramount public interest report and true story right now in the world!

The true story of Christian Shawn Cullen — rocks the provinces and rocks the world !!!



Inside this unprecedented summit report which is of international interest I have proven that what honest people were and are facing is a great great great matter of hypocrites.

Remember when you were on my email list before 2015 before I was abducted and systematically hostaged and tortured for 3 years, yes remember I reminded you that Alberta MP Rob Anders said on cpac; “I have seen things happen on a federal level. Canadian MP‟s were are offered young females. I’ve seen a lot with my own eyes. I think the matter is far worse than Richard Fadden has let on” — You should not of let that corrupt Ontario man and Alberta system persons attack me. I was able to judge the nature of all citizens and so I am able to make any mob spend their time looking in the mirror. You should have trusted me. Do you have any idea what sociopaths and narcissists did to me behind closed doors. It is great that in political pretend-land Trudeau and Scheer think they are wiser than me. Smarter but not wiser, and too smart for their own good.

You have seen online this link by google Protecting children from sexual abuse — Child sexual abuse imagery is illegal. — At Google we work with child protection experts to find, remove and report this material because we never want it to appear anywhere on our products, including our search results. To report child sexual abuse content or to find help for a child in Canada, please contact the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. [Now keep in mind this is the same google that for years has been accused of promoting youth pornography, yet look at that language they are trying to fool you with.] promoting and profiting from child pornography. Bing says they introduced a Child Porn Warning but Google Rejected it. Bing and Microsoft are far bigger hypocrites for trying to cover up youth porn than google is for promoting material. Verily I Shawn Cullen am the world leading authority on the subjects and so without any trouble I am able to prove Bing and others are full of it. Persons running Edublog scandalously erased audio recordings I had and my friend witnessed a link that evidence Edublog distributing child porn. I witnessed evidence of persons running facebook messing with my old account. After years of investigating I know from investigating, that facebook lets people use their link to distribute material. Twitter also does but that does not mean twitter is guilty of any thing. As the proven world leading authority on the subjects I am able to say there are definate sound reasons for letting people, and I have not found twitter obstructing my online reporting like a couple of social media platform fools are guilty of !!!

Canadian Minister of Public Safety Ralph Goodale deceived Albertans and Canadians by saying; “This is a horrendous crime”. A chosen photo of Ralph to fit with that term horrendous shows Ralph grinning with a strange countenance. And writer Libby Giesbrecht deceived by quoting Goodale using that term published August 8 2019. Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer’s announced in May 2019, that his promise is to impose mandatory minimum sentences of five years for any individual found guilty of child abuse, yet Scheer and Ralph were on my email list before 2015 when I was emailing to expose that system persons are playing in material under guise of policy making and under guise of investigating while condemning citizens. Addedly I reminded Scheer and Ralph that in 2003 Police Director and Quebecer Daniel Langlas gave news of electronic surveillance evidence implicating Canadian politicians in youth prostitution. And with respect to Canada’s airport security policy I reminded of November 24th 2010 when Canadian writer Joe Warmington tellingly stated; “It’ll be interesting to see the latest bureaucratic spin artist trying to defend the groping of young girls in the name of national security”.



I also found and emailed the largest dossier in world history evidencing that persons running systems in Canada were and are playing in and are in on distributing material of youth while using laws to brand and label the poor and citizens. Yes from my years of investigating I found a dossier of nearly 2000 sexibl sub-addresses. I was detected by trackers and in under a minute hundreds were fastly deleted but I managed to copy and record 1300. I sent my proof to political people I was emailing. I publicized that sexilb member VickyLove of (a sub-address) wrote a Dec.17th, 2013 12:34:58 comment on an anonnews forum, stating that Frank of sexilb regularly met with Canadian Law Enforcement Officials, and yet in my investigation I witnessed day by day, day and night for months hundreds of sexilb sub-addresses to material of youth, from sexilb links that were totally easy to find and not blocked. Here are a number of proofs; The simplicity of search terms and messages seen written inside of the sub-addresses here prove that if any were spreading youth porn- it was, is, system persons, and not I who was (forced) to report and raise the data to fight for Canadians against systematic and societal hypocrisy. — Behold :

You are right now looking at, witnessing, PROOF http://girlsgirlsgirls' http://upskirt.sexibl http://lillyfee/? http://lilsoft/ http://loli/? http://loveg/? http://luvcp/? http://small/ As any can see, material was of youth and wide open, just as I was reporting before eps persons illegally interfered.



May 11 2012 MP Easter warned of risk of governors using a bill to get cp porn for their selves. parliamentary-work/speech-in-the-house-on-bill-c-30/ ICE Chief Anthony V. Mangione was caught with material of youth after he declared;“We will continue utilizing our unique immigration authorities to identify and arrest those who are a threat to our communities. We will continue to use all law enforcement tools including advanced computer forensics to investigate these types of crimes.”There you can see what language hypocrites are using !!!



Near the last pages of this report you shall see a cornerstone proof that I have caught the proof proving systems persons running Alberta were and are playing in a market of material of youth while heading at citizens with propaganda of false brands/labels using disinformation and misinformation !



There is much talk about Trump yet if politicians were not hypocrites heading to hell they would be talking on what I say, what I have written. Did you know that Donald Trump’s campaign manager, campaign-chair-just-charged-child-sex-trafficking/

Did you know that PM David Cameron’s special child porn Advisor Peter Rock was found with material, and by hypocrites Jeffery Jones who starred in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and BeetleJuice?

Did you know that the chairman of the Northeastern Catholic District School Board was charged by Ontario Provincial Police Digital Forensics Unit and Child Sexual Exploitation Unit. Hypocrites run that OPP and as you shall see I have caught Toronto cops in a great exposed scandal of conspiring with corrupt eps cops to attempt to target, facilitate and consign to a grave my identity and reporting.

Did you know that veteran weatherman meteorologist Mike Davis was accused and that Alberta’s College of Physicians and Surgeons spokes-person Kelly Eby in 2013 messaged that while he was being investigated for possessing youth porn Dr Michael Graff, “is still allowed to practice” — If they let health people mess with my personal and private data, are they not organized criminals that were lying to Albertans about youth, hypocrites heading to hell.



Perhaps you are beginning to see and understand I am the one giving you the real media for Canada and world-wide. Any that will not give attention to my public report and podcasts, are, fake news!!!



For years I faced, wrestled with, and passed through, the digestive system of a hydra of organized crime and systematic abuse and now I am the first man ever in the world to reveal and prove the way to know which persons lust at children.

Shawn says few people do not !!! — People are lusting- ‘THAT’ IS THE WAY TO KNOW !!!

There are holy people who are not lusters, and there are the confused and confusers. Confusers are guilty. If any are the confused, they will with joy agree with the answers, the insights Shawn has given, which he reveals ; lust


Lust is possessing, not gentleness. Lust devours. {Lusting is acting as if a little part of you is every thing in your mind, acting as if that is your designed authority, acting as if end by end that is your designed authority, acting as if what you are is little parts to possess}, that you want corrupt authority, that you want abuse of authority, acting little, acting belittling. By that nature we know that they that are lusting (lust at a inner child, corrupt a inner child)-that they are designing by their reserve mind which Freud chose to call the subconscious mind.

By that we know that lusting heads to corrupt children, lusting heads to abuse children. They that are lusting might not of corrupted a child outside their self or abused a child outside their self, yet they that are lusting act act little, act as if what is little is wanting to be at a belittler, abuser, danger.

I told this insight to my Spanish Christian friend Marita who with joy said the insight makes perfect sense. I was imparting the insight to her inside the city center food court. Marita told me she is amazed by my teaching and she said she will be teaching the Godly insight to her friends and children. — Bless you and your children Marita my Godly Christian Spanish friend …

The last time I got free of Edmonton’s corrupt and illegally designed remand in 2019 the cab driver on the way home from the Remand, Saheed Rahmanulla said everyone in Canada and in the World need to hear my insight on lusting. Saheed said his name means proper, perfect. — How fitting !

The knowledge there which I author is a key insight which reveals and which exposes that every person in the world that is lusting, by nature are persons that lust at children, by their eye or act. What way, what time, by nature varies. Which people do not? They who have a God-honouring right relationship with another are not that way. A right relationship is not that in which persons are lusting, acting little and belittling by their reserve mind. They do not see one another in ways which are ‘acting’ little and belittling.

Here is another way of giving reproof on the insight; Shawn says, addedly know, that lusting is to pervert your self, perverting everything you say you guard and hold in your heart. (like flooding)

And Shawn says; lust is strength to be possessing, devouring what is not of strength or what is not of that strength. Lust heads to hunt. Men that lust at a inner child they are designing, will end up lusting at men. Women that lust at a inner child by subconscious designing, will end up lusting at women. That is that nature that heads to hunt.

Now we understand, that people that are accusing others, are their selves persons that lust at children or corrupt children, and abuse children. Jesus warned saying; you that judge condemn your self because God is able to prove you act out, thought of, suppress, repress, what you accuse others of !!! God is able to prove you lusted at your inner child !!! Sigmund Freud was not able to arrive to understand this but he might now be rolling in his grave !!!

I Shawn Cullen verily have (other ways) of in deed (re)proving my revelation on lusting, but I am keeping my other summit insights hidden for the time being, therefore I hope all understand that there is zero possibility of any person proving what I say is false or any way amiss !!!



You see the truth of who I am by this current post. There was what you might call systematic identity theft, a conspiracy to attempt to get away with absurdly unlawfully falsely nonsensically labeling me. Within this public record, you have the proof my words are not rambling. You see my words are not disjointed. You see I do not ‘suffer’; delusions. I am not schizophrenic, not in denial, not a narcissist, not preoccupied with tin foil. (hats) — And behold my key podcasts .

Presentation is everything because system persons are out to label and out to act as Cain that killed Abel. System persons will call a man performing a tracheotomy, a cut-throat. This a time of smoke and mirrors ! Stand and do not let any toss and throw you off of the propaganda antidote in the knowledge I have given.



“All my data research which was within my residence suite of ten years, was either taken to not ever be found or thrown in the garbage after my suite was illegally accessed by truthless cops.”

I had written my insights within days and weeks, but I spent half a decade trying and trying to get policy makers and others on my email list, to communicate ! –When they conspired to abduct me, (falsely arrest), they thought I would not live or not get free to let you know my story!



THEY CONSPIRED TO LOCK ME AWAY BY HABEAS CORPUS BREACHES and (broke federal information laws) to act as if I am dull-minded, lacking insight, not understanding delusions, difficult to follow, disjointed, not with the power to soundly define. Yes while corrupt system persons are trying to put your life into a man-size paper shredder it is a hell of a challenge to try to express your self and to reach any who might help. My first revelation on lusting, and every other insight you witness in this public interest report (is proof), yes proves and (re)proves that what system persons and others were designing is (exactly opposite) to who I am and my knowledge!

I have in deed proven and reproven system persons acted out anti-lawfull designs to falsely brand and behind closed doors by habeas corpus breaches they acted berserk and hyper irregular to attempt to falsify and misrepresent my personal and private info, health records!

Is not system organized false labelling and harassment, organized crime? Yes !






Eps persons and that ontario office and toronto cop, are not making any sense, because [ in 2015 before and after that false arrest, “they did not acknowledge”] that my online investigating and public reporting with emailed material [ appeared ACCEPTED or appeared as if might of been accepted ], by the 250 federal political persons. This was learned by police records and by testimony I witnessed in 2019 court trial room 412.

They accused me of sending material to 250 political persons and to a number of policing persons

And they did that [after the 250 political people (let) me send written and visual material (for years)].

That toronto officer said he headed at me (after) that ontario child’s advocate office called that toronto officer. That toronto officer said he later contacted eps in Alberta Edmonton and eps then headed at me. Eps persons said they did not know of my years of emailing and public reporting til that Toronto cop contacted them. How could eps not of known for years? (That would mean that not any) of the 250 political persons and not any of the few policing persons on my email list (called eps for years). And political persons sent me letters and so had my address.…-of-Been-Forged…-of-been-forged

If my years of public online investigating and public reporting with emailed material to those 250 political persons was not accepted, the 250 federal political would have called eps, just like they would have contacted that Ontario Advocate Office, and would have called toronto police !!!


According to all I witnessed in that 2019 phony trial forced on me (that phony Ontario Advocate Office that came all the way to Edmonton to testify, testified that they “reacted” to material they received from me through emails I sent that office after they were put on my great email list I had. Now understand, they were not contacted by and so did not react to being contacted by any of the other 250 federal political people and few policing people and others on the email list.

Yes we know from police narrates and the 2019 court record that they that were “Ontario” Federal Politicians and they that are televised from Ottawa “Ontario”, did not contact that Ontario advocate office, nor any politicians I had been emailing factual data and material to for years. They did not contact that toronto cop nor eps. And while on that list, that office which was not contacted did not contact any on my email list.

(((It is therefore obvious that all the “Ontario” federal politicians and other politicians and others that were on my email list did not believe there was a concern, and therefore accepted my public investigations and reporting into material.)))

Canadians and others can know it is corrupt and a scandal that that Ontario Office would contact a toronto cop, yet while knowing there were Toronto Federal Politicians and Ottawa Ontario Federal Politicians which ACCEPTED my public online investigating and reporting.

Canadians and others can know it is corrupt and a scandal that that Ontario Office would say they contacted that toronto cop, yet while knowing there were Toronto Federal Politicians and Ottawa Ontario Federal Politicians which ACCEPTED my material sent.

Why would that Office act that way? They wanted to act as if it was only a question for police and not a question for 250 federal policy makers, yet it is not within sound reasoning to believe, that Ontario office, would not have first investigated my relationship with the 250 political people and few policing people on my email list who that Ontario office, toronto cop and eps could have gotten my full name and home address from.…-of-Been-Forged

Shoot first and ask questions later. Yes that is what we now know that office, toronto cop and eps acted out, because asking questions would have only led to records to a story in my favour. And the conspiracy was to upset and bury my story and freedom to perfect what I was working on. In 2015 at high speed they wanted to throw what I was working on into disorder, and bury my ability to get what I was working on in order. Yes we know from police narrates and the 2019 court record that before August 28 2015 they that were “Ontario” Federal Politicians and they that are televised from Ottawa “Ontario”, did not contact that Ontario advocate office, nor any politicians I had been emailing factual data and material to for years. And while on that list, that Ontario office which was not contacted did not contact any on my email list.

It is corrupt and a scandal that what we now know five years later from the records of this case is that that Ontario office, a toronto cop and eps persons did not first investigate my relationship with any of the 250 political people on my email list.

What other Child Advocates Offices are attacking to stop a citizen from exposing systematic hypocrisy investigated by a citizen who speaks truth to power and holds system persons to account? Now we know that Ontario office are like Casa Pia a state-run institution that was for the education and support of poor children and under-age orphans. People need to beware of any calling their selves advocates and they need to begin trusting my public report.

And in that illegally phony court trial forced on me eps said they did not know I sent years of reports and material until that toronto ontario officer contacted them.

How could eps not of known for years? (That would mean that not any) of the 250 political persons and not any of the few policing persons on my email list (called eps for years). And political persons sent me letters and so had my address.…-of-Been-Forged…-of-been-forged

If my years of public online investigating and public reporting with emailed material to those 250 political persons was not accepted, the 250 federal political would have called eps, just like they would have contacted that Ontario Advocate Office, and would have called toronto police !!!

As you can see eps persons and that ontario office and toronto cop, are not making any sense, because [ in 2015 before and after that violently false arrest, “they did not acknowledge”] that my online investigating and public reporting with emailed material [appeared ACCEPTED or appeared as if might of been accepted], by the 250 federal political persons. That matter of those three parties not making sense, was learned by their testimony which I witnessed in 2019 court trial room 412.

Yes there is that matter, and we know that by that they did not first get my full name, city and address

Yes in that illegally phony court trial forced on me that Ontario office testified that to report they contacted a toronto cop, (not the 250 political people, who if first contacted could have quickly given my full name and city and address for that office and Toronto cop to investigate). Cops testified that they later found my full name and city and address by investigating my email address. Cops testified that they contacted telus to find what name and address belonged to

Therefore that Ontario office and cops are caught in a exposed lie, because it is not within reason to believe they would not have first gotten my full name and city and address, and knowledge from the 250 political people, (without) investigating my telus email through telus.

What now , will they conspire to alter the court record? I know what sworn testimony I witnessed in 2019 in court trial room 412 !!!

Therefore we see that Ontario Child Advocate’s Office conspired to head to Edmonton to act out criminal Perjury, to feed malicious prosecuting, to attempt to falsely brand and label my years of public investigating and reporting, which was for the public good according to sub-section 6. By this we know that Child Advocate’s office cannot be trusted with children, and we know this is a titanic scandal that is reason for Albertans and Canadians and others to neither trust Toronto police nor Alberta.

And that Ontario advocate’s office shut down after they accused me to that Toronto officer!

torontocitynews — Ontario child advocate ‘shocked’ to learn through media about office closing.

They closed down because of some sort of guilt, fear or division about a conspiracy to use eps to proxy a false arrest at me in August of 2015 !!!

This is a titanic nation-wide exposed scandal !!!

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

They conspired to turn all on me, the Scientist, to hide me away like a prisoner of war, as they threatened and tortured me day and night for three years and thought I would kill myself from abuse or thought I would lose memory of my knowledge and facts. I did not, and now the truth is on the world-wide internet !!!


If people do not respond they are either guilty, mad or insane! Mr. Cullen even pointed out in court that he identified that officers censored images that did not show any nudity or body parts. They censored grass. The heads of girls appeared and their bodies were covered by thick green grass, and so their was not any thing to censor. That is really serious. — Judge Jerke did not address that !!!

Federal RCMP across Canada or other agents need to start arresting Edmonton Alberta judges !!! Court Judges are not above the law !!! In the least civil lawyers need to contact Shawn Cullen and help him file a multi-million dollar law-suit !!!



Canada’s Criminal Codes

802(1) –right to make a full answer and defense

(2)- right to examine

Its a fatal error for a court to convict and sentence without these opportunities

Mr. Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton Alberta Canada CLEARLY was not given his right to give any full answer on his teachings, and a number of others ways. And after years of being threatened, tortured and held as if he were a political prisoner, a prisoner of a systematic war gripped by habeas corpus breaches, he was given only two strangely short times to testify on the witness stand June 2019 court room 412. This is a breach of every thing every one must believe in !!!




He is the first man ever to reveal and prove the way to know which persons lust at children.



Shawn says; Lust is possessing, not gentleness. Lust devours. Lusting is acting as if a little part of you is everything in your mind, acting as if that is your designed authority, acting as if end by end that is your designed authority, acting as if what you are is little parts to possess, that you want corrupt authority, that you want abuse of authority, acting little, acting belittling. Yes lusting is acting little and yes yes ‘with’ that, lusting is belittling! By that we know that they that are lusting (lust at a inner child, corrupt a inner child) — that they are designing by their reserve mind which Freud chose to call a subconscious mind.

By that we know that lusting heads to corrupt children, lusting heads to abuse children. They that are lusting might not of corrupted a child outside their self or abused a child outside their self, yet they that are lusting act act little, act as if what is little is wanting to be at a belittler, abuser, danger. This is my super Tsars bomb which reveals and exposes that every person in the world that is lusting, by nature are persons that lust at children. They that have a right relationship with another are not that way. A right relationship is not a relationship in which persons are lusting, acting little and belittling by their reserve part of their mind. They do not see one another in ways which are ‘acting’ little and belittling. This insight is the way of saying that persons of lust by nature lusts at children, by their eye or act. What way, what time, by nature varies.

Addedly know, lusting is to pervert your self, is to pervert everything you say you guard and hold in your heart! (like a flooding)

They that are not hypocrites are they who with quickness, joy, agree with the public insights they see within my post !!!

And lust is strength to be possessing, devouring what is not of strength or what is not of that strength. Lust heads to hunt. Men that lust at a inner child they are designing will end up lusting at men. Women that lust at a inner child they are designing end up lusting at women. That is that nature that heads to hunt. In understanding lust we see why any end up that way, man to man, woman to woman.


Likewise Scientist Shawn Cullen gives summit earth shaking brain science reasoning which does in deed prove men by nature are attracted to a number of youth. This leads to truthfullness and exposes! This is of international interest and public interest with respect to every city of every nation

The unprecedented powerfull words of the NATURAL Social Scientist Shawn gordon Cullen

“WE KNOW men are attracted to a number of youth (by the way the Occipital lobe visual cortex works). Eyes are attracted to what is not far, appearing larger and larger, and attracted to what is far, appearing littler and littler. The loss of magnifying equates into the Occipital Lobe being attracted to ‘approximate’ designs, just as a visual cortex might be attracted peripheral ways. This in deed reminds of nature’s reality, of men being attracted to women (varying) ways, yes of varying designs. (If this were not the truth, the nature of being attracted would not work).” “My teaching on the Occipital Lobe is A PROOF men by nature are attracted to maturing youth and proof IT IS NOT POSSIBLE THIS IS NOT THE TRUTH.”

There you see a proof with respect to your brain function !

AND DO NOT use the Personal Incredulity Fallacy

“And the teaching on the brain does not any way teach people to not hate abuse to children.”

“And when men see youth which are not maturing there will not be a effect or affect, if, they have good character. There is a issue of illusions caused by dress designs.” (See my insight on clothing)

“And lying deepens wanting possessing!!! -There you see why lying designs lusting people to act out rape and murder.”

“Yes there are two sides of reality people need to be mindfull of !!!”

“I am not the one that calls evil good and good evil !

Scientist Shawn Cullen gives a high number of revelations on youth and ways systems persons were for a century and are deceiving and fooling nations of citizens with respect to youth and children !



(Shawn has proven older people are proof), yes proof people are attracted to youth. This is with respect to his Yuko Ogura exhibit which he had to fight to try to freely raise in court in 2019;

Shawn says; “I reminded the court of my public reporting exhibit on actress Yuko Ogura who at eighteen appeared eleven. Not on the stand I was forced to raise my voice ‘to remind the court, that if people can by law find their self attracted to a number of older people who appear as young as a youth (then they will find their self interested in youth who appear the way those older women do). At the end before that judge’s mid-June 2019 false and unjust decision, not on the stand I was forced to raise my voice to remind of my Yuko Ogura proof, and I added saying other proofs are; Actress Inka Williams who appears 12 or 13, Selena Gomez, and also of interest is actress Dawn Wells.

2019 I raised my voice in that forced 2019 phony proceeding saying ;


I had doubts but I found proofs of what Shawn testified of in court. I investigated and found these photos of the women Shawn said appear as preteens. Yes seeing is believing. And here is a link which is proof Yuko Ogura appears 11 or 12 at 21. > Actress Yuko Ogura was born November 1 1983 and here is a video of her as a full grown woman appearing and acting as if she is 11 or 12. Shawn Cullen says that judge denied the law and constitution because he did not answer to this which Shawn raised in court and as a public record in 2015 before he was abducted by that August 28 2015 false arrest.

Scientist Shawn Cullen says this is not a extreme set of facts, but is a nature of things world-wide !

It is shocking and hair raising, chilling, that not any acknowledged the world-wide significance of this natural point Shawn raised. and it is hair raising shadows that system persons systematically attacked the very just and truthfull author Shawn Cullen who fools were doubting and denying.

Human nature author Shawn Cullen asks, And why would I need common sense peer reviewed ???


“And as you shall see, I have given (every reason needed), to (know) proven by nature and according to world history there was and is in reality a low number of youth which are NOT children.”


On the witness stand June 11th or 12th 2019; “I have a teaching I name Genesis’s Bi-known. I have given in my past internet reports before August 2015, good reasons to say with respect to the earliest times there was and is a low number of youngest teens and preteens which by nature are as older people. I reveal they are by nature a near mirror to but are contrary to a number of children and I warn that (confusing that) any sleightest way by false broad messaging, (false media) will cause to any raising the reality, shock to the neural circuitry of conscience, and their brain might feel like a muscle that is being constricted! And so there will be a shocking fear of what others think and shocking fear of what others might say. — That way people will not be able to admit realities !!!”

“Truth is not what causes that. Your brain was designed by decades and a century of false media.”

Remember the question I raised; How could they deceive people for so many years. Remember I said; the subject of youth is the subject you absolutely must not lie about otherwise lying equates into instant mind control and brainwashing. Remember the rhyming principle of nature; By nature there is a truth, the sine qua non truth, which faces menacing intrusions by strongest illusions !!!

Here is one of my insights; “Why does seducing act (like) a Phoropter? Seducing is a act of designing ways of (feeding) the visual cortex. We know that for decades there was, as there is, youth that lust at wide-open porn. And so (seducing) and seducing of porn acts like a Phoropter that passes on what older people see, yes that passes on what people “call” maturity, what is of seducing minds, yes that passes on points that program youth to grow with speed, yes that design youth to be as older people. What this does reveal is that there are youth that are not children, and reveals why ! This is a global issue and matter of worldwide broad messaging. Not addressing this is deceiving with respect; to criminal codes, education and health fields that possess power to brand and label. This this weighs on other revelations and all I have proven on what is by nature a low number of mature youth !”

Now here is further proof of my knowledge which that court failed to let me say;

“Here I shall share a little of my knowledge on the low number I did not get to testified of: There are a low number of youth with the knowledge to know what older people know; knowledge to know that older people that appear friendly might turn and use; a strength, weight and height advantage to cause fear and force consent, knowledge to know that by nature its common that men are designed to force their will on females of all ages, knowledge to know that things must fit otherwise things are damaged and things are a danger to life, knowledge to know that knowing there are dangers teaches you there might be dangers where you have not visited, knowledge to know that not having clothes on you might be at greater risk cause psychos and offenders exist, knowledge to know that you can be trapped, knowledge to know that people can gang up on you and that numbers do not prove you are safe, knowledge to know that in minutes a youth might understand the nature of fire and water in the ways a older person understands, and that there are other ways within not much time a youth might deeply understand what older people know.”

“Its absolutely absurd that Mr. James Rowan cannot see this.”


And here is why maturing youth can be a greater temptation to nations ;

“Blessed with insight with respect to numbers 31:18 and 2nd Tim 2:22 I say that they that are not children but are youth, are (ripening) before turning older and older as persons heading to death. That is why lust of youth is a (excoriating) and (permeating) way of seducing. There you see why that is a threat to deep and high ways people might be upright, a lust(full) way of defiling people.” -Let, people lust. Do not let people lie! What I have written there does fit with Rev. 22:11


Christian Scientist Shawn Cullen says that lying is a stumbling block ;

“Liars are acting as a stumbling block cause they are forcing you to be designed like a liar. -And understand that, they that do not acknowledge a truth and evil, cannot honestly deny that evil.


“And I address material of youth that are flirting; Flirting is to play with deceiving as they that are flirting want to act and appear and sound little and gentle. If they were little and gentle why would they need to act to sound and appear as if they are? I thought of that question as I examined evidence”

And I am able to say following years of my investigating that there are great numbers of youth acting out in that nnclub porn which are definitely not innocent. Yes there are victims and I am one of them !

Are you beginning to understand I am the world leading social scientist now, and not a grandiose crazy man? If your answer is yes then bless you , for you are paying attention and understanding.



Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen judges Canada’s Supreme Court. October 2019 there was a repeat of a October 16th 2019 televised court case. That was suspect as suspect lawyers representing Alberta’s legal aid were erecting up propaganda. They used metallic and wiry language and terms to act as if they sound smart and just. My public insights give new reasons to not trust what judges and prosecutors and lawyers frame as being aggravating and mitigating circumstances. We need to ask whether or not there are youth that can know they can head to pervert and abuse their self, yes are designed that way, and we need to ask whether or not youth can head where they further see phenomena of self perverting and self abuse. The answer yes is quickly proven !!! There are youth that can abuse their self and abuse others. That heads to unwanted pain caused to their self, and to guilt. That is why we have a lawfull and moral duty to not trust every victim impact statement. Saying every youth is sacred and most vulnerable is [a fallacy of deranged people]. That is conscience pinching pride that is a high speed way for politicians, judges, health persons, cops and upper-class sociopaths to claim they are not attracted to any youth which is totally contrary to the many paramount proofs witnessed in this 2019 public good public report !!!

I am able to examine and judge the nature of any language and terms used by Canada’s Supreme Court Justices, so I wish they would not get on tv to try to challenge me. I hope not !!!

Neither the bible nor nature teaches us that every youth is sacred and most vulnerable.

Scientist Shawn Cullen again judges Canada’s Supreme Court. A October 11 2019 case reappeared on cpac. A corrupt lawyer for crown named Chris Greenwood was assisting others in painting a false picture with respect to citizens being subject to random virtue tests. They attempted to sell that reasonable suspicion is found by cops acting as buyers of drugs. I must suspect that case was televised to mislead Canadians and others into thinking that Edmonton cops are justified in letting their nnclub warning page “appear” entrapping. I must suspect they wanted to attempt to sell that nnclub which is not blocked and is inviting, is responding to community, a community based focus that acts as a random virtue test to find reasonable suspicion. On television they used fishy language to act as if what cops let happen can appear and sound entrapping but not be.

The nnclub warning page says “adult OR inappropriate material”. The word (OR) and the word (inappropriate) is 100% proof that the warning page is designed to invite youth and children.

Yes youth fit with the words (“or-inappropriate”). Their curiosity fits with what might only be inappropriate. It is legal for youth to follow the term inappropriate. By that we know Alberta system persons and Canada cannot say if youth are harmed by that material they did not invite and induce. It was and is totally contradictory to say their nnclub warning page is to protect children while warning language used invites youth and children. The system is caught making material available, and the system is in disrepute,

And this proves further I was unjustly held to a phony court proceeding and my free speech rights and right to hold systems accountable has been breached! I expect to see Justice Michael Moldaver, Russel Brown, Rosealie Silberman Abella, Nicholas Kasirer, Sheilah Martin, Molcolm Rowe and other judges to follow my insights and rights, and do what is right for every one watching. You have a duty to yield and honour my resolve !!!

October Canada’s Supreme Court judges and persons running provinces were acting as if they were addressing sugar and children. I must suspect that was a further indirect attempt to try to talk their way out of what I have proven. Are they trying to manage their guilty conscience. They were talking about the paramountcy of parliament and duty to control information. I have exposed that theres a world-wide matter of family assimilation by stimulation, a matter that by nature any person can “act” as a parent and any youth can “act” as a daughter or son. By that nature parents can lust at youth and youth can adapt to that, yes (by nature there can be greatest use by least abuse). That way lust will not expire to reality of harm. That fact of people is designing societies to carry on false hope in which they are ‘not’ appearing far from the door, (yes are at the door), yet they do not see the reality of the door and how to enter the door. Persons running government are not controlling information for the good of the people !!! Every family possesses power to know, what governments want you to think is information only governments control for morality, safety and health. By that we know governments are not guarding autonomy. The threat is that societies are finding pleasure in letting any citizen become accused, by government tyranny that is a symbiotic relationship society families possess with systems. There is appearance of human dignity without any real clearance for human dignity. By not addressing truthfullness, the reality, that symbiotic risk turns 360 degrees. You see the very probative reasoning within the insight he has given on lusting and other insights he has given which are made public and which are of world-wide public interest. By that parliament cannot claim it is interpreting to design criminal law in the widest sense. The reality is there is a exposed false character of law, and the constitution must be called to be re-written.

CPAC repeated airing October 16 2019 Canada Supreme Court court case Queen verses Justyn Kyle Napoleon Friesen. I must strongly suspect that was to conspire at my paramount need to appeal. That was on a court of appeal decision that interfered with the sentencing decision of a lower trial court. Advocate for the crown Renee Lagimodiere appeared to be conspiring for the province’s AG office. That extremely suspect lawyer spoke of following “overarching” principles, that concept of guiding lower court decisions. By that a Canada supreme court judge entertained language about impact to a youth and concept of people acting as if there is a victimless crime by not thinking on concept of ‘life altering’. In other words by a cause, in time effect is years later. She spoke of justice being thwarted by low sentences. Hm… thwarted from what, from ending my voice, paramount insights and life and freedom?!!! Alarmingly suspect lawyer for Alberta’s crown, Joanne Dartana was following that language, which appeared strangely approached or coached by supreme court justice Russell Brown. Lawyer for Ontario Attorney General office, Lisa Joyal, was heading up black smoke as she referenced Alberta. Yes they talked about “guiding” provinces on resentencing as a appeal court concept. Language from Supreme court justice Moldaver who referenced Alberta did not appear to help with the smoke alarm triggered by language designing. They used a fallacy I have proven by talking about society’s denunciation of child sex abuse, language that was a total numbing contradiction to my perfectly proven public summit revelations which reveal and expose paramount realities, matters and issues. Lawyer for BC Attorney General office, John Calwell likewise referenced Alberta as he appeared to be using gotcha plot language, with respect to resentencing as a appeal concept.

What I witnessed in that October 16 2019 televised Canada Supreme Court case appeared contortingly concealing and malevolent manipulating. There appears to be a conspiracy to use language to transmute ways any might detect my having proven who I am and having proven my public insights truthfully really weigh in on the way we see the constitution. Lawyer for the accused, Gerri Weibe was correct in saying there was no need for a appeal sentence intervention for the lower court decision. Weibe talked about double dipping. Yes are Canada’s supreme court judges and Attorney general offices and lawyers using cpac to conspire to double dip into deepening furthering systematic habeas corpus breaching and abuse using Alberta as a weapon at my life and proven right to appeal to be fully acquitted???

Scientist Shawn Cullen again judges Canada’s Supreme Court. A October 9 2019 case reappeared on cpac. the They talked about not expecting perfection and talked about balancing. Balancing cannot always be subjective. Balancing what? And they talked about minimizing risk yet I must remind the public and others that minimizing although acting as rules of law for restricting access, cannot equate into doorways or iron curtained hatch for minimizers, at a unconstitutional cost to they who are minimized by what is minimized. They talked about magnitude of risk yet that might be subjectively false perceptions. We do not want to feed false alarms and social triggers that are from disinformation and misinfrmation. They talked about residual discretion, yet we must not confuse being ajusted to healthy discretion with evil suspicion, which is to think or act as a evil author. There was talk about individual weaknesses becoming vulnerable to being induced into a criminal act. That can happen but we must not call a crime what is not to be called a crime otherwise we end up hyper judging what is a crime as we lose sight of natural ways relationships might become vulnerable to illusions caused by calling a crime what is not to be called a crime! An example is found in my sub-section 6 insight on education and dress codes.




A lying health person named Zedkova, Choy, Orimalade, Marsh Joyal, Cadsky and few others acted out perjury and or falsified documents to dare suggest Mr. Cullen is slow, confused, difficult to follow, lacks insight. They did that to attempt to hide Shawn away and to mislead you citizens and any who have honour. That was exact opposite to the truth. And while hiding him by habeas corpus breaches they falsified documents to attempt to suggest he is weak in his mind and not able to make sense.

I know what to write from Shawn’s written words and his recordings. Shawn gave me his other audio recorder months ago. There are approximately a hundred draft recordings.

System persons and hypocrites designed rich fiction to lie about Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton Alberta. Shawn says they left Demon Larva on the eighth commandment to do that !!!

You are witnesses of his words proving he has (one of) the very most understanding minds ever !!!

And they strangely suggested his physical health is likely to deteriorate. And James Rowan was at work to suggest that at his health. A number of times Shawn witnessed in court system persons suggesting his health would likely deteriorate. When Shawn raised his voice to rebuke and condemn that, he was threatened to keep quite or he was taken away !!!

Were system persons plotting to harm his health to cause his demise behind closed doors !!! Was Prosecutor Rowan? !!! That would further evidence a mad want to unrightly war at his provincially needed and internationally needed free speech.

Shawn was asked if he is a self proclaimed Scientist. He says why ask? Thomas Edison did not have a science degree! Shawn says peer reviewed is at the heart of science and medical journals and is compared to democracy, a Protean way of blessing what others know or do not know. Its a false faith that lends to the personal incredulity fallacy. Scientist Shawn Cullen says his teachings are not any way theories. They are 100%, the realities of reality !!!


They that want to fight me, are the myth, people of fiction !

BEHOLD ; Many months before that false August 2015 false arrest, I got a letter from a tv preacher named Don Stewart who I gave a 7 dollar offering to. What he wrote came as a great surprise. He wrote saying. “Shawn please forgive me, I took another look at you with the help of the Holy Spirit. What I feel God showing me is, you are more gifted and amazing than I ever imaged. You have rare and ancient traits. All they that spoke evil about you behind your back shall be brought to shame !!!”

In the letter he for a mysterious reason referred to me as “God’s special son”. I did not know what he meant by saying people that spoke evil about me behind my back, but I just knew what he had written was not a common thing for any tv minister to write to a stranger. Now I see what he said, was a supernatural prophesy. Before that 2015 false arrest when I was abducted, I tried telling others of the letter I received yet I see now persons I was emailing are mad blashemers.

“The Lord has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so their eyes cannot see, and their hearts cannot understand” John 12:40

Even now as I make this public I am in tears of passion because they that I told did not believe this sign from God which I let them know of. — My love, My just passion is NOT for sale !!!

By the way, you will want to see this ;


Scientist Shawn Cullen, the man with the insight of insights, to change the world ;

“Vainly a number of system persons designed unlawfull false files”

I Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton was trusted to investigate like the fbi would be; Not any other person in history have been. And neither the fbi nor the national center for missing and exploited children have judged material evidences the way you see I judge what I investigated. And there has never been any on earth who think and judge as I do.

System persons want to hide me away or murder me because they fear there are not any on earth that can win an honest argument against me.

“Within my 2014 reporting of the vlad model Venya preteen I remind within the exhibit, that I first sent that to hundreds of policy makers on Nov 21st 2013, Dec.25th and 2014 Jan.3rd. That was whats so-called experts call category 1 explicit sexual poses, nearly nude with a black mark to part way censor. Within the 2014 exhibit any can see evidence that I was the one who censored. On the page of the exhibit I wrote that the exhibit was not given for any reason other than for the public good.

The public reports of that material PROVE I was entrusted by hundreds of Canadian politicians to gather and censor whats called explicit categ. 1 material, and I was trusted with that for years!

And the legal maxim says; they who do not deny, agree.

That 2019 judge named Jerke shockingly strangely did not answer to the above key points !!!

And a good point to keep in mind is that saying hundreds of federal policy makers and number of policing people might of needed years to identify explicit categ.1 material I sent, that prosecutor Rowan calls child porn, is to say that only a expert can identify. That would be to say that any material itself is entrapping to everyone everywhere”. said in court

That 2019 Edmonton judge named Jerke shockingly strangely did not answer to the above super key point which adds to the key point just before this one here above !!!


They that forced that unjust trial on me even acted out denial (did not answer to) my testimony and online evidence that a eps officer called me and approved of my years of investigating ;

“On July 29 2013 I got a call from a eps officer Macleod badge # 1328. He said a political person he refused to identify called him about the material I was reporting. He said to me, “You are quite concerned about the child porn hey?” I then said, “its much deeper than concern”. I said I was sending high priority written and visual material for years. I said it doesn’t make any sense any calling you now. He Macleod positively said ‘right’, in agreement. He did not say the Venya model exhibit and earlier exhibits and other reporting was contrary to the law. I asked if there was an incident number. He said there would not be one. I asked and he acknowledged that he knew of my past blogged reports. A number of ways in court I’ve recorded that people of authority agreed to my investigating and evidences, and sub-section 6, gave me consent”. — I said all of this in court -

That judge named Jerke did not in any way address my report on Macleod which adds to the other two key points above this point with respect to my report of Macleod !!!

In a slippery fast way Lawyer Ronald Morin reminded the court of that and said I reported that a cop at eps downtown headquarters told me on the phone that there are many Macleods and records on old badge numbers are not always kept.

And a eps officer on the stand in that 2019 phony proceeding, said he was not aware if any other eps officer contacted me before 2015. He said that (even though I publicly posted for years to document that Macleod called me). Not at any time in four years from 2015 since the false arrest to 2019 did any cop acknowledge seeing my widely public record on Macleod, and not any answered to that.

That follows that narrate of eps sating that they did not know I sent emails and material for years to political people til that Toronto cop contacted them. You see all that does not make sense !!!

It is obvious I have exposed system persons in a titanic conspiracy of acting out criminal interference with my public sub-section 6 reporting, and exposed a matter of perjury !!!

They should have respected my warnings of my power to judge the nature of things.

I even got unique federal letters which not any other Canadian citizen have gotten ;…-of-Been-Forged…-of-been-forged

“I gave proof that on June 20 2009 and July 20 2009 I got letters from Canada’s Justice Minister Nicholson and from MP Gary Doer acknowledging that they understood I was investigating and reporting matters of and questions on material. In court prosecutor James Rowan strangely tried suggesting that I might of forged the federal letters. I put the letters within the report pages I emailed to the hundreds of politicians and to Nicholson and Doer who sent the letters, and so if I forged the letters they would have contacted police to charge me. Prosecutor Rowan did not want the court record to acknowledge the letters, cause they remind I (was a witness) investigating wide open sites (for years) and the letters prove my reporting was not seen as if rambling. They that stole my email evidences hyper used that term rambling on the witness stand, and 99 % of my email messages were not spoken of in court, and what was used was selected to address my words out of context to falsify court records throughout that phony trial that was forced. I raised many of these points here, in court within that illegally forced and unjust 2019 trial, tens years after those 2009 federal letters.

Earlier reality report operations were in 2009 . I uploaded a June 2009 phone-call with the Canadian Attorney General‟s office. I told the federal office that all material before June 7th 2009 is not the report. — The Justice Minister‟s DMA said; “ Yeah exactly, you told me that the real thing is the June 7th report, nothing before that”. Strangely I later got a letter recording a earlier May 13th update . In the federal letter the Justice Minister wrote July 20th 2009 ; “Dear Mr. Cullen, Thank you for your correspondence of May13 2009 in which you enclose a copy of your report regarding child pornography”. R.D.Nicholson He knew the report was not just on that. Click to hear ;

Prosecuter James Rowan suggesting the letters might not be from federal politicians, is smoking gun proof of a systematic conspiracy that is now a nation-wide exposed scandal !!!


I remind here of this greatly significant record ; 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻

“My exhibit on Helios family nudism by Edmonton and Tofield evidenced and evidences that policy makers and policing persons believe in nakedness (at) and (of) all ages. That weighed in on my reporting of wide open material not blocked and not addressed for months and years. (((They are willing to let family nudists uncover children’s bodies to the eyes of strangers.))) This was said in QB court room 412 2019. Canadians and people world-wide need to know I Shawn said this in court!

Strangely shockingly, unjustly and unconstitutionally that Edmonton trial Judge named “Jerke” did not answer to that !!!

That corrupt prosecutor named my great final report which was the title to my 2009 earliest report sent to federal system persons and to sociopath politician Brian Mason. Not any in court spoke of the nature of the earliest report which was and is, proof there is a great matter of incest, which weighs in on my later public report exhibit on Alberta’s Helios.

What the Hell did you think you were doing James Rowan. Are you totally mad ???

A FURTHER PARAMOUNT POINT EVERY ALBERTAN AND ALL NEED TO KNOW, WHAT YOU DEFINITELY NEED TO KNOW Youth nudism photos and videos are legal in every city, every state and every county inside the United States, protected by the First Amendment and are not subject to local obscenity laws or ordinances. The depiction of adults and children nude in the visual media has enjoyed constitutional protection in the United States since 1958, when the Supreme Court vacated a Court of Appeals finding that Sunshine and Health magazine could be obscene (Sunshine Book Co. v. Summerfield, Postmaster General, 355 U.S. 372). The right to depict adults and children in nude poses has been upheld without a pause for 60+ years. In case after case, the Supreme Court and lower courts have always upheld the constitutionality of nudity of youth, specifically referring to the nudist depiction as a fully constitutional form of expression, websites widely visited in all of Asia, Europe, South America, (((Canada))), Australia and Africa.

Family nudism is legalized adult and youth pornography for youth and children, and it is legalized youth pornography for older people. How do we know? First you need to understand that the reason any are ignorant is that they are being fed disinformation and misinformation that has caused them to not be truthfull or sound in ways everyone need. We know family nudism is legalized pornography because what that nudism is saying is that it is only pornography if youth detect a chemical change in naked older people, as is detected viewing online porn, and therefore, people that need information need to know that as eye specialists know, every eye organ is a messenger and superior camera sleightest motion detector, and faster than you can utter a word a eye message or body motion can trigger hypothalamus sex hormone, faster than a second. Therefore we know eyes and sleightest physical motions can at that speed turn a naked person into a porn person that youth detect. At any turn without even trying, attraction can fire up like crazy in ways drug addiction fires up. All that can act as a false reward system for ways people think. Every person possesses conscious and subconscious vision that can. By this we know, by nature eyes and sleightest physical motions turn family nudism into a pornography haven for youth, and into a youth and child pornography haven for older people. This reasoning knowledge exposes that by family nudism people possess great power to act out public pornography and not be caught. And by the way, contrary to what people are told testosterone increases libido in women and pretty much every person. By this on the eye, we know family nudists are lying, and by this unprecedented knowledge I have given I warn that if systems persons are not totally mad and cursed they will see the need to reopen the constitution. This is the revealed truth with respect to Alberta family nudism and all family nudism, and this is not a time for personal incredulity !!!

Canada’s Federation of Canadian Naturists is reported to have 35,000 members that are about Quebec. And 15 minutes from downtown Vancouver is family nudists at Wreck Beach which by family nudism takes in over $60 million in tourist revenue annually, and takes in 12000 to 14,000 visitors daily. In that link a Mother talks about letting her naked children exercise their own critical thinking. And in Toronto is Bare Oaks that has a children’s playground where adults can watch nude children reposition their selves to human eyes. In Alberta is Helios family nudism by Edmonton that in 2018 was telling the Star Edmonton that it is pondering how to call more youth to be naked there where a street sign is marked Hooters Blvd. Helios admits priests head out there, some government officials, nurses and people that appear common. Its Helios board voted to hand out pamphlets to Edmonton’s gay citizens. They say they don’t put up with people acting strange yet Helios that likewise has a playground possesses home surveillance advantage, and in my 2015 report I recorded that the most educated respected people were later exposed as repressing interest in material and youth. And there is a concept called believing your own lies and what is the illusory truth effect, ,which fits with that anti sine qua non truth affect matter, point # 8 I have written of. It is most extremely entirely unfair that while I am the proven author I am that all this appears knowing I have had all my Canadian Charter Rights and free speech systematically targeted, trampled and tyrannically, left as vulnerable as supporters of mine know. This is 100% totally not acceptable !!!










Not a surprise to they that know that two decades ago Canadian Civil Liberties Association Lawyer Allan Borovoy with members arrived in Alberta Edmonton on September 1999 to urge ccla Board Director and MP Anne McLellan to loosen Canada’s laws on youth porn.




In court that Criminal lawyer Ronald A. Morin referred to me as a Scientist and authority on lust !

Strange interruptions within court breached the right to be heard and the right to give full answers ;

“Within court (2019 June court rm. 412) on the witness stand I tried to share my teachings on lust. I was strangely interrupted and not given my right to freely testify of my summit teachings. That trial breach breached and breaches the criminal code and my charter rights.”

“I warned the court that I have a high number of insights on lust which in deed prove prove my reporting was in deed for the public good, for the administration of justice, science, education and health.” — “They failed to let me say what I needed to say for my self and for Canadians, and for all”


After all persons running Alberta systems are smarter than me, right ?

System person’s acted superior yet that was and is a vain lie. (You might say, I am a little like Kirk and Spock.) Remember what Joachim, Khan’s genetically engineered henchman in his last words slowly sarcastically said to so-called superior Khan, = “yours is superior”. They thought I could not handle their global propaganda, but I warned I am gifted to put into words any thing which is why I am letting everyone know I am the world leading social scientist !!! Remember what Lenoard McCoy said to Spock: “Are you out of your Vulcan mind? No human can tolerate that radiation thats in there!” Spock answered as he said: “As you are so fond of observing Doctor , I am not human!”


“I was pricked at by strange interruption when I tried to testify of my teachings and of who I am. (I tried warning) of my teachings on the witness stand (and tried when I was not on the stand).”

The further proofs you shall see are teachings I have kept for years which I am the only author of ;

Here are my teachings which by fatal court error or unjustly as a unlawfull scandal, I did not get to say in court ; And keep in mind my first summit insight on lusting which is the first paramount proof!

1) I did a human nature examination into public dress codes. — I found proof that dress codes are legalized public child porn thats a illusion, a illusion to men that what men are seeing are designs of nature for men. Within my scientific examination I found that tight dresses or any clothing that causes curves to appear to fit together, or-that-clothing with a designed to surprise message such as with min-skirts (causes the illusion). In other words any legalized clothing designed to say, ‘see how parts fit together’, therefore, ‘not, a puzzle that needs putting together. Yes a illusion, that clothing designs-cause, yes a illusion that there is a developed design not needing to be developed. — Men are not eyeing children. -Men are attracted to illusions. If you were to see those youth naked or dressed ‘right’ you would see evidences of a puzzle that needs to be put together, yes as ‘not’ mature. I studied and reveal that which (was) a great mystery. With that, what I found is that nylon is designed to appear like skin, and because nylon does not die as skin does there is a illusion on body formations that a young person has evolvedly designed maturity. That furthers illusions. And I found that tight clothing can cause body parts like the hind to appear as formations which are ripened, therefore not evidencing points not developed. And knowing asian women and other older women at times appear flat chested , illusions aren’t signaled by that part of the body dressed. Keep in mind that larger designed parts such as legs of older youth are not brain sensitive. My deep scientific human nature examination into public dress codes in deed reveals that men are not eyeing youth, but illusions, and although its lust, not every man is accessing wide open sites or sites because hes eyeing children, but their hypothalamus is being triggered by illusions caused by clothing designs. This accounts for a possible number of people possessing and a number of people distributing material. You see how my key teaching which I am giftedly the only author of in the world is another way of in deed proving why my public reporting was for the administration of justice, education and science. Now because of the world-wide illusions caused by public clothing designs that are legalized public child porn, there are people that see a need to examine what they are conscious and sub-conscious of. — Here is why : People are saying, ‘what was that?’ at designs that appear to contradict what they are told. That misdesigns the lexicon of the brain, so blocks pathways to growing.


As God as my witness Criminal lawyer Ronald Morin said I am a scientist and authority on lust who was thrown inside the remand on bs trumped up charges. — I was not given a Just trial and I was not given my right to freely give testimony on my knowledge. And system persons knew I did not need to face a trial ! Canada’s system needs to be put on trial by me and others !!!

Sadly there was an older woman I met who did not believe because she chose to characterize me by circumstances forced on me rather than on who I know I am, who I am which I most assuredly unfailingly have proven in this report !


My second teaching on Parietal Occipital (Scripting) of fantasizing; The Parietal Occipital is part of the brain with respect to imagining. I teach that fantasizing with mastur — bating is parietal occipital “scripting” that wants consent and does repossess for that want. Its not consent! You need to keep the understanding belief in consent (otherwise you do not keep definition on what children are). You see why I am saying that fantasizing leads to world-wide abuse to children. (Now if consent first “appears” outside of the parietal occipital brain, then that might not, affect people.) I am not telling people what to do. I am just proving the nature of our world and systems. And they that masturbate know by their hand that they are at work to lust, which fits with Jesus calling people workers of evil.

You are an eye-witness on another one of my teachings are not in any way common and which proves proves my reporting was for the public good according to sub-sec 6.

Within wide open sites, evidences of abuse were appearing and were reappearing of children that not any clothing can cause to appear an illusion. I was not saying all material of youth was to be blocked. Rev.22:11 I was saying that I had a duty and had a right to address.

Edmonton Prosecutor James Rowan tried acting as if I am some common person (not any way a scientist.) He suggested I am likely a knowledgeless person attracted to a (abuse image James Rowan was playing on). I was forced to answer yes or no to questions. I was not able to answer.

Why is James Rowan not fired or arrested for malicious prosecuting and misleading the citizenry.


And, within the tim of 2009 to 2015 I was forced to gather evidence of material to teach in other ways what the brain does with respect to material ;

My third teaching on exploiting children of earliest ages and identity designing; To use a child that is (without knowledge) is to design a child by the lusts and face of a exploiter. That child grows to believe their identity is that of their exploiter. That is why that child grows to totally support a exploiter. That is why secret cultures and why secret societies cloak and carry on. My teaching on exploiting earliest ages and identity designing is another reason which proves my years of reporting of wide-open material as that of Inna was for the administration of justice and education. And with that is my teaching on brain wiring a want to lust by setting body parts of a earliest aged child unseemly ways, that by that, by-passes brain designing activity. Yes my teaching is that brain control of a earliest aged child can be inverted from the brain to the body by setting poses. That redesigns brain activity. Yes thats a way to identity designing!

Yes children exploited at earliest ages can be designed to be enemies and threats to public safety and to national security ! Earliest children can be turned into enemies before they are turned into victims.

Obviously I would have needed to examine any fastly found widely existing unblocked material evidence of what may of appeared to be analphabetic or infantile consent following suit with exploiters.Therefore it is not sound to suggest I would of not needed to examine and judge systemically persistently unblocked publicly available evidence of that. And from what I was told, that is still via nnclub in December 2019 six months after that anti-just, hypo forced phoney trial.

It is not sound reasoning to act as if I would not of raised this insight I am the author of, if I was given my lawfull right to freely speak inside that court.


And I teach what the brain does with respect to seeing material.

4 Here is a real question thats a matter I asked my self; Why would police gather material of youngest exploited toddlers in curl up baby poses (that do not show faces?) I found that poses are not any natural way of navigating the occipital lobe visual cortex. In other words not like the way the Occipital lobe of a Father or Mother sees as they change a diaper. Therefore that police gather that (without any reason, profit) can affect a police officer’s mind’s eye, nature. Yes I believe that police gathering that material without any reason can design officers to be pdfiles.

There is, a truly needed point of interest, which clearly proves I have given a reason for needing to investigate that matter with respect to sub-section 6. Not any person in the world have thought of the matter there I have raised with respect to fastly found material not blocked and internet security !

And there are scientists that falsely say that oxytocin hormone causes love, compassion and nursing, yet the chemical only works right according to right knowledge and a lowly spirit, otherwise that hormone can design a illusion of nursing thats wanting to exploit, yes that hormone might design a nursing illusion thats lusting. The “love” or nursing hormone is secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, a pea size organ at the base of the brain behind the nose bridge.


Fifth; On youngest teens, I see by my examination of evidences of youth posing sideways that there is reason to believe police can be attracted as larger parts(like legs) are not brain sensitive and what is seen sideways does not show what the visual cortex needs to quickly mind file with respect to attraction. That gives reason to believe police investigating naked material might be attracted to illusions while investigating material. That raises questions with respect to internet surveillance and investigating, and weighs in with my knowledge on illusions caused by clothing.

There you see a sound reason why I was investigating evidence of that which was publicly available.


“My unprecedented reporting from 2005 to 2015 was for the administration of justice, education, science and the mental health of all citizens and others WORLD-WIDE, according to sub-sec. 6.”


Sixth teaching; And I examined and reported use of sex toys which are legal and common. What keeps people from seeing as a sex toy, a earliest child that is without knowledge. Why? Toys of female anatomy are designed ways that lack definition. By that there is a reason to believe people buying that can be attracted to the parts of a earliest child that lack definition. And system persons use or let that ! There you see further proof I examine and judge in ways which are new and fitting with my sub-section 6 story! — I examine and judge human nature in ways unprecedented !


My seventh teaching on what is called ‘sodomy’;- A hind and the inner parts there of were designed (to-seem) sanct letting whats not needed of the body out. There and the inner parts thereof “were” (designed to ‘reseem’). They that lust at that deseem and dishonor their bodies. I got the insights by examining and judging internet evidence of sodomy ! They that act that way are acting little, acting as if what is little is wanting to be at a belittler. That weighs in on they that act out man to man and women to woman lust, they that act as if they lust not at any child. I am not telling any what to do but here you see I have given an insight which gives a reason to believe that hind lust equates into lusting at children by a act or by suppression and repression. There you see further that my reporting on wide open hinds of youth on line, was with respect to public interest. It is common that people running systems and in society are attracted to hind lusting. Therefore I needed to examine and judge that (Edmonton matter) and global matter, for international security with respect to the administration of justice, education, and the constitution.

And I was an eye witness of remand guards admitting to personally belief in sodomy and I witnessed monthly voyeurism acted out in the name unneeded charter breaching strip search drug checks.

There you see by part 52 , I had every reason for the public good not only in Canada but world-wide — to examine, judge, proof, and publicly report and record, unblocked online material evidence of that,


“This teaching here is one I was able to (quickly) say on the witness stand. Eyes which lust see others a way they see food. And fornicating is seeing others as flavoured, not as favoured.”

There you see seven proofs of answers I Shawn Cullen needed to say on the stand for myself and Canadians, and for the world, therefore that trial acted out a fatal error, unjustly, unconstitutionally. The proofs weigh in with my summit insight on lusting and insight on the visual cortex !!!


“Here are two records points which were within my reporting which I did not get to say on the witness stand: The public was not told that the IMAX corporation giant was licensed to make and market naked lusting material of youth for Europe’s British societies in the 1970’s and the early eighties. — If a continent was doing that why would we assume our country or province or city does not possess a interest that way. Good point, right!”


“And why was I being falsely prosecuted by a man that appears less than others accused? Is prosecutor J. Rowan better than world-renowned heart surgeon Philipp Bonhoefer, or world renowned John Mark Felton who developed vaccines to fight global disease, or founder of Pan U.S. flights, or world renowned oil industry director Liam Gibson, or World renowned conductor of Russia’s National Orchestra Mikhail Pletnev, or Canada’s national agriculture museum manager Franz Klingender, or world renowned child dyslexia author Chris Singleton, or the spokesman for Hawaii’s shark task force Randy Honebrink, or President JFK’s brother-in-law Jamie, or Chief scientist for the sunken titanic William Kenneth Stewart, or Nasa Rocket scientist James R. Robinson.”

In light of my insights there are reasons to suspect any number of the above people might of been unjustly accused and prosecuted.



Lawyer Ronald A. Morin wrote in a letter for appeal to legal aid; How do “we” explain the 10 years Mr. Cullen sent documentation to governmental bodies and how that did not attract police scrutiny?

What you did not (((exactly))) remind of in that October 4th 2019 dated document to Douglas Ingersol of legal aid is that I Shawn not only sent letters beginning in 2009 but for years sent very similar (“material”) (which did not attract any police scrutiny) for years. Yes Ronald Morin how do you and Canada and Alberta’s justice system explain that?

In other words O Canada of true patriot love, everything I Shawn Cullen did was legal and seen as legally fitting with sub-section 6 !

And so why was I Shawn Cullen abducted as if that was a justified arrest in August 2015 at 11:30 at night while Albertans were sleeping. Why was I hidden away by habeas corpus breaches, held like a prisoner of war inside Remands to be tortured day and night and threatened, not given any pens and paper to write with! And why did you Mr. Morin use the term behaviour in that Oct 4th letter to Ingersol? Mr. Morin you designed that to scribe as if I do not know what behaviour is. I teach on what behaviour is, and when I called you, you told me a number of times you believe I am a “literary genius”. I am not a genius Sir. I hate that term which flatters and feeds heady pride! I am who I said I am. I am the son of a murdered elderly woman,, son of a murdered Messiah, owner of a little beloved cat taken by cops. I am a singer and I am the one and only World’s leading social scientist! I give revelations on what realities, matters and issues are. Why are you trying to mischaracterize me by calling me a literary genius? Lets be specific for Canada and others to understand! There are Edmontonians across the city who are convinced I am super special and able to change the whole World. What have you changed Mr. Morin other than clients week after week? How do you and legal aid’s Ingersol and others explain this powerfull report? And they knew every evidence I was examining and reporting. I reminded weekly that I was online investigating wide-open sites. And I purposely did not erase search history and knew there is the technology to follow what words I was typing. I was for years and months reporting to hundreds of political persons and a number of policing persons my investigating of sites and material wide open on Alberta’s and Canada’s net, [therefore it is impossible or ludicrous to believe] that they [my later (false) accusers] were not for years tracking and possessing knowledge of every evidence of material evidences I captured to report to raise for international public public interest and good !!! Click to hear Click to hear Click to hear

The subject of youth is the subject you absolutely must not lie about. Know the principle Mr. Morin sir, by nature there is a truth, a sine qua non truth, the sine qua non truth which faces menacing intrusions by strongest illusions!!! I believe I am the first man in the world to say those words !!!

Ronald Morin you responded a significant number of times by saying you know I do not have a mental illness. And my audio podcasts are telling. Mr. Morin you suggested that I must let system persons label to get bail and to stop system persons from stalking and using ammunition at my free speech and words. And in court you Ronald Morin told me I am a literary genius thrown in the remand on bs trumped up charges, and 2019 in court for the record, you referred to me as a scientist. And in court hearings I reminded that you said my case is the most important free speech case in the country. People are able to know my case is by this now public report. It is a scandal Ronald Morin and you know that. Those political bastards on tv should not be talking about other things.You wrote to legal aid that you recommend coverage to appeal both sentence and conviction. Mr. Morin the Governor General of Canada ought to be declaring I am not guilty and I should not need to even enter a court to appeal, and the Canadian Government ought to be rewarding me for great state crimes and conspiracy acted out against me. Based on great ways I have been attacked I would even say the U.S. or United nations have a lawfull right to use legal or military force if Canada does not reconcile and leave me rights alone !!! If Canada’s Governor General will not act then clearly she self terminatingly fails to understand part 40 of this public report !!!

You wrote that proof of (major) mental health issues is that in 2008 I complained to City Center mall security about harassing patrons using their surveillance cameras. I was defending the rights of a old woman named Deb who was eyed by surveillance and approached and asked to leave the cafeteria as if she was loitering. I told the story to system person yet corrupt people and yourself Mr.Morin strangely re-erected that false narrate I gave a account for in my emails before 2015. Standing up for the rights of an old woman is not a major mental health issue Mr. Morin, and a smart lawyer like you must know that. You wrote that other proof is that in 2014 a immigrant proprietor argued with me and banned me as I told him not to deal with money and receipts in fishy ways. I told him he cannot herd me out the door and I said am a legal authority. My insights prove constitutions and criminal codes are misdesigned therefore how do you know I am not? That is not evidence of any mental health issue.Take a look at what I have written with repect to Canada’s Supreme Court. Inside your Oct 4 2019 dated document to Ingersol you scribed that I indicated that should I have to deal with police, I will escalate to an act of unspecified violence. Mr. Morin Sir, I gave sound accounts on the witness stand in 2019 which recorded reasons to know I did not threaten any. Mr. Morin Sir do you mislead away from my words which would satisfy a unprejudiced mind seeking the truth?

Part d of that Oct 4 2019 document I see before I posted podcasts and this perfect report, you suggested my September online writings were disjointed, confusing and that I am suggesting a far reaching conspiracy to conceal child exploitation and porn by all elected persons of the Alberta legislature. I quickly put data online after getting free from being systematically tortured for greater than three years. As you now see what I had posted was what learned people would call a rough draft, rough by just getting away from greater than three years of extreme systematic abuse. I have witnessed that pattern of using language that insults any weakness and that forces me to perfect every word. Forcing that is what narcissists act out. You are not a narcissist are you Mr. Morin? And I do not design sweeping accusations. I watch expecting system persons to come in agreement with me. If there is not a far reaching matter, what do you call my newest report here, a optical illusion? Why were you appearing to misrepresent me in that Oct 2019 writ to legal aid, why were you appearing to compound misrepresenting me the voice of the people, the voice for Canada and world-wide ?

I am not condemning you Mr. Morin but you need to write another appeal letter to legal aid, (like you said you would), a letter fitting this powerfull public report, and a letter to the Governor General would certainly be appropriate. And should not the U.S. Congress be contacted since they were our neighbor while all these extreme systematic breaches and abuses were being acted out against my sub-section 6 right and acted out against my internationally needed free speech!!!

Mr.Morin on that Oct 4 2019 day you and others were not expecting me to days after reveal my summit personal precious insight on lusting which clearly is neither confusing nor disjointed;

Canada and others, lets see further proof of a conspiracy to unlawfully falsely brand and label, shall we; I Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton Alberta said in court room 412, 2019; #1“I need to first address the lies that I threatened anyone at any time. Det. Horchuk under oath falsely stated that my email threatened with a ‘shooting spree’. Not any email I sent the 250 political and the few policing people has any evidence that I threatened that.” (James Rowan and Police had to admit by silence that not any email had said that !) Eps cops and Horchuck obviously conspired to act as if they could get away with saying that by acting as if that was a mistake.

Mr. Morin Sir, that exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, abuse of process. And that was not said in court from 2015 for four years til that phony trial in 2019. That weighs in on proof of a conspiracy to label, brand and act out habeas corpus breaches.

#2 I said this in court 2019; “While under oath Horchuk and few officers said I threatened 250 political people with a killing spree. Officers had to have known of my (emailed) public report page on (brain science and killing sprees).”

As you might remember Ronald Morin, I said this in court 2019; “Within a email I expressed anger as a satire to people in the televised open parliament appearing to ignore what I wrote, on brain science saying that in some cases ignoring may cause a killing spree. At that I expressed (anger ) as ‘a rhetorical satire’. That is why I wrote in a email, ‘you would show respect if I, went on a killing spree”. (word for word I said that in court in 2019)

(Neither officers nor that prosecutor wrote nor said a word with respect to the brain science point, no not in the four years since that August 2015 false arrest, and no not a word of that in court in 2019 at the end throughout that phony trial !

That there record point exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.


The following part is what intimidatingly I was not given time to say and had fear of saying in court room 412; *At my earliest bail hearings I was forced to speak into a video-tron within Edmonton’s Remand. I quickly said I was able to account on that false police narrate thats using those two terms “killing spree”. I was interrupted and the hearing ended. I shouted, “but I am able to account”. Guards dragged me away and returned me to cell. Sept.9th 2016 I super quickly spoke to give my account of my emailed words being rhetorical. Exposing his self that judge (deputy justice Minister) angered that I spoke, got up and speedly walked out of the court room. I shouted; “Insanity of the court, insanity of the court”. Yes for the record I said I was witnessing that that judge and prosecutor was acting insane !!! That day I was returned to Edmonton’s Remand and left in holding cells, for many many hours.That point further exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.

That record there is real proof all this began with my not being given my right to be heard and proof of habeas corpus breaches.

Will court records go missing like women go missing? Canada needs to stop talking about reconciliation, and prove they are reconciling by reconciling with me.

In my audio of you Mr. Morin, Canadians can hear you saying there is worse things than being falsely labeled. Of course that is proof, you did not deny there is a labelling scandal. And what did you mean? Is there something you are not telling people? Persons that abduct, murder and torture will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Swine, wolves, dogs and snakes running systems need to take a serious look at part 40 of this report !!!

The following was addedly said in Edmonton Alberta court rm. 412, June 2019

#4 As you must know Ronald Morin, I said this in court 2019; “Officers (did not narrate a word) (on my brain science report page nor on one of my emails on brain science), and they used my emailed rhetorical satire killing spree statement, yes used that to falsify investigation narrates and to appear to account for spending time to unrightly organize a 2015 arrest, and used the emailed rhetorical statement to later account for my reporting any assaults and excessive force cause of their outrage at my years of fullest sub-section 6 reporting for the public good.

If people believed my email was a threat (and not rhetorical), and if they believed my reporting was not within the law, then the 250 political people who had my apartment address would have contacted eps, (and not any ever did).

“That very key point, not answered to by 2019 QB Judge Jerke nor by Prosecutor James Rowan, further exposes a scandal, a system conspiracy to falsely arrest, label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.

#5 As you know, I said this in court Ronald Morin; “this 2019 in court and in 2015 Eps narrated that before I was later arrested, they came to my door ‘to see how I was doing’, yet they ‘violently’ banged on my door. I was alarmed and I told them to say what they wanted to say thru the door. They would not. I feared that they’d try to break down my door. I told the officers through the door ‘I have a right to defend my castle’ (which is what a legal maxim says). Strangely a female officer, I believe that was officer Ross, asked me what I meant by the word, defend. I then answered saying; ‘look if I wanted to kill you, if I was and am that threat you suggest, you would be dead, but I don’t work that way’. And I was not referring to that time they were at my door, but of past times police met with me.” (unlawfully they played on his right to express fear, being upset, and just anger)

#6 I said this in court Mr. Morin Sir; “In one email which they referenced in court room 412 I was not threatening. I was just trying to sound brave like a fighter cause I did not know what force of evil might be headed my way. (eps persons outraged at my reporting which exposes) Former eps officer Derek Huff warned that officers threaten unwanted citizens, organize false reports, lie under oath, and he warned theres a code of silence. — Derek Huff ran away and I fought what he ran from !!!

#7“And Mr. Morin Sir, you must know I said this in court; “under oath officers tried saying that I wrote within my reporting that politicians are Nazis. I was only writing of evidence of what other political people suggested. And April 12 2019 the media reported that the current prime minister Trudeau shouted (within the televised house of commons) that the conservative leader refuses to denounce white supremacists. And with that said a MP stood and said MP Andrew Scheer is associated with neo-nazis. Why were officers under oath trying to condemn me for saying what fits with what the prime minister said”. (‘to stop my words I was interrupted at that point in court and I was forced to say; “no let me finish” ).

Right there Mr. Morin is another record proof I was not being heard !!!

I said this in court 2019; And I wrote that I saw evidence that Stephen Belding wrote that Harper is a neo-con murderer and crazed pervert. I did not want to believe that your honour. And I read that lieutenant governor James Bartleman says that federal politicians are directly responsible for the deaths of children in Canada’s Air India bombing. And I was not directing my emailed words to any office or person I put on my email list. I put them on the list to have witnesses. When I wrote a email I was speaking into the darkness appearing within systems.

There you see the 7 points (answers) Ronald Morin. * Obviously I am a man who holds people to account and obviuosly I am able to account !!!

And you appear strange or fearfully confused using that term “major” in your Oct 4th writ. I fired you once and after you showed up to ask to be my lawyer again. I was called and led by guards to a remand visual screen phone room that I was walked to, a video screen phone room that I talked to you through with respect to that. You wrote in that October 4 2019 document page 2 that you reluctantly became my lawyer in 2016. In 2019 after that Oct 4 opinion to legal that you wrote, I confronted you and suspecting I might of been recording our conversation you lied by saying, I asked you to be my lawyer again. It is ludicrous to suggest I would of called you to rehire you after I just fired you. It is a strange mystery why you designed language that way in your Oct 4 2019 document to legal aid. I now have public audio records of your words, therefore you cannot contradict me.

We all know now that this is a titanic scandal. Edmontonians now know too. We were not all born yesterday !!!

On page 3 Ronald Morin Sir, you wrote of Detective Horchuk testifying that he discovered the email address was sending reports and material in April 2015. Horchuk testified (“under oath”) that he figured out that the emails belonged to a ip address which he investigated, and Horchuk testified that the email belonged to a Shawn Cullen. That is preposterous nonsense because by that Horchuk is suggesting he didnt know who I was, didnt know what I was doing for years, and didnt know where I was from any of the 250 political and policing people on my paramount email list who had my address and email address. That is so far away from making sense that that twists at my mind.

With all due respect that narrate by Horchuk is not possible to believe and has got to be one of the stupidest sounding lies ever heard. Remember Mr. Morin, you wrote your self; how do “we” explain the 10 years Mr. Cullen sent documentation to governing bodies and that what he sent did not attract scrutiny by authorities. Now we have a reason to believe perverted Ontario cops are in bed with cops here. From Ottawa to Alberta heah !!! This is a titanic scandal exposed.

You Mr. Morin reminded of Horchuk on page 4; It is creepy that Horchuk stated that he could not tell whether the evidence of girls sent by me to officials were girls 8 years older or younger. Does that mean Detective Horchuk might think a 12 year-old is 20 or 4 year-old is 12”? There appears something very wrong and creepy with Detective Horchuk’s statements!”

You know what that woman Ruth correctly posted on her site; prior to August 28, 2015 Detective Steve Horchuk sent Shawn numbers of emails in which Horchuk cited communications

about Shawn’s Blog, complementing Shawn — telling him that most do not realize how hard he had been working on the Blog– Horchuk, using a fake gmail, informed Shawn that he was being considered to be invited, to be part of a Board that addresses system issues because his abilities would be useful.– On the evening of August 28, 2015, Horchuk sent an email to Shawn requesting a meeting at Tim Hortons, area 105 St. The email cited “share research” to rescue and

“help these children”. It was not a steamy web chat invitation.

Yes and why did Horchuk not try to use a steamy invitation? Why did Horchuk think I would head to a coffee place at 11 at night to talk about moral issues if he believed I am a man who would not use his rest time or sleep time to work for such interests? O you are exposed Mr. Horchuk.

And you acted out a conspiracy against a real chosen man of God. I was misled away from my apartment of ten years, and by that a scandal was committed against Albertans and people not aware.

And page 4 I see you Mr. Morin remind of the tree branch evidence. Why do you and that prosecutor need to be reminded that that was from that wide-open site titled 100% legal supreme model portal. — We link to only 100% Legal Non Nude Sites with no child porn Exclusive Free Pictures, Future Stars Preteen Models. — Sir I ‘would’ hope you are not trying to water-down facts and trying to confuse and straw-man my sub-section 6 rights and story. — That site was entrapping to Canadians !!! And that site was only found blocked after I was abducted and was tortured for for three years.There are a thousand reasons in this report here proving why that site is not to be blocked, for public safety and international security reasons. Persons running this entire end times world really are acting as stupid as hell. And they that say a site did not have many users are deceiving because I investigated that site for years and I was not listed as a user and I found hundreds of different sites, that led to that site. Hypocritical online security persons are vainly trying to cover their tracks. I am the world leading authority on these subjects, so people need to stop their God-damned lying, right now !!!

Page8 I see you Mr.Morin recorded that the second witness was administrative assistant to the ontario children advocates office. You didnt remind in that Oct 4 letter to Alberta legal aid, that in court that receptionist couldnt remember what material I emailed her office, and she referred to material as women. In court you told me she is a non-credible witness. Yes and that office closed down after they conspired to sabotage and accuse me. And Mr. Morin behold the powerfull proof I have in this report proving I have exposed that Ontario advocate acted out a conspiracy to interfere with my reporting. Witness part 28 of this paramount public interest report Mr. Morin, and then see part 40 again !!!

Facts recorded in this public report expose a systematic conspiracy to act out a great character assassination attempt !!! Yes and Mr. Morin on page 9 you wrote that I testified of how easy it was for Canadians to open up that material from wide-open sites not blocked. What you did not remind of is that in 2019 I testified in court that visual material did not need to be opened as material was on the option images sections of google.

THEREFORE WE KNOW material was available to every Canadian and did not need to be accessed to be viewed and possessed. This 2019 witness testimony I gave was blindly assumptively contradicted by unresponsive denial of that Judge named Jerke.

On page 13 you threw a wrench into my right to appeal. If anything intereferes with my need for appeal coverage Edmontonians and Albertans and people world-wide have a great reason to suspect you Mr. Morin sir are guilty of conspiracy to obstruct justice.

Ronald Morin you strangely falsely wrote, that that Judge Jerke had enough information to put in his decision. This public report proves in powerfull ways that is not the case.

And court records should evidence that I was forced to raise my voice in the court to remind that I had a right and duty to judicially address the constitution. You threatened and intimidated me into settling with getting out of the remand. And that appeal opinion to legal aid Ronald Morin Sir can by its nature be seen as fraud, defamation and a matter of other federal crimes!If I am in any way misunderstanding you then write a new opinion like you said you will!

On the witness stand June 2019 crt rm 412 I said: “If any thought I do not have a sound mind they would not of let such a man email written and visual material as I did for years to 250 officials who had my address and email address.” That judge named Jerke did not answer to this key point !!!

Yes and Ronald A. Morin Sir you wrote in your Oct 4th 2019 letter for appeal to legal aid; How do “we” explain the 10 years Mr. Cullen sent documentation to governmental bodies and Justice Minister, but did not attract police scrutiny? Yes how can any explain this fact !!!

Ronald Morin Sir now you need to ask the second question fitting with your question; “How do you explain the 10 years Mr. Cullen sent written and visual documentation to governmental bodies, but did not attract mental health scrutiny ??? !!!” There is a Tsars bomb question !!!

That point there (further exposes) a scandal, a conspiracy with respect to attempting psychiatric interference in plots to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.

You might remember, 2019 I Shawn said this in court Mr. Morin Sir; “When I (could not) follow bail conditions in 2017, I was assaulted by a officer and brought to the Royal Alex. I spoke of my faith in God for a few minutes with another. Then nearby I heard a female staff head laugh mockingly. I then heard her say; “I can hear him talking about God, this is perfect’”. Minutes later she walked up to me and said; “I’m sending you to the Alberta Hospital”. Guilty of a scandal Nov. 22nd 2017 that Royal Alex Psychiatrist Marsh Joyal wrote up a certificate that labelled me “hyper-religious.” According to Martin’s criminal code 2016 book under annotations page 1866 section (2a), almost word for word, says I have a right to entertain and declare my religion as I choose, openly and without fear and a right to protection against Government intimidation with respect to my religion and conscience which includes indirect attempts to control, like what Marsh Joyal did”.

Why did that judge not answer to that, and why did he let that fall through the cracks of that 2019 phony trial.

That point also (further exposes) a scandal, a conspiracy with respect to attempting psychiatric interference in plots to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.

Did you know I was brutally assaulted by a stalker/Satanist in October 2019, and according to Dr.Mehnaz Khurram of Jasp. Ave clinic, Dr. Khurram was not able to find any record from the Royal Alex which documented that my eye was ruptured and blurry from that system-gang stalker attempting to gouge out my right eye? I warn that yes without any doubt I am saying persons at work in Edmonton’s Royal Alex that are covering up for that market of youth porn and secret activities. Dr. Khurram prescribed me 500 mg of Napoxen and Erythromycin antibiotic for my eye, and she wrote a referral for him to see a optometrists. That R.A. did not! Why not ? Nov 5 2019 there was a bomb threat that led to a lock-down at the Royal Alex. I wonder if whether or not a citizen acted that way because of corruption in that facility. I do not believe that is the way to handle their organized crime but I believe we Canadians need to hear from the accused to know why. And why did a man so feel he could not talk to Alberta’s health system that the only way he thought he might get his point across is by killing himself on the Legislature steps this 2019 Christmas month heading to 2020?


I am publically and internationally warning that what Zedkova said June 27th 2019 in court room 412 is ‘perjury’. And I warn Canadians and others that in court June 27 2019 on that witness-stand Zedkova said her opinion is that I am schizophrenic and she referenced 1998 of which she said I saw a doctor to get a orchidectomy and was hearing voices and seeing demons and saying that his chest was heavy. In court I Shawn raised my voice saying Shes lying under oath, My health records were falsified. I Shawn, breathlessly shocked to hear that began to investigate how my Sept28 1998 Grey Nunns health records were rewritten. I found that they do not have a way of proof of the year of micro-filming reels of micro-filmed health documents, ‘therefore documents can be falsified’. And I found that Alta.Health Authorities and Alta.Hospital are accused by the privacy commissioner of letting sensitive health records be breached and lossed with respect to sect. 34.1 and sec.60.1(2).

Lets say decades ago as a young man in 1998 I had such a fear of heading to hell-fire that as a right of passage I misinterpreted Matthew 5:29 and I went to get a orchidectomy. Lets say a fear of hell fire caused me to have nigtmares and I believed my nightmares were actual attacks by demons. As any might see; who that would be decades ago does not fit with who this report proves I am. And if that were the truth in 1998 doctors would no doubt have signed a certificate to detain me. And Mr. Morin you must know that in crt rm 412 that Judge (to appear non-biased) reminded Psych. Lenka Zedkova that a Alberta Hospital mental health panel, (forced) on me, was not able to able to find me unfit. A woman named Ruth told me that in her thirty years of advocating she has found that few ever win against those corrupt panels. I just happen to be one of the ones who ever did!

On that June 27th 2019 witness-stand Lenka Zedkova tried to label me another way when she lied under oath by saying her opinion is that I am a narcissist and persecutory. For years system persons were aware I posted a video on narcissists. Do you really think Albertans are that stupid to believe a man who posted a video on his hatred for narcissists is himself a narcissist. Inside of the last five years they knew about that blogged video yet were at work lying so much that they forgot. What a tangled web they weaved!!! — Listen to the video I posted in 2015 which is further evidence of a failed attempt to conceal a systematic conspiracy to falsely label me. Zedkova’s associate Oto Catsky labelled a respected doctor a narcissist. I Shawn Cullen say here that narcissists want to glorify their appearances and act out gas-lighting and deceive at every turn to cause you to believe you are whats causing darkness or evil. That is what my adversaries are about and as you see, its preposterous to believe I am, having given you my sound words on what that is. And persecutory is a delusion of believing you are being persecuted with reason to believe you are not being persecuted, acting harmed with a reason to believe you are not that harmed. At times it is termed Querulant Paranoia which is to obsessively feel wronged about minor causes. They that are that way at times design false reports of being stalked and want to file lawsuits. As you see its absurd to believe I am persecutory having given you here his rightly reasoned knowledge on what that is. I put into words such matters without having been taught by any one and not any book. Hmm, and why should I not be called a scientist as you criminal law-firm owner Ronald Morin referred to me in court, while not any with masters and doctoral degrees are able to get passed any of my published insights and words !

The video I posted in 2015 and the above words I have given is further evidence of a failed criminal attempt to conceal a systematic conspiracy to falsely label me. Would not Canada’s privacy commissioner be most profoundly interested in this, as any should.

And become an ear-witness of my unprecedented audio podcasts which document proofs and evidences of corrupt persons abusing, threatening and at work to attempt to hiddenly label me.

I found reason to believe a Oct 22nd 2015 court transcription might be altered and a court record might be with respect to Guy Doyon. I hope not. And when I called transcript management I encountered suspectly rude interference by a transcript management person, and I examined a court transcript that did not record my words right.


Now examine and see whether or not my words prove I possess dull thoughts and lack insights, like corrupt youth-obssessed helter skeltering psychiatrists unlawfully forcibly (hyper-narrated), to attempt to lock me away never to be known, seen or heard.

They wanted people to think I am like Forest Gump while in reality you might say I am more like Forrest Wilson an author and journalist who was responsible for gathering and making sense of historical data, or more like Forrest Shreve a botanist. They wrote that I am confused, difficult to follow, suggested I am dull in my thoughts, a man that lacks insights, a man whose health is likely to deteriorate. I see that as evidence of what was a conspiracy to cause my demise.

They wrote that I suffer a delusion of believing there is systematic child exploitation and conspiracy to cover that up. Behold my revelations on Alberta family nudism (that is symbiotic with nudism outside our borders), and behold every way I reveal and expose within this public interest report.

I fought to get free, and now within my public posts you citizens of Alberta, Canada and abroad have the truth. Life is not like a box of chocolates. People have less freedom than chocolates and are eaten up faster, by social cannibals, hypocrites. My personal and private information was altered, falsified and hyper-manipulated!!! Now I see why people I was emailing were so speechless. I the real Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton was born April 3rd 1971, East-York Ontario, son of my late beloved Mother Gale Anne who passed away in 2011.

And they of fraud at work to falsely label me did not know and did not document any word on me being a singer SONG


Interesting how so-called civic rights persons on Jasper ave I suspected were concealing lust at children never posted me singing this song. They had a winner on that stage yet they were too hypoevil to see!!! What a bunch of cursed losers !!! Here is me singing the same song in another place where people actually are worthy of my presence.

Songs — threatened to call cops — police state



Examine a few of natural Scientist Shawn Cullen’s social science insights to see if he is Forest Gump;

Shawn says; “Laws of perceptions do not exist. There is not such a thing as perception process”.

“People say they perceive, yet they glimpse or vary by deducing.”

“A number of sources give a example of deductive reasoning by saying all men are mortal(premise) — He is a man (premise) — Therefore he is mortal,(conclusion). =Premises that appear true are characterized as if they are naturally true, yet are seriously not true. And world-wide people are calling that a reasoning process. What is in a man is not seen and in a way not seen might be immortal yet they that deduce act as if their judgment is to be trusted, as if their words are reality. (And people are occupied by that) That causes darkening effects and is affecting communications, present and to come.”

“What you say you see appear-clear, by that you take as certain, as if you were to say at the wheel of a boat you man; “ I am headed in the correct or right direction”. Now let us say, you see clearer and find your boat was not headed in the correct direction. (By nature) you will further act as if you are certain, yet later you find the boat not headed right. (Reality is not til the one sees clearest.) [Delusions appear clear and clearer]

Here is a example; Deductive reasoning exercises appear good, yet they are like body building your eye-brow muscles. (There is brain function which is to grow without thinking exercises, otherwise minds misdesign and malfunction.)

Think of that weight lifter that can lift a 1000 pounds yet cannot bear a truthfull communication nor bear giving to a charity.” “Deductive reasoning is taught as if that is heuristic for function, yet breaches function.” “Aristotle a philosopher started out with that false teaching.”

“What I am saying?” “What I am telling of fits with what scientists call neuromyths.”

“In real ways there is of nature, what is unhealthily named deduction, but educating people to exercise examples is not good for function.” “I do not believe Sigmund Freud was a man of understanding but he was correct in saying there is a conscious mind, and reserve-conscious mind which he was amiss in naming the sub-conscious mind. The reserve-conscious mind is either a blessing or a curse. This part of the mind stores what you know or not, and (is the way through which you might have power to be led).

Conscious following of commands is not everything you need. You must not cause your mind to be at work ways which are to be left for your reserve mind, other-wise you cannot be led and cannot function right. (Mind led and spirit led are not the same!) Ask yourself what speed are your eyes to see flowers? And your eyes are not to count flower pedals a way that discounts the flower. You are not to obsess at the patterns of food served to you on a dish. Educating to exercise examples of deduction causes your mind to be at work like gears that breach your reserve-conscious mind. (There are many ways education breaches the reserve function). By that systems and persons can mob up and exploit.””I am not religious, but you see my insight is fitting with why Christ said; lean not on your own understanding.”

“There you see people are too smart for their own good and for the one. Cursed people or people greatly deceived listen to their conscious mind thinking that is God. Too much knowledge or not the right knowledge can choke out your reserve mind and cause hyper affects.”

“And what is, prediction if not pride at what was and is, yes pride that is hype that is lack of respect for possible ends.”

“And inductive reasoning ruins needed communication; heads you to false relationships, gossip and false ways of detecting and investigating.”

“People think they perceive like Georg Cantor did, Ludwig Boltzmann, Kurt Godel, Alan Turing, Nikola Tesla, W.Churchill.”

“I have given reason why people are not to trust deductive reasoning exercises, and there you see why to watch out with respect to tentative hypothesis.”

“Perceptions are what people identify and recognize, or not. -Most ways people see are false perceptions. People know things exist but they are blinded to knowing the reality, or are guilty of not knowing the reality”.

“False science asks; How do we perceive?” “That misleads people to thinking there is a process. That is that false belief in reductionism, that fallacy way of thinking you can simplify to answer and become”.

“Why is there not perception process? There are great numbers of ways things will not and do not make sense, things that confuse, illusions, mistakes, full loss of time which was needed, things you cannot govern, and misdesigning that causes effects and affects that are misdesigning. And there are mysteries and secrets, and false riches and free choice.”

“That Gestalt concept is sleight complexity bias/prolix that acts as if it is heuristic, for knowing what a brain and eyes see”

“Your magical fairy Gistalt Father” ;

“The ‘Gistalt principles are not principles. It is the art of leading you to be dumbed down.” “That false concept is that the sum of parts is not greater than the whole”. “If we think of that in terms of team-spirit, what that is saying is that you are a struct inside a false concept of giving”. “Giving became more meaningful because we all gave. The more people that are at work to give the more dependent you are on that concept.” “And by nature people believe they are the team, like a motor cycle rider thinks he is his motor cycle and he is that loud exhaust pipe after-burn sound.”

“Psychologists and false science says that Gistalt concept is perpetually primary, defining the parts it was composed of.” “And really by that, system persons teach that where there is that synergy there is no sin.”

“That nonsense Gistalt concept heads to a delusion of cloud nine, that fantastic team-spirit. The truth is, there are parts greater than the whole.” “And as Kirk said; the needs of the one outweigh the many.” (not that I trust William Shatner)

“It is not a surprise that concept headed to what is called Phenomenology, which is system led tours of whats falsely called awareness. Thats the playhouse of psychologists. Thats that false teaching that people cannot truly change til they accept who they really are. They falsely say, that otherwise genuine change is a paradox. In other words you are not to really learn to hate ‘what’ you are. Sociopaths, psychos and narcissists are to grow organically, like carrots or garden turnips. Phenomenology uses epoche, (suspending judgment), ways of recording heading people to face, without accusing and causing self incriminating. By that you can teach a demon possessed person to believe they can change a diaper or have a aim to. The matter is, that if in six steps you can turn a swine or snake into a sheep, then in a single step a swine or snake can disguise itself as a sheep.””Gistalt, said to have its roots in David Hume & Kant teaches that objects that appear similar are seen as a group or pattern to path, and objects that appear near objects are. Psychology wants you to think the concept shows the brain is striving for order, meaningfulness, completion, and part of a law of attraction and perceiving, helping your brain through knowledge of lines, distance, shapes and color.” “That is a false answer to the great mystery of what is the nature of people.”

“If there were a process for perceiving, by nature principles for perception, — there would not be world-wide delusions; deceiving, unending lying, madnesses, mind control, brainwashing, global confusion, and a lust for every restart switch.”

“Your brain is not you trying to find you and help you. Your brain is you which is your enemy by nature. The brain must be led and to retesting!”

“There are things which are perception-constant to people, and yet they do not answer the need to perceive. They serve, but they do not answer the must need to perceive. They say there is ‘the law of proximity for perception’. That is false and heads to drama. People do not want unity, they want advantages. And the fact that what is built appears to help people build, does not prove that leads people to know which are needs and wants. People by nature fail to understand or lose sight of that building is a way of destroying. And the mind is not searching for meaning through proximity. The mind is wanting knowledge. Maddest people appear as gods of grouping. We live in a time in which all is organized like never before yet that is of greatest madnesses. Madnesses appear meaningful. And grouping words for language is a greater and greater way of redesigning weapons of madness world-wide. They say there is ‘the law of similarity that is for perception’. That is false. The mind covets and will do what is convenient. That does not prove that is a way the brain is working to understand worth and build relationships! The law of continuation is said to be about relationship, but following what continues is about self continuing. And people are not attracted to convexity, they do not want risk by concaves they are not tempted by. People do not want stableness and to be free from uncertainty. They want to preserve. They say there is ‘the law of closure for perception’. That is false. People are not completing by nature what appears a thought a way from fitting, wanting completion. Their nature is to suppress and hide, and people that complete or close what they see are they that are of a nature that is foolishly entrapped.”

“Psychology is a false science, and perception process does not exist!”

“People are ‘given’ what they need to perceive, and they lose or disrespect what they are given or taught, — or they do not! Perception is from being led, not from a process, and reality comes from thousands of self examinations.”

“And interdisciplinary concept cannot be a way out of the reality.” “Scientists say the brain controls the body, yet they do not say the body also controls the brain. You seen what the body of a chicken does with its head cut off. That is not just last commands of the brain running through.” “And architecture might not be designs for growing. Architecture might cause affects that are upping the brain with misdesigns that do not head to perception. Architecture can exploit and seduce, as can neuroscience for architecture.” “And clear orientation can be like a lovely view for a lobster before he is put into a boiling pot, but patients need to see they not only have freedom and their needs within their reach, -they need to see they have armor within their minds.”

“& what is intellectual synthesis if not lapidary cutting false perceptions!”

“And synoptic philosophy is a subjective title, for at the end of the day we must examine what people say is that wisdom they are zealing at”.

“And what is ‘increased self awareness and conscious intent’ -if not wasting all your time examining what a dog you are as an excuse to not do what you need to -to become a lamb! People are managing their accursed nature, like that system that is like a 6600 pound bunny rabbit that thinks God will give it a giant carrot in the end.”

“And there are great matters and issues with respect to linguistics”.

“Consequentialism is false perception as that is to say ends justify what was, which can be subjective, jumps to or fast forwards to what is subjective away from justly accounting and weighing what was”. “Yes that (rule utilitarianism) is that false perception that contradicts itself by teaching people to not understand and believe in discerning and mercy.”

“Argument is false perception as that is to say you are right by ending doubt yet does not prove and reprove.”

“Altruism is false perception as that does not count your self as being favoured above people which are worth less. That loses sight of needs and wants, and by that ends up calling wants needs and calling needs wants”.

“Existentialism is false perception as that is not mindfull of what is subjective and outs possible mystery, time, judgement.”

“Dualism is false perception as that lends to blaming your body you are in, and lends to assuming your spirit will live on.”

“Functionalism is false perception as that confuses function with recording mechanisms, confuses how we do-with what can appear to be what we do, and confuses the need to know realities of past to present -with present.”

“False perceptions might appear at every turn.”

The insights further expose a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, abuse of process.

See here what further “insights” Shawn Cullen has, and perfect sense he makes, you know, Mr. Cullen who four years later has good health, no thanks to Alberta Health persons;

“They say they are in love, yet because they are (attracted) to a person; they say that person they are attracted to, are not that guilty and fears appear to need compassion. Yes false love, that is delusioned by being ‘attracted’!”

Scientist Cullen teaches why false anger and crying wolf threatens ;

“They that use anger to accuse or that cry wolf play with your brain alarm. We know that, cause with what appears danger there is not time to know who is right, not time to prove. That anger or cry leads to trapping citizens! That mad matter is exposed here by what I have written !”

Scientist Shawn Cullen reveals that pride of mad people is (dis)assembled; “They that (want) to label others as being of pride, are their self carrying through (disassembled) pride, which is, a deceiving way of hiding mad pride. And any deceiving is disassembled madness, (like weapons that are disassembled do not appear as weapons). -And a citizen being falsely accused at every turn might boast as a boast uses the parietal occipital part of the brain to lessen stress on the thalamus to guard their prefrontal and cerebral cortex. There you see a scienced reason why one might boast.” Jesus said, judge not lest you are judged, fall away from being justified. I teach on speeds of pride, speeds of heights and lengths of pride, designs of pride, pride of using the sound and act of a child to hide heights and weights of pride. Labeling me grandiose is obviously defamation and a exposed systematic criminal scandal!

Scientist Shawn Cullen warns that broken down brain function leads to flooding curiosity, that deceivers brand and to label ; “Hypocrites are people that are lying with respect to youth! Their perverting, built neuronal pathways, yet they accuse people which are only finding brain function after part of their brain design was broken down by false media. Accused people are like any walking through trees where there are not any pathways, not knowing what they are seeing because neuronal pathways are not designed, and not designed like the neuronal pathways of their accusers. In other words a number of accused people do not know what they are seeing, and damned hypocrites are accusing people as if the accused are designing evil neuronal pathways heading at youth. The truth is, accused people are heading through the trees not knowing what they are seeing !

Shawn told a citizen he is the world leading social scientist. That man said alright then define cigarrete smoking. Shawn quickly said; they that want to smoke cigarettes want pride to appear as natural as eating. That is why by their mouth they smoke. They that want pride to appear natural do not rightly hate pride and do not rightly love a meek and lowly spirit.

They that want to be drunk or high to be at peace and at joy might act that way because they know they are a enemy to their self or trial to their self day by day. They drink to cause whats dark of their self to be half asleep, yet a enemy that is half asleep wakes up a enemy. There you see why in such cases, drinking or being high is not the answer or antidote.



As you can see my marbles are not lost and not chipped. — HATE CRIMES + HATE SPEECH -

SEE HERE A LATEST CONSPIRACY -REDDIT SCANDAL EXPOSED =You will see that although there has not been further false and insulting reddit language for months, they that manage net neutrality are causing that reddit thread to follow, and what I see is persons running internet appear to be trying to misdesign ways people find my newest posts and post titles on the internet !

How do you answer to this Mr. Ronald Morin? *REDDIT SCANDAL EXPOSED * -

Propaganda war …



That insulting person under that user name piratebluebear on her thread left a comment that stated;


13 points·1 month ago

“WoMeN oNlY eAt IcE cReAm On ThEiR PeRiOdS” which are always strange and mysterious and turn us into raving beasts etc. etc.

[WHY WOULD SHE (piratebluebear) SAY THAT ]

piratebluebear kitties!6 points · 4 months ago

cow sex — I did not know that cows made different noises during hanky panky than at other times.



63 points · 1 day ago

Who is in line for some stitches?


21 points · 23 hours ago


Nov 30 2019 a Snitich is any who inform.



73 points · 26 days ago

Who doesn’t like a nice piston to the anus?


9 points · 26 days ago

“I piston my anus.”

Version:0.9 StartHTML:00000144 EndHTML:00000214 StartFragment:00000178 EndFragment:00000178 SourceURL:



6 points · 6 months ago

“Ever been to sea, Timmy?”

“No, Captain Hindgrinder…”


4 points · 6 months ago

“Then bend over Timmy, and I’ll slip you the fish.”



level 1


6 points · 22 days ago I don’t feel welcome in alberta when our premier is homophobic and has actively taken away the rights of my community.

level 1Salaciouslysera

THAT REDDIT USER NAME salacious MEANS = possessing or conveying undue or inappropriate interest in sexual matters.


-7 points · 3 months ago

My d@#% is short hes like a small dog he can’t hold it long

YOU SEE THAT THEY ARE CREEPS, HYPOCRITES, and psycho titled HappyKleenex _Sausage_fingers, asstyrant and any persons that might follow their pattern of ignorant cursed insults ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED !!!

Hypocrites are exposed as we see that in a comment Clark said; “I’m not sure if I should, he has not done anything illegal”. That was to “act” honest, yet that that was said out of perverted guilt because he knows Shawn had not used any of that language Mr. Clark (Trekmachine) posted at the top of Clark’s reddit thread. Shawn says that when he was face to face with him he felt a strange dark deceiving energy from him. And Shawn never gave a printed manifesto to any. Zefside lied! Edmonton_canuck is a deceiver =Shawn never told any about Ontario. Corrupt cops knew of Ontario yet Shawn did not communicate that with citizens. Notortoises is a deceiver that is caught. He acted as if he found a post on Shawn, yet that post was not from the (hearthis Shawn Cullen) (‘title’ that headed that reddit comment thread). Notortoises did not need to find a post. (Hearthis Shawn Cullen) would have led to every post!

And know this judgement; Shutting out knowledge of what you are, is not what you are. They that act that way are (of most unidentifying) variety of that which they accuse others of. By that we know that they that act that way are most evil of all. They are not good; that conceal that they tell their self they would if they could yet they fear their hood, so they choose what liars say they should, denying sine qua non truth, letting real truthfull and honest people be misunderstood !!!

They that do not address, profess, yet they suppress, repress, obsess, do not confess, transgress by acting as if honest people are less, They do not really bless, and with false press they design care-less laws without due process, and they call that success, yes they possess and false witness, and this is not a guess. They says they are righteous more or less, their life is not a mess, and to eternal life they say they have access, and yet yes yes all liars are heading to hellfire nevertheless !!!

Here is what started by Clark’s reddit lies, Trekmachine BS, in 2019 after I Shawn Cullen already was tortured and threatened by systematic terrorists for greater than three years to bury my free speech and sub-6 rights;



Hypocrites attacked real truth bearer and leading Scientist Shawn Cullen using false founded insults, terms that are to defile what Shawn justly files. Shawn told me that accusing is a way of concealing what you are. That way you act as if you are fit to address. Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton says hypocrites act as evil authors! Shawn says any like Mr.Clark that post ignorant and insulting comments about him are defilers at work to defile what Shawn justly and soundly filed and files. I told Shawn he was referred to as a dude. Shawn says he is not a dude. Shawn says that term is not disambiguation with respect to who he is. His teachings and words are not ambiguity. His words are crystal clear. Shawn is the one with the answers to questions. A strange-hyper legal aid man Ernie B. that was pushed on Shawn to speak for his bail, told Shawn of reddit comments. Shawn told me that legal aid man deceived because he did tell Shawn that what was on reddit was by Clark. Ernie ‘acted’ otherwise! Shawn said that ‘deceivers’ on reddit used “lawless” insults.

While reddit hypocrite treacherously stated that Shawn might be pretending to post and write for him self, one thing is for certain, Shawn Cullen has many podcasts proving he has widespread support and does not have any imaginary friends, tulpas, paracosm, and his words are not fiction, nor are his words persecutory delusions!!!

Shawn said that being a leading investigator and leading witness of ten years he is able to say to the people of Edmonton and Canada that without a sleightest doubt child abusers, persons that rape and murder and torture children, call others what they their selves are, which is skinners and pdfiles. Hypocrites call others that to act out disturbedly malicious propaganda warfare to stop any working to expose!

Here is what that bad seed Clark caused; Shawn gave a copy of this to your law office Mr. Ronald Morin before that Oct. 4 2019 appeal opinion Sir!!! Shawn spent hours at my place writing this.

Here is what Shawn wrote; “Joseph as you asked me to put in writing. I was abducted by police on Sept 9 2019. They came to my room number at Dwayne’s Home. At me, a writer and summit author, one who nurses injured or ill street pigeons, they pointed a number of gun like weapons at my head. They claimed I breached a bail condition. You know, conditions that I have proven, are unlawfully madly being forced on me. July 2019 after court in a number of ways I was provoked into doing a quick campaign to give security to my life. As you know I had you and a few people help with what I needed. Cops claimed I talked to a Mr. Clark which breached a condition. As you know I have posts which prove I do not advocate for pdfilia and I am a scientist who has summit answers to questions, which Freud and centuries of philosophers were not able to arrive at understanding. As you recorded in August 2019 (edited), I gave revelations on lusting, insights which reveal and expose what people think and are attracted to! My paramount insights weigh in on International and National security, public safety; the administration of justice, education, health and science world-wide!!!

On Sept 9th 2019 I was abducted by police. I was brought to the downtown police headquarters. As psychological warfare a cop instantly began using labeling language. I said to him; I am not as you suggest. I am a leading social scientist and I am able to define the nature of anything. The cop to the left said; alright then define aroused. I then said I have not been asked that before, but alright. I then said; aroused is to be effected in a way which causes you to lose capacity to resist a temptation. (The officer then of sleight inhaled a sense of surprise and he said; I think that is the best definition I have ever heard.) I was then told to follow him to be processed. Verily I Shawn Gordon Cullen of a sound mind am saying publicly, this is the full truth and not anything other than the truth, so help me God!!!

I spoke to a creepy legal aid duty counsel lawyer named Ernie Buncle who dared suggested I did not have any rights and suggested that I would not get bail because my internet posts are too truthfull.

I saw a (selected) Justice of the peace and said I did not want that creepy legal aid duty lawyer. I said I wanted to represent myself for bail. That JP tried to persuade me not to. I said I want to. He then spoke to over-ride what I said. He said I think we will wait for your other lawyer Ronald Morin. That violated my Charter rights! The Crown prosecutor said he did not feel comfortable with that because the record would show I already asked to represent myself! That JP said he would adjourn til later that day. (organized crime in our prosecutors office and legal aid) They got rid of that crown prosecutor. I saw a different crown prosecutor with a JP. That crown suggested to deny bail. I said; “this is another corrupt crown prosecutor that wants to lock me away so I am trapped by habeas corpus breaches”. Word for word I said to that JP and Crown; “this is propaganda”!!!

They adjourned bail. — I was then brought to the Edmonton Remand. To use psychological warefare I was within minutes called sexual names by a guard named Orien and a number of other guards that were laughing. I was brought to a men’s bathroom to be strip searched.That guard with other guards told me to bend over. He said more, and then he made a oowh sound to suggest he was libid. I see that as a federal criminal matter of sexual harassment and sexual assault. What is very profound is, knowing that guards acted that way after calling me names with respect to youth. What would Edmonton Remand guards want to sexually assault one they are calling names! I saw a female Judge. I quickly began by interrupting and warning via the remand court floor video tron that I was assaulted. That crt.rm. 267 judge immediately in a disrespectful way said;“I am not listening to this”. I then said that violates my rights, this is not a bail hearing. I want a new judge”. That lawless judge then had guards intimidatingly drag me away. (‘Minutes later I was brought in a second time to face that judge’). I was quiet while that prosecutor used unseemly language to mal-address. The judge said she would review my case and adjourn til Friday. I said, will you let me say something. That judge said no, and mysteriously guards were cued to grab me and drag me away like that last time. I believe that was when I yelled those are not my words, or that was friday. Friday Sept 13 2019 I faced that judge and I reminded that my need to speak was being bullied, mauled and denied. Minutes later I was called to a phone video screen room to speak with lawyer Ronald A. Morin. Morin asked me what I have to say. He then said ‘no, I am not listening’, as if he did not want evidence recording, which would correctly hold him responsible. Minutes later I faced that judge. I was denied bail. I yelled saying; “my posts on the internet prove I am innocent. This is a scandal, a witch-hunt”! I did not just prove I am not guilty I have exposed and proven that my adversaries, accusers are!

I believe they call guards to drag me away, and call me in minutes later, to possess a option to delete the first remand video-tron record, and try to fabricate a court hearing record. That is what I feared a number of times throughout unjustly being held like a Alberta political prisoner!!!

edited — Morin strangely suggested that prosecutor Rowan insanely wanted to try to lock me away for ten years for breaching a bail condition. I raised my voice a number of times in court rooms after 2015 and in 2016 declaring in my own way that I believe James Rowan was and is being used to attempt to illegally unconstitutionally lock me away for my 2009 to 2015 fight and work of reporting and exposing tyranny, hypocrisy and a degree or degrees of exploitation. All is really exposed now !!!

Sept 2019 I was brought to the Remand infirmary and led to cell #7. A fat Caucasian inmate named Waden Wilcox was in cell #10. This was that entrapping closed in area of the infirmary. Wilcox acted like he did not know who I was. He asked questions and then he said; “I know you, you are Shawn. You have Ronald Morin as a lawyer. I know because I hacked into his cell phone. You are the one who leaves fifteen minute messages on his cell phone. You are the one saying you are innocent. Yah sure I know you.” He then began asking questions like, “so what were you charged with?” Why would he of needed to ask if he was listening to my phone-calls? I told that violently perverted sociopath that for a number of years I warned persons running systems of wide open material not blocked and not addressed and so I acted on a section of the criminal code called subsection 6 which gives a citizen the right to send proof of what system persons appear to be ignoring or playing in. Wade Wilcox then exposed himself as being put there by guards to harass and harm me at that closed in section of the infirmary. He suggested he has inside knowledge that I would be sentenced to prison time by a judge and crown in a conspiracy to use inmates to harass, entrap me and cause my demise. I have a perfectly sound mind. I do not suffer any persecutory delusion, nor schizo denial. This account on murderous freak Wilcox is the truth, the whole truth and not any thing other so help me God!!!

He called me names like skinner, pdfile, child molester. And I said to him, “I see you are not able to sound approved in the way you say that, you are not able to sound approved to say that. By that you are accusing yourself”. And I said; “I told you of subsec.6, and my story and posts are on the internet proving I am a scientist and that I was in reality not convicted and not found outside the law.” He carried on harassing with a perpetually perverting salivating energy. I said; You are perverting the sound of terms used to mark perverting.” I said:“That nature of that way you say that exposes you”.

Other cons from MI 8 to MI 14 evidenced that they were (selected) to that closed in infirmary zone to pervertedly harass me while I was in the first cell MI 7.

Sept 15 2019 I used my cell intercom at approx 5:05 pm to warn the guard that sociopath Waden Wilcox used language incriminating guards, a future judge and crown to a plot to jail me to use inmates to entrap me and cause my demise. From my understanding there is a evidence codex for cell intercom recordings. I asked guard Pillapow to put me on the other side of the infirmary where I was before. He said he’d think about that and get back to me, yet he never did.

Sept 17 I used the cell intercom to again warn of that Wilcox plot and of him saying he hacked into my lawyer’s phone.

Sept 18 2019 6 times (nurses and psych aides) walked by and asked if I wanted a injection. I said that I am a social scientist and do not have any mental health issues. I said I have proven on the internet a scandal in which at a time a injection was forced on me in a illegal attempt to label me so I am illegally locked away so the public does not hear from me and does not get to know who I am and what I know. (I used my cell intercom to record) to the guard that I was asked that same question (6 times) on the same day. I recorded saying that asking me that six times on the same day is a scandal. I said a same nurse asked me twice. Although I made myself perfectly clear, the next day on Sept 19 a guard named Acuba W. opened my cell door and said “lets go you are getting your injection”. I said, I don’t get injections. (And even if I did by law its illegal to force a remanded inmate to take meds against their will.) I after used the cell intercom to say to that guard Acuba that it appeared he attempted to intimidate and extort me into taking that injection against my will. Through the cell intercom he (changed his tone and tune), lied by denying that he meant to. After the Sept 18 to Sept 19 late night guard shift change I used the cell intercom three times to warn further that Wade Wilcox used language, that he and inmates were selected to that part of the infirmary to harass, entrap, harm and (above all to act as false witnesses)! (colluding with guards) After the Sept 19 to Sept 20 late night guard shift change I used the cell intercom to again warn that Wilcox and inmates were suggesting that. Wilcox was permitted to use a room (outside that closed-in section), to use a computer from time to time and he suggested system persons are supporting a law-suit he is planning, and that a corrupt judge will let him win as a bonus for targeting me.

Sept 20 MI 12 told a guard that he is listed as a high priority inmate so he gets what he wants. He did not say, high profile. He said, high priority. He was harassing me and calling me names like Wilcox was. I used the cell intercom to report that matter, and that high priority claim. I think his name was Gavin. He loudly acknowledged he is bi-sexual. Guard Pillapow (not spelled that way) was paying M1–12 extra-attention. OMG right after I reported Mr. high priority, yes reported using my cell-7 intercom, that harassing pervert was later taken off that closed in part of the Remand infirmary.

I witnessed Edmonton Remand guards reorganizing which infirmary cells cons I reported were put in, as if reorganizing to confuse records on what con was in what cell.

Sept 22 staff came by my cell strangely dressed appearing extra clinical. They asked if I have any mental health issues. I said “I am a social scientist, I define mental health issues”.

In my understanding what is a social scientist? A Social Scientist is one who understands the nature of people and things, knows how to put into words, the nature of people and things.

Sept 23rd I found that guards or a guard disabled my cell intercom. I was shocked by that. I asked supervisor Donny why inmates that did not suffer any infirm issue were put where I was, and why inmates use wheel chairs and wear bandages and then stand up walking around as if they are healed. Donny oddly said he could not answer that. He said he would check into that and get back to me, yet he did not. Supervisory Danny is a supervisor that calls for monthly charter breaching hind strip searches! Why is Justice Alberta letting bi-sexual and gay sickos act out monthly hind strip searches in the name of drug checks, even on me who publicly and privately have spoken against drugs? — People everywhere need to behold that these are my false accusers !!!

Sept 24 a inmate in a cell asked me to do a favour. I felt inmates wanting to ask, so deceptively they would not appear to be against me.

Sept 25 2019 some time after dinner 5 times I used the cell intercom to report that words by Wilcox and inmates were that I will be murdered and/or harmed and trapped by a conspiracy that judges, prosecutors and guards are behind. Guard named Snow agreed that Wilcox is a bad bad man with a dark past that should not be getting any money via a law suit. That extreme pervert Wilcox suggested he has murdered people he has not been convicted for. Late late at night Wilcox said he thinks guards are getting ready to rape a inmate. Wilcox said, I hope they are. Knowing I am innocent he then said for me to hear; Maybe they will rape cell 7 (me). I Shawn Cullen am saying this is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

A alarming question which every Alberta citizen and province need to ask and take seriously is; why would any that call others skinners or offenders want to rape any they call that! –That is a great chilling clue to this systematic mystery I have exposed!

Now after lunch Sept 26 I called my probation officer Jill Pfeiffer to warn of all matters language by Wilcox. An earlier inmate named A. Mahmoud told me inmates are skinners that were put their to target me. Mahmoud said he could kill someone and system persons would let him off the hook. -(This is not fiction)

Sept 27 2019 I was put in shackles and cuffs, led to the remand court floor to speak to bail and put in a cell that was to mark me as a danger. I told guards that I was not in cuffs and shackles days earlier, not put in such a cell before talking to a judge via video-tron!!! (SEE WHAT RECORD I HAVE DOCUMENTED WITH RESPECT TO OCT-22 2015 WHICH DOES FIT WITH THIS MATTER!)

Infirmary inmate cell-14 Jesse D. who was by the cell I was in said theres a market for material of youth and maybe people think I am in the way of that. I was shocked to hear him say that!

Sept 30th 2019 I called to leave a message on my probation officer’s phone and on a lawyers phone, and my lawyer Morin’s phone to report that I was sexually harassed and criminally harassed by supervisor Donny and a number of perverted guards while they acted out a drug search strip search. In the evening I used the cell intercom to report that matter. Guards were saying I like younger girls. I said I am a social scientist and I know YOU guards like children. That is why you are at work to act as you are. I left a message to let that probation officer Jill Pfeiffer know a guard pointed at his at me and was shaking his rear at me, as a mock, as if he was giving an invitation, and he used other body language to sexually harass me, and he used body language to suggest children. Strangely my mysteriously selected probation officer did not do anything. The video surveillance will (should) prove the matter which is criminal in nature. In 2015 a native con told me I might not be able to trust police services to truthfully tell the public what remand video surveillance records prove. This criminal matter weighs in with my report on guards that sexually assaulted me by their strip search.

While that illegal strip search was being acted out, as a mock a female guard sang Jesus loves me this I know while other guards laughed to mock my faith in Jesus Christ. = That was criminal harassment of my faith !!! — Remember my highlighted report on Royal Alex Hospital staff head Marsh Joyal!

Lawyer R.A.Morin did not say a thing about these matters. Sept 28 I used the cell intercom to warn again of the danger I knew I was in. Sept 29 I did the same thing. And on that closed in part of the infirmary shockingly I found that my orca number was blocked from calling the Edmonton police complaint line. I did not abuse (nor use) that complaint line number in times past. And I found that I could not dial 911. A guard told me I just needed my voice activation reset. What? Boloney !!!

Blocking my access to a police complaint-line breached my rights, and I’d go as far as saying thats a federal criminal matter of facility terrorism, entrapment and obstruction of justice!

Oct 1 2019 I was forced to keep quiet or not get bail. Mr. Ronald Morin told me he knows I do not have a mental health issue, yet he suggested that if I let court people label me I would get bail.

I got to Dwayne’s Home and I learned that a system gang-stalker and sociopath named Star Mather and security named Lisa said cops started a rumor that I murdered a Dwayne’s Home resident named Samson. I had a few people threatening to stalk me and stab me for that rumor. I said that rumor was after I was abducted based on a so-called breach and was while I was remanded. Yes why must I follow any illegally forced condition while the whole world can see online that I have proven I was unjustly forced to endure systematic torture, tyranny and a insanely fraudulent kangaroo trial? That evidences a shocking conspiracy to fabricate evidence or to incite people to stalk me to entrap me. I am able to say that I never knew Samson who committed suicide. I was not his room-mate and I did not enter his room in all the years I lived in Dwayne’s Home. I did not talk to him and do not know a thing about him. And security surveillance would have recorded the proof that I did not enter his room or even stop at his door that day residents said he killed himself. And I certainly would not have gotten bail weeks after his suicide. This is evidence of great mischief, defamation and that cops were and are wanting to harm my identity and life in a conspiracy to attempt to stop Alberta from knowing about my insights and the market. Any fool would know all any would have needed to do was check the Dwayne’s House video surveillance records with respect to that resident’s room that he was found dead in. Albertans know now that cops want that material of youth, and so there are now no secrets. If they stop heading at the public with false brands and labels Alberta can have a new constitutionally sound start. It is alright as long as children are not being murdered, terrorized and youth are at least able to speak for their selves. Chill out O eps cops, I am the world leading authority on the subjects, therefore do not worry about opinions, but respect what I have to say !!!

CMA said they can tell by Shawn’s voice and writings he is a man of strong convictions Systematic Child rapists and pedophiles Murdered Shawn Cullen’s Mother.

I think Redford tried to have compassion but something about Edmonton’s system frightened her. Alison Redford tried to help by designing a election message that she sent to my old 10726 103st #206 home address phone number, 780 428 3697.–2/



What did that judge say with respect to that false decision of his? The next part lets you know, and gives you what I said or what I need to say now:

WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY: Mr. Cullen admitted he sent the emails and reports with material he censored, signed by him. Its reasonable to say that material was downloaded unaware, and many images were in cache, and so not accessible, yet material was accessible on thumb drives and computers, found in his apartment, and possession on drives proves he stored, and so he had control. And a usb was found in his underwear which I see as a contradiction.

MY ANSWER: That which that judge said for his decision does not fit with a reasonable knowledge of sub-section 6 for the public good. I would have needed access to material if I were to exhibit evidences for the administration of justice, science, education and fields of health. And therefore having a computer was part of the need. The report was a (high number of pages of knowledge and of exhibits) being worked on, therefore storing evidence was part of working on presenting the wordings and evidences for the public good. And KNOWING (authorities) and (governors) were appearing to be the cause that was forcing me to act on sub-sec. 6, I had a sound reason to believe I was and my evidence was at risk. Remember I was abducted and my work of evidence was taken. [I testified in court that federal parties were accusing party to party of child abuse for years and I testified of reporting for years simplest termed entrapping titled wide open sites not blocked and not addressed, that therefore gave me good reasons to not trust authorities to not kidnap me and rob me of my proof.


WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY; One of his exhibits shows a censored photo of a nude10 year old girl that has a message that says she is attractive.

MY ANSWER: That exhibit does not show that as being, what I, wrote. I did not write that which that censored photo messaged, and I was not endorsing any words written, and I was not endorsing that photo as freedom of expression. Why did that Judge appear to unjustly suggest I was? I gave that as a report exhibit cause that was wide open, not blocked, and was found with a message referencing fbi suggesting that there are examples of preteens which are grinning and do not at all look like victims. In court did not get to answer to what that judge suggested (for his decision) !!!


WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY; Mr. Cullen admits material is clearly of youth under 18, exhibits are not subtle, theres a exhibit of girls hiding in the grasses. He says they are trying to seduce men.

MY ANSWER: I testified on the witness stand that the girls hiding within the grasses weren’t naked, bodies were not visible, yet were part way censored by police persons as if they were. Why am I bearing the need to question why that not-needed police censoring was not addressed? And I exhibited that according to sub-sect. 6, and therefore why must I remind of my sub.sect 6 right? So that judge did not have a real point !!!

And my public insights on youth which unjustly I was not given the time and my lawfull right to say and record in court prove there are indeed youth that can seduce older people.


WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY: Mr. Cullen admitted he censored images of a young girl and he put a crime scene message on that, of Inna, and he exhibited girls modeling in scantily clad ways. And a model exhibited bondage modeling he admitted he censored, casey model.

MY ANSWER: Why must I remind that that material being wide open and not blocked for months, & years (was [green-light risk] by authorities), was material left available to the public by authorities therefore I cannot be accused of causing what authorities were letting and letting spread. If any are guilty my systematic accusers are! And I was forced to raise my voice, (not on the stand) to remind that with that I wrote on (NDS) and persons at fed. levels accused of letting girls be captive by NDS.


WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY: Mr. Cullen’s report (before 2015) offers unique features such as history on age of consent. He says there are (a number) of youth that can consent. Although there may be scientific revelations which might be reasonable, courts are not equipped and so will not evaluate science. I do not see any thing on education for treating sex offenders. There needs to be a verifiable legitimate purpose for administration of justice, science, education and health.

I was not given the time and my lawfully right to present my summits insights, but behold that that judge stated I might have scientific revelations he has not heard, which are reasonable.

AND MY ANSWER TO WHAT HE SAID: I was abducted and my work was sabotaged so how could he know what I would have put in my final report. The court acknowledged that my emails were reminding I was not finished. And why must I remind that authorities letting material appear wide-open and not blocked and not addressed for years and months = is a legitimate purpose, and I was not given my right to freely testify of my now public teachings which further proves I had a number of other verifiable legitimate reasons according to sub-sec. 6. for administration of justice, science, education and health. And as any might examine, my now public insights give key knowledge on human nature and knowledge on ways people might be falsely accused !


JUDGE SAID: Mr. Cullen’s report offers unique features such as history on age of consent. He says there are a number of youth who can consent.

Interesting that that Alberta Edmonton Queens Bench trial judge is not denying I might be right in saying there are a number of youth which are able to consent!!!

MY ANSWER :At midJune my lawyer Ronald Morin tried raising my writing on history records recording that the age of consent was twelve, only thirteen decades ago. Prosecutor James Rowan interrupted and tried saying that that was American laws, as if people of the states do not put their pants on the way we do, as if they do not have the limbic and hypothalamus design and pituitary gland design Canadian’s have. And before that time hundreds of thousands of Americans resided and settled in Canada, and so prosecutor James Rowan was uttering non-sense, trying to have false designs of knowledge mislead the court records to unjustly prosecute me, and to mislead and brainwash citizens of Alberta and Canada and abroad. — Shame on you James !!!

I encountered other Edm Prosecutors that are lying to citizens, prosecutors that need to be permanently fired and/or federally charged.

When officer Horchuk was on the stand he attempted to act out bad drama about material I sent 250 officials, being of minors under eighteen. I raised my voice in anger, and I said; “Your acting as if all youth under eighteen are children. You are lying under oath. The age of consent was fourteen till May 2008.” (and youth do not magically turn mature when the clock strikes twelve on their eighteenth birthday). (Trying to falsely re-write a hundred years of history only a few years away from that history, is proof of federal criminal mind control). I raised my voice saying ; “You simply cannot stop lying can you officer Horchuk.”While I was on the stand in crt.rm 412 that prosecutor James Rowan asked me why I am more of a trusted authority with respect to material than authorities. I told Mr. Rowan that I am an authority on lust and human nature, and that police are not. And I reminded that [I did not get to testify to demonstrate my teachings]. *Now as my (summit insights) are now public, James Rowan and any other dim-wit can clearly see I know much more than all authorities !!! I was forced to wait til I was free before I was able to make known my insights, which I have publicly !!!


WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY: Assuming I am wrong that Mr. Cullen did have a legitimate purpose, (theres undue risk). Mr. Cullen wrote that law makers are hypocrites. He showed a fierce devotion to his research. He appears to alert people and appears to be trying to liberalize laws. He sent material and yet writes on blocking material. Images were provocative and not necessary.

MY ANSWER: My passion was and is according to, my powerfull insight on lusting and my other insights I am the author of, insights I did not get to put as the icing on my 2015 report I would have finished if I were not abducted, yes summit insights I was not given my right to say & record in court. And we do not need to assume Judge Jerk is wrong. My now public insights prove he is. Why must I further remind here that that material being wide open and not blocked for years and months (was green-light to risk by authorities), and therefore I must not be accused of causing what authorities were causing, letting and letting spread. I was sending proof to 250 political people. Those political people were letting that material head to thousands or tens of thousands of unknown people.Therefore who is guilty? And I was testifying that wide open sites were not blocked and (((“not addressed”))), therefore I was saying in ways they might be left not blocked, and in ways they must be blocked, they were not. — I was saying that sites were entrapping and (was) trying to say that lost insight was and is a matter of public safety and national security with respect to the administration of justice, education, health, constitutions of every nation. My now public insights reveal and expose the nature of people!

That judge ought to be on trial for unlawfully and unjustly putting me on trial while nnclub was wide open and not blocked, and was (inviting( people of all ages to thousands of sites of youth porn heading to a million tons of that. That site is still as was months ago after that phony propaganda trial.

Material was necessary to be sent to policy makers and to be made public for everyone to see evidence of what green-light risk authorities appeared to be letting and spreading!



WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY: I have serious concerns on Mr. Cullen’s reliability. A supreme court case ruling states there cannot be a legitimate and illegitimate purpose. And undue risk cant be to children, its a case by case basis whether theres undue risk, and paragraph 158 of the sharp case reminds that the very existence of cp is undue risk that undermines the charter rights and dignity of children. Mr.Cullen did not know who he emailed, who would open his emails, who montreal simon was, oprah winfrey. There was not any regard for who would open his reported exhibits to minimize risk. I am satisfied the crown has proven intent to make cp available.

I have serious that Judge Jerk fails to see that all hypocrites and liars are heading to the lake of fire.

MY ANSWER: = My years of reporting was on Edmonton amd Canadian system persons acting totally unreliable, and I had and have more than one legitimate reasons I had which my now fully public teachings prove. Edmonton and Canadian uthorities were letting risk and letting that spread, letting material (exist), be available, and so they forfeited their authority to be trusted with material on a case by case basis. I was reporting that for years and months Edmonton and Canadian authorities were letting a “very” wide open existence, not blocked and not addressed. That judge is not making any sense. You see why I must let Albertans and the world know. [And I suspected] that what was appearing was a threat to due process with respect to tyranny and Canada’s constitution. When I put high profile people on my email list ‘that was like running to a house door’ (fearing) that what was much larger than myself and not friendly might be by. -Yes and I was abducted August 2015 and my work was sabotaged and stolen !!!

And that judge didn’t answer to the Federal letters I got, and to my saying I got high priority read email confirmations for years from Federal people. I did not get any answer with respect to Helios nor to my report of officer Macleod !!! that judge and prosecutor not answering to what I said in court fits with my not being given my right and need to be heard in full.

As you might see I’ve quickly answered to all that judge said June 27th 2019 which was his further reasons for his mid-June decision. As you have to examine, I have proven that his 2019 decision is false and cannot be the truth. I am not trying to fight with that judge named Jerke but I have a right to be acquitted in an appeal, and I have a right to a billion dollar or multi-million dollar settlement. In fact Canadas governor general ought to step in, so I do not have to be troubled by an appeal !!!

By a forced false brand and condition, I feel I am being threatened as if there is a gun to my head!


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These are extra links you do not need to check out right now; SCROLL AHEAD TO PART 61 Reddit Scandal Exposed




As was written, here you shall see a cornerstone proof Shawn has caught the proof proving systems persons running Alberta were and are playing in a market of material of youth while heading at you citizens with propaganda of false brands/labels using disinformation and misinformation !

Here we are; I found evidence of that wide open unblocked site that Shawn’s criminal lawyer Ronald Morin refused to comment on. Remember the audio podcast;

The entrapping warning sign says; The page ahead might contain some inappropriate or adult content.

Be careful if you want to go there! Click the button to open Open site

That site every time heads to thousands of links to youth and a million tons of material. Shawn warned Mr. Morin while Shawn was facing a kangaroo trial, that he (Shawn) was told about that! In court room 412 in 2019 Mr. Morin strangely did not raise that incredibly significant point of interest.

That warning sign which is a pink color like the access page, is not designed to copy ! Below is a proof of the public page.

That warning sign which equates into a systematic invitation is found at

The nnclub warning page says “adult OR inappropriate material”. The word (OR) and the word (inappropriate) is 100% proof that the warning page is designed to invite youth and children.

Yes youth fit with the words (“or-inappropriate”). Their curiosity fits with what might only be inappropriate. It is legal for youth to follow the term inappropriate. It was and is totally contradictory to say their nnclub warning page is to protect children while warning language used invites youth and children. The warning page is years old. The system was and is making material available, therefore they need to stop heading at Canadians with ammuniton, psychiatric needles, false brands and labels, otherwise it is a Orwellion Distopion provincial and national tyranny in provinces bereft of reason, fitting with doctrinal prophesy of latter days.

Further proof is that that so-called warning page uses the words MIGHT be SOME. (The page ahead might contain some) It is known that that site every day every hour every minute definitely heads to material of youth, and it is known that not some but at every turn in every way that site heads to material of youth, to thousands of links, a million tons of youth porn. And that site always firsts has that face page appear, seen just ahead in this public report.

Although I see the reasons why that must be decriminalized, I myself do not have any attraction to any porn and not any want at women. While people might find hard to believe I have found I am only in love with words which I am gifted with according to the Spirit of Christ, and I am not a religious fanatic. There is a spirit of loving hating lusting which I have found in my relationship with Jesus. I have tested myself which is how I know this in full. I am not able to share every insight I have for the will of God is that people choose what they turn into and are not given any cheat sheet.

If that language of the warning is changed then its a cover-up. Shawn says that if system person want that site to be open to the public then they need to put that into terms, but system persons need to hit the brakes on heading at citizens and others with ammunition and psychiatric needles to brand and label. If that site is blocked then that is proof of a cover-up. Any security administrator that blocks that is definitely not to be trusted. Shawn says verily they were not to be messing with his identity and records and rights just for him being the leading investigator and for being the only one with the leading answers. Shawn says that after investigating for a decade, being a leading social scientist, he is able to say that lusting at youth was normalized long ago, and therefore you cannot re-normalize what is. He says, lying about that is putting everyone and every child in great secret danger and he says he has been threatened and tortured for operating to make sense of what others could not. Mr. Cullen says it is inhumanely brutally unjustly not right, interfering with his knowledge on this ! According to the total visitors to nnclub was 4,601,867 counting since November 5 2015 to Dec 2 2019 / 23:55 = As any can see here, nearing 5 million visits to that wide open site is extreme access to that material not blocked on service provider Edmonton shared by provinces Canada.

I found this face page proof for Shawn’s report. This is nevertheless fastly accessible and is not blocked. This was on service provider Edmonton shared by provinces Canada while Shawn faced that shockingly unjust trial targeting his sub-section 6 right and constitutional right to address systems and the internet for the public good, and this site has not changed day and night five months later as of December 2019. This site heads to thousands of links and a million tons of material of youth. Shawn says as the leading investigator and witness of ten years he is able to assure every citizen nation-wide that without any doubt there are massive numbers of system persons, rich and upper-class Canadians involved in that material. Shawn says that if any say they want to stop that they are either bloody liars or they do not have a clue about what they are saying. Shawn says if this site is not decriminalized there will be a greatest threat to our national and international security and public safety !!!

And Shawn says, do not be fooled by any claim that at sites there are alert scams. After ten years of investigating Shawn is able to assure every Canadian that persons running systems are indirectly and at times directly using cyber-crime alert ads, to intimidate people so they do not investigate sites and learn that material is not illegal yet is illegal for any that might vary against system persons. What is a cyber crime is acting as if that malware is a scam. Here is a example of what you might see;

And as a social scientist I Shawn Cullen must believe there is a connection between anorexic porn and people trying to arrive at realities forcibly repressed into their reserve or subconscious mind. It is evidence that there are people in society that are desperately sick from decades or years of being “fed” disinformation and misinformation on the subject of young people and children.







That false arrest was at 11:30pm at night August 28 2015 while Albertans were a sleep. Shawn says the entire arrest process felt like a kidnapping. Shawn says he was taken l prisoner of war or political prisoner, not like a criminal. Shawn was put on a remand unit and he told a few inmates that cops broke federal laws and Charter to throw him down the devil’s throat to stop his free speech. A guard heard Shawn sharing his story. That guard called him and marched him down to a strange cell that had no washroom. For days guards walked passed Shawn and ignored his need to use a washroom. Psych aids walked by a alarming number of times asking Shawn if he was suicidal. Shawn said no why would I want to, and why are you carrying on asking that. Shawn told psych aids walking by that he needed to use a washroom. They walked away without giving an answer. Shawn Cullen was forced to pass matter into a brown lunch bag filled with orange peelings. Shawn heard guards talking about using a heart fibrillater, and he heard a guard laugh about using what that guard called death hot-sauce. Shawn thought it strange that non-medical staff would use a fibrilater, and talking about that and death hot sauce was stranger. Shawn saw the need to not discount, that after he was taken, what he was witnessing was persons running systems heading to cause his demise and causing that to appear a suicide. Shawn weighed that risk of what he was witnessing and therefore he need to act to get the hell out of that cell before he was martyred. Shawn blackened his eyes to leave a sign his life was in peril, that way they would not be able to kill him and record that as a suicide! A duty counsel lawyer named Guy Doyon told a judge there appears a system outrage at Shawn’s public reporting. What is of great public interest is that neither the judge nor prosecutor nor any remand psychiatrist, not any Alberta Health worker questioned Shawn with respect to his two greatly blackened eyes, not at any time!!! At (that earliest bail hearing) a judge broke the law (rules of court) by cutting off his right to answer to what a corrupt prosecutor said to refuse his need to get bail. For greater than 3 years he was hidden away by habeas corpus breaches, threatened and tortured day and night day by day. There were about twenty or greater hearings in which shawn was threatened when he tried to say any thing, and guards were used to intimidate and in violent ways drag shawn away. A woman name ruth said, court hearing records appear to be missing. He now has fear when he tries to share what system persons acted out, and because of trauma he has trouble recording his self ! Shawn says, “Days after I was taken and remanded I was put into a cell that had no washroom. I was put in a cell with a mad man named David Dawson that was selected for his way of putting on a show of acting nuts. He spent hours causing noise torture by talking to his self in criminally insane ways at maximum volume. He told me guards bribed him into planting drugs on me to cause my demise in a way that would appear to be a suicide. He confessed because I told him I knew he was selected to act out extreme abuse of psychological warfare. That was evidence of a conspiracy to cause federally criminal harassment and murder to end my public reporting. (Within little time) inside Edmonton’s remand I found I was infected with violent infections. My rfi request for medical attention was not responded to. I had to climb to a high point on the unit to get out of the remand to try to get emergency medical attention. I was taken to AH which found I was mysteriously infected with two-+4 staph infections (related to the flesh eating bacteria). Corruption in Edmonton’s Remand later put me on a unit where I could not climb. That was to put me on a unit that gave me not greater than half a hour phone time, and was to act as if I am crazy for climbing, while really in truth I would have been crazy to not climb to get out of the remand, because I was purposely infected with infections related to the flesh eating bacteria, and my request for medical attention was not being responded to. The earlier matter of that dry-cell threat and later matter of Dawson weighed on that! Cons in bed with or sold out to, system corruption, were used to act out federal criminal harassment. To obstruct the voice activation phone process for using the unit phone, day by day guards used selected cons to act out maximum noise as they were used to kick their cell doors and mouth maximum noise using false witnessing language and terms. System persons were acting out federal criminal psychological warfare. I found that my orca number was illegally blocked from contacting the police complaint line, and 911 did not work. At work for guards cons tried to cause noise til my phone time expired. That way I would not be able to tell any what was happening. That was on a infirmary unit, super max unit and another unit. I did not have time to shower because I was to race to use my time to try to make a phone-call. I heard strange cries from a inmate locked up in a cell on the upper lever of max-D. On that unit I was hit with fear as day by day I witnessed peed on inmate coveralls carried down from the upper level of cells that were without toilets. Fearing for my freedom I asked a guard why peed on coveralls were being carried down. In a caught on the spot way that guard answered by saying; that is a good question. He walked away not adding to his answer. On another day I asked a tall guard why I was on a unit where a number of cells are without toilets. That guard said; that is where you are headed. Stilled in fear by what he said, I told him; you shouldn’t jest that way. I thought that if I had him think I thought he might have been jesting then he would rethink any intent to try to use the remand in entrapping ways assisted by habeas corpus breaches and judicial corruption via fraudulent misuse of remand court floor video trons. That is a federal criminal matter, a system secret that I am exposing here as a leading witness of remand and Edmonton court-house corruption !!! And on that max-D I witnessed that cell-6 inmate died. I think his name was Kora but I might be mistaken with respect to his name. For hours I witnessed guards and staff running up and down the stairs heading to cell-6. Why was cell-6 not brought to a hospital! That matter of him dying is evidence there is reason to file that as a question of whether or not remand guards and Alberta health staff are guilty of organized crime, of facilitated abuse and homicide or negligent homicide with respect to cell-6. That likewise is evidence there is a security matter with respect to Edmonton remand digital video surveillance. That is a matter of national security and public safety. These alarming records which are of public and national interest let citizens see further ways I was fearing my life was in peril while held and hidden away, to attempt to bury my life, insights and free speech. Two Max-D guards brought me a lunch container with the words kill your self written on the lid. I held the lid up to the cell video camera and used the cell intercom to record that matter. Guards said they were not aware that that lid had that written on it. That is too hard to believe and is further evidence of systematic abuse and conspiracy to murder by trying to use suicide. I was the one inmate not given a pillow and my toilet was shut off a number of times. Cons were used to target me using human waste and urine. My legs, arms and eye-lids were pulsating which was evidence a substance or chemical was being put in my food. That fit with a Calgary remand guard that used the cell intercom to threaten to tamper with my food. Through my cell intercom that guard likewise threatened to kick my skull open if I were to give him any trouble. My urgent Edmonton remand rfi request to receive urgent medical attention to investigate why my body parts were pulsating was not responded to. Witnessing evidence my food was being tampered with to cause nerve damage forced me to try to climb to a high point a added time to get out of the remand. Thats why they later put me on a unit where I was not able to climb. I would have been crazy to not do as I did to try be let out of the remand because I was purposely infected with infections related to the flesh eating bacteria, and my request for medical attention was not being responded to and this time I was witnessing evidence my life and health was being targeted in that other way. I was witnessing evidence of conspiracy to murder me, medical terrorism, federal criminal harassment, conspiracy to entrap and I was being hidden away from public view by habeas corpus breaches. I faced greater than twenty court hearings and at video tron screen hearing judges cut me off when I tried to account and bear witness, and guards were used to intimidate and drag me away. Guards took any pen I got and they took written phone numbers and records. I was forced to use orange peelings and ketchup to write down phone numbers and records of systematic breaches. I was forced to write on toilet paper, my skin and anything I had, and I was forced to saran wrap what I had written and hide evidence in my sandwich or my hind area. There is video surveillance evidence which can prove I was sexually harassed and sexually assaulted by guards acting out their month by month non-needed strip search. In Calgary my glasses and bible was taken and in Edmonton guards acting out a voyeuristic strip search violated the Charter by singing Jesus loves me to mock my faith in God. That fits with a record of the Royal Alex and Marsh Joyal violating my right to my faith by illegally writing a certificate sending me to the AH facility which equated into a further habeas corpus breach of my rights. I need to add that I have proof of a proven scandal of remand persons and system persons conspiring to falsely label me on Oct 22 2015. A further proof of that is with respect to 2019. Further in 2019 video surveillance and codex records evidence that guards incited a con to stalk me, harass me and to act out criminal assault. Remand guard told me filing criminal charges might not be wise because that could lead to further enemies. I tried to call police to report that assault but I found my orca number was blocked from calling the police complaint line. A guard told me that was just a technical issue that I needed my voice activation reset. I am not wise if I believe that was not a bloody lie, bs! Inmates and psychos were used for three years to harass, threaten and to act as false witnesses. Politicians and person of great money and advantages are using television power to narrate that all is good. That is not possible while I am within what they say is all !!! Remand unit phones are listened to by guards and records. Corrupt remand management lets judges know and that prejudices whether or not one gets bail and is used to decide what a future ruling will be. That is extreme invasion of privacy designed to bias and prejudice court decisions. This is not my opinion and not a conspiracy theory. I am a witness that it is fraud and a federal criminal matter for global law and media. When I finally got bail I was being threatened further by corrupt cops once I tried to make public the titanic scandal of being kidnapped, hidden away as a political prisoner, tortured and in life threatening ways targeted, unlawfully falsely labeled, to bury my free speech. To try to get who I am and my story on the web I spent 7 months homeless and hiding in the winter and cold. I was stalked and hunted for months by bad cops. I ate what I found in the seven-eleven garbage bin and ate food found in a safeway bin. What I found was not passed the last day of the expiry date. Immigration technology was illegally used to stalk me and cops stalked while I tried to head to trees which had crab apples. I was freezing, exhausted, abused, hunted and lost much of my body weight. At a point cops stalked me by trees near the Saskatchewan river. I was not able to find clear pathways and for hours I was forced to try not to fall into the river while I was working to get away from being abducted again. I used little change I had for food to make phone-calls. For free speech I have suffered as one of the most abused citizens in Canadian history. Sociopaths running Canadian systems televise the terms ‘mental health’. That is to penetrate you unlawfully by false labeling, yes by that sleight ‘disarm and rape your mind with insanely obtuse contradicting and personal incredulity. Hook-nosed or evil beaked critics default to assuming I am of pride yet that is cause they do not have the heart to get passed a great conspiracy of causing unappealing false perceptions and they are not able to hear in my voice and writings that I have been harmed by anti-lawfull brutal displacing. Fearing who I might question as I interviewed the public I spoke with a accent. I was told I am welsh but I do not use a accent. Politicians, law liars are “acting” cool, yet while heading to hell-fire their love is about chameleon pride!!! They cannot deny me! Canada’s judicial and political system is not intact. There is a gargantuan elephant in the room and he is gaining weight!!!

Add to this report, the later report on Sept 9th 2019 at that time after Shawn was abducted by police. Shawn was abducted three times in attempts to stop him from letting Alberta, Canada and others know who he is and to attempt to stop him from everybody what he knows.

I am taking the liberty of making the records public. This is not just a Canada thing. Every nation world-wide need to pay attention and behold what was done to the reality teacher Shawn Cullen !!!

“We’ll fight for people, not big corporations or the rich and powerful”


The podcast here is evidence of Dwayne’s Home corruption, Security Don lied about attempting to access Shawn’s room. He attempted to access because he thought Shawn was away after Shawn was stalked and assaulted and sent to the hospital. Shawn put a bolt on the door lock so not any could enter with a key card. Don wanted to see if Shawn left behind a audio recorder or other evidence on systems in his room. Moby Dwayne’s manager stole Shawn’s last audio recorder left behind after Shawn was abducted by violent pedophile cops that accused Shawn of violation conditions that Shawn never should of been forced to follow in the first place. Persons running Dwayne’s home, I suspect even homeward trust is concealing systematic organized crime and gang stalking. You will hear in the audio that manager Moby admits satanists and sociopaths were and are gang stalking Shawn for corrupt system persons.


Police Chief Andrew Demers jr. was seen groping children. He was the most decorated officer in main‟s history . Police Chief Joe Goggin was seen molesting a 3yrold Police Chief Gary Wayerski was seen molesting teens Police Chief Akins was seen molesting children FastPitch/archives/2010/01/13/kansas-police-chief-michael-akins-charged-with-sex-crimes-against-children Police Chief Carl Smith was accused of molesting five year old girls Police Chief Clarence W. Gregory Sr is accused of molesting. Police Chief Patrick F. Lynch is accused of sexually assaulting a child and accused of stalking according to http://www.nbc15 .com/home/headlines/Former_Fox_Lake_Police-Chief_Arrested_for_Sexual_Assault_of_a_Child_112326044.html Police Chief Michael Meissner was found with youth porn. vendetta/ Police Chief Charles Childers was found with youth porn Police Chief Bradley Evan Morgan was found with youth porn Police Chief William Jacobs was found with youth porn sentenced-18-years-for- sexual-abuse-child-porn/ Police Chief Anthony V. Mangione was found with youth porn Police Chief Ray Monk was found with youth porn /new_2002 0804092.shtml Police Chief Lawrence Woods was found with youth porn Police Chief Hilton Cordero Rosario was found with youth porn Police Chief Robert Geist was found with youth porn /news -regional-berks/ Local/ robert-geist-former-police-chief-pleads-guilty-to-child-pornography-charge/25379908 Police Chief James Jenkins was found with preteen pornography /article_5c0a75d7–7793–5e14-b636–92e48d02d023.html Police Chief Gary Reynolds was found with preteen porn /06/ex-winchester-police-chief-accused-of-showing-child-porn.php

Shawn Cullen

I am told that a probation officer named Jill Pfeiffer knows Shawn Cullen is sound and not guilty yet she is pricking up a reminder to Shawn that he must follow