Who is Cryptocurrency’s Target Audience?

Defining this target audience is a tall task considering the epic rate of expansion. There are at least 35 million people with Bitcoin wallets downloaded. More are added every day from almost every country.

Drew Mailen
3 min readNov 28, 2018

How do marketers, strategists, and development teams define the people that the crypto market is comprised of? What do they want to do when their coin MOONS? What kind of cereal do they eat? How old are they?

This guide will teach you about the Target Demographics that Make up Cryptocurrency... AKA Crypto’s Main Audience.

Read this blog post to learn more about Layer-2's like Polygon!


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The easy answer to this is millennials, however, that answer can be likened to saying that dads are the target audience for Major League Baseball. It is inaccurate because it doesn’t capture the totality, although it isn’t wrong.

When I imagine millennial marketing, I picture a bunch of late twenty-somethings dancing at a music festival or on a short-term voluntour trip taking a token picture of a national for Instagram likes.

But these are not your typical “investors”, at least not the majority of them.

So what does the typical crypto ‘trader’ look like:

Read this blog post to learn more about Layer-2’s like Polygon!

Opinion Leaders include: Vitalik Buterin, Brock Pierce, Winklevoss Twins, Roger Ver, Susanne Chishti,, Joseph Lubin, Kevin O’Leary, Mark Cuban.

FUD (Fear, uncertainty, doubt) can be spread from publications of all sizes, however. Government statements may also sway the market.

Values: Money, Innovation, Decentralization, Privacy, Flexibility, innovation, Community-Oriented, Digitally Social, risk-takers, competition, propensity for obsession, distrustful of governments, anti big-bank.

Interests: Financial Services, Innovative Technology, Traveling, blockchain, research.

They want to be educated, not solicited.

Skills: Internet savvy, tech savvy, soft to experienced research skills, software design.

Websites used most frequently: Coinmarketcap.com, Coinbase.com, Binance.com, Twitter, Facebook (esepcially FB Groups), Reddit, 99Bitcoins, Cointelegraph.com

Other Facts:

  • 20% of college students reported using student loans to purchase Bitcoin
  • Over 62% of Community uses Google Chrome
  • Just under 70% engage with Desktops more than any other device, Mobile is 28%, Tablet usage comprises the rest.
  • 10,908 Nodes Currently Online

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Email the author at andrew.mailen2@gmail.com

BountBase is a virtual currency marketer & content creator that connects coin development teams to the larger blockchain community. You can follow us on Twitter @BountyBase or go to our website, BountyBase.com.

