4. Thank You, Today!

Deli :D
The Hapful List
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2018

My Hapful List for November 16th, 2018

*A Hapful List is a list with 10 items I’m happy & grateful for at the same time. I write one of these every morning, so I can keep myself sane. ;)

Steve Halama on Unsplash, thanks tons for this inspiring pic.
  1. Thank You for waking up without an alarm.
  2. Thank You for hearing your voice.
  3. Thank You for staying with me till I fell asleep. I missed that safety feeling. I still do.
  4. Thank You for pointing stuff out. Thank You for letting me know and for being honest with me. Thank You for talking to me. After all, talking is one of the strongest signs of respect.
  5. Thank You for being useful for designing stuff in Canva. Especially since I’m not a Canva wizard.
  6. Thank You for having met with Ina. Seeing and watching her feels so much like a blessing, for I can witness first-hand someone I admire so much.
  7. Thank You for having Foca (a dog) sit on me and licking me. Have you ever noticed how dogs are so loving and kind? I felt as if it chose me, especially so its kindness would rub off on me. It’s okay to be kind even when it hurts. That’s what I imagine Foca saying to me.
  8. Thank You for Blitz waiting for me.
  9. Thank You for still having electricity.
  10. Thank You for having food to eat.

**Thanks tons to YOU for reading this!


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Other Hapful Lists I’ve made:
#1 | #2 |#3



Deli :D
The Hapful List

Word Bender. I believe in crafting a Safe World with Words, Questions & Love. I believe in Deeper Meanings & allowing ourselves to gracefully Unfold. Together