Reclaiming Your Finance and Accounting Departments with Exact Synergy’s Customer Portals

Spending less time on customer inquiries and more time on your company’s financial health creates a win-win situation for you and your customer

4 min readJul 27, 2015

The 5th blog in the Transformation Through Synergy blog series by Exceptional Software Solutions LLC

In the Transformation Through Synergy blog series, Exceptional Software Solutions LLC presents practical uses for Exact Synergy that have transformed our customers’ businesses.

“Employees say that they only spend 45 percent of their time at work actually completing their primary job duties.” — Entrepreneur

With 300+ years of combined experience working with Exact Macola ERP and CRM software solutions, the Exceptional Software Solutions LLC team of professionals has become thoroughly familiar with common issues faced by small to mid-sized manufacturing and distribution companies.

One of the most common challenges we encounter is organizations’ struggle to properly utilize the time and talent of highly-trained and educated staff. Too often, staff within small to mid-sized organizations spend significant hours during peak business time fielding customer service inquiries and the administrative tasks that go along with them. While providing excellent and timely customer service is vital to any good business, utilizing the time and talent of your staff for administrative tasks is not always the best means for providing customer service.

Reclaiming your talent

Finance and accounting departments feel this pain regularly, as these departments typically hold the most up-to-date information regarding invoicing, payments and order status. However, your finance team members are also among your most highly-experienced, highly-educated group of employees whose main purpose is to maintain and improve upon the financial health of your company.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average Financial Manager has at least one college degree and five years or more of experience in the financial field. Yet these highly-valued team members often find themselves fielding phone calls from customers regarding invoices and order status and focusing on your company’s finances part-time.

Creating a win-win situation with Exact Synergy’s Customer Portals

A self-serve technology-based solution not only benefits your financial managers, but your customers, too. Customers often prefer to access necessary information — including invoices, payment information, order status, shipping status and more — at their fingertips, without having to pick up the phone and speak with your staff.

The solution for many of our customers has been Exact Synergy’s Customer Portal feature. Our team of professionals has helped create secure, self-service portals for our clients which allow customers to view the pertinent account information that you want them to see — including invoices, order information and more. Your customer portal can also be configured to display technical support information, product release information, company news and other information that your customers need and wish to access at their leisure — without having to contact your company.

With Exact Synergy’s Customer Portal, your finance managers no longer have to squeeze their primary job responsibilities in between calls or after normal business hours. Your customers no longer have to wait on hold to access their information. This efficient, transparent system empowers all parties to focus on what they do best.

How can you create a customer portal with Exact Synergy CRM?

Exceptional Software Solutions LLC guides our customers every step of the way. From diagnosing complex process and communication issues to designing workflow systems within Exact Synergy, our team of professionals loves to create solutions that help your business retain its valuable knowledge and thus flourish and grow.

Learn more about Exact Synergy in this online brochure or contact us at

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Exceptional Software Solutions LLC is an ERP software solution provider of Exact and Macola software, serving SMB manufacturers & distributors in North America.