In the Transformation Through Synergy blog series, Exceptional Software Solutions LLC presents practical uses for Exact Synergy that have transformed our customers’ businesses.

Using Exact Synergy to Meet ISO 9000 Certification Standards

The 4th blog in the Transformation Through Synergy blog series by Exceptional Software Solutions LLC

3 min readJul 27, 2015


Manufacturers and distributors are well aware of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 series of quality standards, and the detailed processes an organization must put in place and maintain to be successfully evaluated and granted ISO 9000 certification.

The benefits of this certification are many. According to the ISO, benefits of maintaining its high quality standards include:

  • Cost savings due to efficient operations
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Access to new markets
  • Increased market share
  • Environmental benefits

But often times, the process of achieving certification can often take several months — even for a well-prepared organization.

How can you prepare your organization for ISO certification?

Exceptional Software Solutions LLC’s team of professionals uses Exact Synergy CRM to help prepare our customers for a successful ISO certification review process.

The efficient management of documentation plays a significant role in achieving ISO 9000 certification, including effective document version control, document share and storage of pertinent information. In some cases, our customers require that this documentation — including detailed manuals and other paperwork — must be paperless, as well as reflect the collaborators and creators of the documentation and which employees have access to the documentation.

At its core, the function of Exact Synergy is to do exactly this — to create a history of documents, transactions, events, customer information, employee information, communication and a space for collaboration. It captures the processes of your organization and embeds these processes — and the knowledge that drives them — into your organization and exposes them in one system. The result: an effective, organized and transparent process for document management, storage and sharing.

With Exact Synergy, and the right workflows, this process is made simple. An auditor reviewing an organization’s documentation in Exact Synergy can easily see all digital versions, collaborators, customer inquiries and more.

Ready to transform your business with Exact Synergy?

There are many steps that a manufacturer or distributor must take in order for its processes to achieve ISO 9000 certification, and the capabilities of Exact Synergy, combined with Exceptional Software Solutions LLC’s 300+ combined years of experience in Exact and Exact Macola software, can help get you on the right path to success.

Learn more about Exact Synergy in this online brochure or contact us at

To learn more about Exact Synergy CRM, view the online brochure and view the other blogs in our Transformation Through Synergy series:

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Exceptional Software Solutions LLC is an ERP software solution provider of Exact and Macola software, serving SMB manufacturers & distributors in North America.