Creating an atypical Brand Strategy process

Joana Vieira
6 min readJul 25, 2020


Follow the full process on Instagram (@craycrayowl)

How things came to be

Iā€™ve been learning about Brand Strategy for the last 4 years, practicing it for the last 2, and it hasnā€™t always been an easy-peasy processā€¦

When I learn about a subject for a long time, I tend to eventually need a moment to put my thoughts in order. Every expert on the subject has its own views and, while I study their methods and accumulate information from all over the place, eventually and somehow, everything gets tangled up together without me even noticing it.

The path on the map

I forget where I learned one specific thing, I know that I can use 3 or 4 different approaches to a problem, but itā€™s hard to evaluate which one is the best to use at that moment, and so on. Thatā€™s when I start getting nervous and insecure about myself. šŸ˜£

All of this uncertainty and possible variations can be overwhelming when you start practicing a subject without a specific method that youā€™re comfortable with and you know you can control. It builds up anxiety, it brings down the confidence that you have in your knowledge, know-how, and even capability to do anything well. I donā€™t think it makes much sense to work like that, and I donā€™t think Iā€™m able to properly help someone while having those feelings.

Some people might consider ā€œcertaintyā€ the death of creativity, but I think itā€™s liberating when it comes to a method. A process, the confidence that you can dominate it, and the predictability of the next step are agents to release us from anxiety, and consequently, create the mental space for creativity to run loose. That way, you are able to follow the steps and work smoothly ahead and, as you build up your confidence, you might try to bend it at your will and adapt it to better fit your needs.

I know thereā€™s a lot of people that consider themselves more creative under pressure and unsureness, and thatā€™s ok as well! šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ ļøI just don't think thatā€™s 100% healthy for me and thatā€™s why I decided to make my own Brand Strategy process. šŸŒˆ

Iā€™m not innovating, creating something new, or groundbreaking. Who am I to do that, really. I only wanted to eliminate anxiety and bring some sense of security by making a process that I can fully understand, control, transmit, and hopefully, create that same experience and feeling to anyone that might want to adopt it. So, instead of breaking already broken ground, I focused on bringing transparency and accessibility to a process. Not only for me but for everyone.

Follow the full process on Instagram (@craycrayowl)

The Blue Birdā€™s Way

A story

Behind every business and client, thereā€™s a human being and humans are known for their loooooove for storytelling and characters. I love them too! Storytelling makes us relate and remember things and thatā€™s crucial to the understanding of something new. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s an šŸŽ¶Over the Rainbow analogy a bit like an easter egg since itā€™s not that evident, but it still helped me create a character and a concept and go beyond a wall of text filled with phases, steps, tools, and topics.

A map

Considering the fact that a process does have phases, steps, tools, topics, and so on, I decided to illustrate that evolution with a map that will take you through a journey. With that, the experience becomes a bit more physical, like you're navigating the map as you navigate the world. Observing whatā€™s around you, making turns and loops, feeling that youā€™re actually moving from where youā€™re standing now, to where youā€™ll stand next. šŸ˜Š (Eventually, this map might become a bit like a board gameā€¦ but thatā€™s something for another timeā€¦)

The words

The Brand Strategy process is filled with jargon and I wondered if I really needed to write in ā€œcodeā€. I can only rely on my own experience and my gut feeling, but I decided to exclude most jargon from my process. Instead of using technical expressions and keep the formality, I contextualized the names with the concept that I created. With it, I hope to bring a more logical sequence and help you localize yourself in the process just by assumption. At the same time, youā€™ll still be able to find some jargon.šŸ§ Iā€™m not inventing the wheel, so it wouldnā€™t make much sense to call something new to a tool that already exists and has a name. If I did that, you wouldnā€™t be able to Google it and get further information about it.

By hand

When I decided to create this process, I could only imagine it being handmade. I knew that by making that decision I would be taking the long road, but drawing words and little birds with a pencil, even if itā€™s an electronic one and with the help of Procreate, makes everything so much more personal, imperfect, and special. šŸ–Œ šŸ’— Itā€™s very time-consuming but it can be therapeutic. It takes so much more time to do it this way but I believe it adds value so embraced it. You might not see it here, by go check my Instagram account (@craycrayowl šŸ‘ˆ). All the hand made stuff is there!

For you

When I create something for me, I want to make it available for anyone that might benefit from it. But beyond making it available, I want to make it accessible. The way I see it, and in this particular situation, that means turning something that can be difficult, long, expensive, full of jargon, and seemingly unsolvable puzzles, into a clear process that itā€™s easy to understand, use, follow, adapt and remember. Iā€™m not sure I achieve all of that but itā€™s certainly my goal and thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to reach with each decision Iā€™m making.

The Blue Birdā€™s Way
Creating an atypical Brand Strategy process šŸ“

A. Getting to Know Myself
A1. First Steps
A2. My Feet and Wings
A3. Opening the Gates

ā€” SOON ā€”
B. Learning By Watching
C. Paving the Way ā€” Shaping My Own Path
D. Paving the Way ā€” A Brandā€™s Blue Feathers
E. Taking Off

Next Step:

A. Introduction

Thank you so much for reading!
Give it a clap if you think thereā€™s some value here for you

ā­ļø To keep track of the full process and have a different experience full of carousels, birdies, and handwritten letters šŸ„°, follow me on Instagram ā€” (@craycrayowl šŸ‘ˆ).

One last thingā€¦

When you buy a worksheet, you are supporting my work šŸ’• , but if you canā€™t, share it with your friends, the company that youā€™re working for, or a cousin that is building a business. šŸ˜Š

Please know that all love and support is greatly appreciated! Thank you šŸ’–šŸ™
Be happy and stay well!

