Don’t Try This At Home: The Oral Edition

3 times oral sex led to a hospital visit

Kiki Wellington
Sex and Satire


Photo by innovatedcaptures on DepositPhotos

It’s clear that putting foreign objects in a penis, vagina, and anus can cause problems when masturbating — problems that can lead to a trip to the emergency room. But oral sex? Surely, a little licking in all the right places isn’t going to cause a medical mishap?

Unfortunately, in some cases, oral sex — both fellatio and cunnilingus — can indeed lead to a hospital visit. The following are three cases when someone got oral, then got injured.

A patient came to the hospital with “a very, very swollen, angry-looking penis”….

I Can’t Believe I Sucked the Whole Thing!

You would think that someone who ended up in the hospital with a ruptured airway would be in such excruciating pain that the last thing they’d have on their mind is social media. But not so with 19-year-old Fredy Alanis. He was actually quite proud of the fact that he, according to what he posted on Twitter, “had sucked a hulk sized dick and ended up in the ER afterwards.” However, despite the glee in his post, his night of pleasure did lead to a world of pain when he woke up the next day “hunched over crying” from extreme soreness in his chest. Still, Alanis felt a…

