Corporate Affairs Commission Company Continued

Legal Forms
2 min readMar 9, 2016


Corporate Affairs Commission Company Continued

Today I ventured to Yaba in order to pick up my “hopefully” approved Availability Check and Reservation of Name application. On my way, I was stopped by police for passing through a green light. Yes that’s right a green light! So the traffic police proceeded to dent my car with a makeshift baton before an armed policeman flagged me down with his AK-47 and directed me into the police station. After 10 minutes and £20, I was released and bid farewell to my newest friends and promised to get them a UK visa. Good luck with that folks!

Anyway moving on. After parking around the corner from CAC and I made the dusty trek to the head office and handed in my photocopy of the Availability Check and Reservation of Name Application at one of the desks. Fortunately, my application was approved! Yay! FYI it was supposed to be ready 5 working days from the day of my application, but it wasn’t. So if I were you, I’d give it 7 working days just to be safe. After approval, your name will be reserved for 60 days. So better act fast!

Oh yea, I almost forgot! The name they approved was “Legal Form Limited”, not Legal Forms Limited with an “s”, but you know what, the wahala was just too much. I think i’ll just leave it for now. Like an arranged marriage, perhaps I’ll grow to love it.


  1. Net Expenses: 0 Naira
  2. Hours Wasted: 1+ Hours
  3. Company name reserved for 60 Days from date of approval.

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Legal Forms

Online company registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission Nigeria (CAC). contact us at