Lotus.life — Day 8: Finding my Adventure

Christiane Brew
2 min readSep 18, 2016


This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 8

I have to go out on a mini adventure today and be present in the moment. Experience it for all its glory. It’s rather a tricky one because a) my life is fairly adventurous anyway (occasionally I even chose to get off at a random train station for no reason) b) I have rehearsals all day and won’t have time (fact) to squeeze anything else in.

So, I thought about something simple. I sat as a passenger in a car to rehearsals. That’s a crazy adventure for me as I usually take the train everywhere. Tokyo has the best public transport system in the world (fact). So, I looked out of the windows, watched the scenery, listened to music that someone else had chosen, and chatted. All of which are quite difficult to do whilst travelling on the train. That was it.

Tonight, I will book my hotels in Dubai for New Years, I guess that’s adventurous too.

So, today, was short and sweet and was brought to you by (fact).


I found 2 more adventures.

You know those big sheets of metal that you wobble to make thunder, well, I played with one of those for the first time today at rehearsals. My character doesn’t get to use it, so it felt rather exhilarating to have a go.

And theeeeeennnnnn, after a quick massage, I thought my day was over until I stumbled into my local neighbourhood festival, (a matsuri) and followed the shrine procession (mikoshi) transporting the deity between a main shrine to a temporary shrine. I never get to see this as I’m usually working, so I was thrilled. I walked with them and clapped along and had a very basic, uplifting conversation with my neighbour (he has two pug dogs, momo-chan and mimi-chan). I knew I had found my real adventure for the day.

I’m really really happy.

Previous posts in this challenge:

Introduction to the challenge

Day 1: What’s holding me back?

Day 2: Why do I want freedom?

Day 3: My Perfect Day

Day 4: What are my Superpowers?

Day 5: Daily Success Plan

Day 6: Finding My Tribe

Day 7: Beating Procrastination and Overwhelm



Christiane Brew

Cambridge born. Lived in Egypt, Italy, China, now Tokyo based, but globally free. Actress, storyteller, improvisor, communications coach. www.christianebrew.com