6 Social Media Marketing Tools You Will Need In 2017

ART + marketing
Published in
6 min readJan 11, 2017

Part 3 of a rather personal ‘tools I use’ series. In case you are interested, it all kicked off in July with content marketing tools post and carried on with #SEO & monitoring tools post from October.

First thing first. The real reason behind writing these, beside obvious show off, is learning more from your shares/comments/mails etc. I wanted to thank each and every one who participating in this either by sharing the articles itself, or sharing their own views and, more importantly, their favorite tools.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, SnapChat and Instagram (not necessarily in that order) were the top seven platforms used by marketers and users in 2016. We live in the world of social media. You don’t really need stats and surveys to tell you that. Everyone is opinionated, everything is shared and everything is just a click away. More than ever before what you need, as a marketeer, are social media tools that can help you manage your business social presence.

Quick rant: Shares/likes have become a commodity for businesses even though more often than not it turned out it’s more likely someone shared your post because of how it makes them look to others, than because they just really into what you published.

In your effort to push and promote your business, you’re going to have to consider several social networking sites (or top 7 at least), and in order to carry that out effectively you’re gonna need tools, tools than will help you run things smoothly. Luckily, there’s a vast range to choose from. Here are some of the best I’ve encountered:


When promoting our video platform, BridTV, we’ve found Buffer to be a great tool to provide your targeted audiences with well-timed posts on both Twitter and Facebook and lately on LinkedIn as well. Bear in mind that well-timed posts are priceless and this is one of the best way to know when to engage your audience leading you to a more effective way of gaining exposure for your tweets and shares. Best of all there is a multiple account option ie you can add more than one Twitter/FB etc account which is pretty useful when colleagues get sick and you need to step in to replace their work.
Pricing: free or $10 monthly for individuals and up to $399 for large teams.


Gives you the simple means to curate content and push for more social media activity. You can go through categories, or rather topics of interest, and the Quuu tool will automatically send content to your Buffer account. Say you’re head over heels with work and forgot to make use of your social channels. Rest assured Quuu if there to help out. Even though I’m strongly against automation, mind you I write my own RT for cool posts I bump into, sometimes …. you just can’t get everything done on time :-)
Pricing: free for 2 posts per day or $10 per month.


Great tool for managing your Twitter and Instagram accounts. Keeping track of how your social media updates affect your follower/unfollower stats. Checking the relationship between any two Twitter/Instagram accounts and doing a whole lot more. Best of all it allows you test out few welcoming messages for your accounts helping you which one is best to start an engaging social media contact.


This tool Measures the resonance of your social content and it divides that according to the social network of your choice. It also keeps track of your content performance with neat visualizations. Every now and then you need to re-think your posting on social media. What works and what not. If you’ve done it the right way, you have always A/B tested your writing, this tool will help you understand which ones work.

Reddit Keyword Monitor Pro

Reddit has an impressive 234 million unique users and 8 billion monthly pageviews, and as such represents a very important component in your social media strategy. The Reddit Keyword Monitor app can be used to keep an eye on who is mentioning about your brand, business, as well as the competition. So, say you have a new feature you’d like to promote. This tool will show you which Reddit posts talk about it and give you an opportunity to chime in and share your thoughts. It is a part of Hootsuite.
Pricing: $6.99 per month

Geopiq for Instagram

With over 400 million users (mostly the age group from 18 to 29) for most business, even B2B, Instagram is a must. The Geopiq for Instagram app, part of Hootsuit, can help you monitor posts by location, hashtag or username and give you heads up on content you and your competition share.
Pricing: starts with $5.99 per month

Read on…the links :-)


I make do with these. You might not so before you start using one of them and before you start bashing me :-) please, check other sources like the ones listed here for second / third opinion (have a resource in mind? hit me up, let me know):
48 Social Media Marketing Tools and Resources
23 Social Media Marketing Tools That Will Give You an Unfair Advantage
14 Social Media Marketing Tools Recommended by the Pros
The 5 Best Social Media Marketing Tools You Aren’t Using

Now, Over to you!

Alright! Much of what you read here is based entirely on my own needs. These are #socialmedia tools I use everyday in my efforts to spread the good word about what I/we at BRIDTV do. ​

This is the third post in my 4 post series about tools we use. The rest are:
1. Content Marketing Tools
2. SEO & Traffic Monitoring Tools
3. Social Media Marketing Tools
4. Conversion & Lead Generation Tools

If you can’t wait for the followups visit the original post from BridTV blog titled:
20 Great Tools For Your Everyday Content Marketing Efforts
with somewhat less personal perspective on tools we use.

Now really over to you … first of all, if you like what you have read here please LIKE IT and SHARE IT and FOLLOW me :-) Also, I’d love for you to hit me with your thoughts on these tools or introduce me to the new ones. Show me what’s working for you? Leave a comment in the comment section below! and THX for reading!



ART + marketing

A dad, extreme sports wannabe, a geek looking to leave his mark on the volatile and exciting online video scene with http://www.brid.tv