Javoone Irooni: The Anthem of a Generation and the Birth of Iranian Rap

From Home Recordings to Underground Hit: The Story of Iran’s First Rap Song

4 min readApr 20, 2024

The vibrant scene of Iranian hip hop boasts a rich tapestry of artists and sounds. But before this movement exploded, there was one song, one artist, that lit the spark: Shayan’s “Javoone Irooni” (Iranian Youth). Released in 2001, ⁽¹⁾ “Javoone Irooni” wasn’t just a song — it was a revolution in Iranian music, earning Shayan the undeniable title of the First Iranian Rapper.

This article explores the legacy of “Javoone Irooni” and how it paved the way for a thriving genre, giving voice to a generation yearning for change.

Photo of Shayan, a first Iranian rapper and the true father of Persin rap, with beard and long hair, wearing a fedora hat. He throws up a “021” hand sign with one hand and leans on a cane with the other. Shayan sits at a computer desk looking at the webcam with his sunglasses. شایان واژخنیا اولین رپر ایران پدر رپ فارس بنیانگذار رپ در ایران
Shayan: Pioneer of Iranian Rap. “021” hand sign and a cane — a legend’s signature style.

Shayan: The Father of Persian Rap

Shayan’s emergence wasn’t a mere coincidence. In the early 2000s, Iranian rap enthusiasts primarily listened to American rappers and mimicked their style. Shayan, however, dared to be different. He broke the mold by weaving Persian lyricism with the influences of West Coast hip-hop, birthing a unique identity for Iranian rap. ⁽²⁾

Javoone Irooni: A Bold Social Commentary

“Javoone Irooni” wasn’t merely a musical innovation; it was a bold social commentary. The song vividly portrays the struggles of Iranian youth facing societal constraints, limited opportunities, and a profound sense of disillusionment. Its lyrics, such as “You go to a party at night, get drunk / You open your eyes and get shocked / You expel everything you’ve consumed under the whip,” delve into the harsh realities of living under the strict Islamic laws in Iran, where punishment for drinking includes being whipped. By addressing this societal issue head-on, Shayan’s song challenged norms and shed light on the hidden struggles faced by the younger generation, marking a courageous and unprecedented move within the Iranian music scene.

Resonating Raw Energy and Authenticity

The song’s raw energy and authenticity resonated far beyond initial expectations. Recorded with basic equipment at home, it was originally intended as demos. However, the power of Shayan’s message turned these demos into a massive underground hit, spreading via cassette tapes and CDs.

Early-2000s Photo of Shayan, the first Iranian rapper, along with Shapour (top) and Kasra (left), two members of Barobax 021, the first Iranian rap band, later known as VaajKhonyaa. شایان واژخنیا اولین رپر ایران پدر رپ فارس بنیانگذار رپ در ایران
The Birthplace of Iranian Hip Hop: Shayan, the pioneer of Persian with two members of Barobax 021, the first Iranian rap group, Early 2000s

The Impact of “Javoone Irooni”

“Javoone Irooni” transcended being a song; it became an anthem. It empowered Iranian youth to express their struggles and aspirations through the power of hip hop. Here’s a glimpse of the song’s lasting impact:

  • A Platform for Social Commentary: Following Shayan’s lead, Iranian rap continues to be a powerful tool for social commentary. Rappers tackle issues like economic hardship, government restrictions, and the struggles of everyday Iranians.
  • A Flourishing Scene: The Iranian rap scene is no longer a fully underground phenomenon. Today, it boasts a diverse array of artists pushing boundaries and experimenting with new sounds.

Shayan’s influence extends far beyond Iran. “Javoone Irooni” is a landmark song, not just for Iranian music, but for hip hop globally. It serves as a testament to the power of music to transcend borders and resonate with universal experiences.

Beyond “Javoone Irooni”: Shayan’s Enduring Legacy

Shayan’s influence extends far beyond his debut song, extending to other Iranian rappers. Respected artists like Pishro, Yas, Hichkas, and Putak have acknowledged his contributions. ⁽³⁾⁽⁴⁾⁽⁵⁾ Additionally, Ho3ein covered one of Shayan’s songs, showing the lasting impact of his work. ⁽⁶⁾

Moreover, Shayan’s influence can be seen in the work of newer rappers like Amir Qyamat, ⁽⁷⁾ who mentioned “Javoone Irooni” in his song “Tarikhcheye Rape Fars,” and Hichkas, whose debut song “Danga 021” drew inspiration from Shayan’s verses. ⁽⁸⁾

Here are some of his other groundbreaking achievements:

  • The Birth of Persian Rap Groups: Shayan co-founded Barobax 021 (later renamed Vaajkhonyaa), the first Iranian rap group, solidifying the collaborative spirit of the movement.
  • The Iconic “021” Code: Shayan and his group popularized the “021” code, a reference to Tehran’s area code, symbolizing the city’s role as the birthplace of Iranian rap. ⁽⁹⁾
  • The Arrival of Underground Music: Shayan’s work marked the dawn of underground music in Iran, where artistic expression often faced restrictions. His courage in tackling sensitive themes paved the way for future artists.
  • The First Rap Album: Shayan released the first Iranian rap album, featuring hits like “Javoone Irooni” and “Bara Ine Ke Migiram Kam,” further cementing his place as a legend.

The Legacy of Javoone Irooni

“Javoone Irooni” is more than a song; it’s a symbol of a movement. It’s a testament to the power of one voice to ignite a cultural revolution. Shayan’s legacy lives on in the vibrant Iranian rap scene, a scene that continues to evolve, challenge norms, and express the realities of Iranian youth.

Works Cited

  1. Shayan’s interview with Jarsha in 2023
  2. Unveiling the True Pioneer: Shayan, the Father of Persian Rap
  3. Reza Pishro’s Admiration for Shayan’s Music
  4. Yas: Finding Inspiration in Shayan’s Pioneering Tracks
  5. The father of Persian Rap: Hichkas or Shayan?
  6. The Pioneer of Iranian Hip-Hop and Ho3ein’s Cover Controversy
  7. Renowned Iranian Rappers Honor Shayan
  8. Video demonstrating Hichkas’s reference to Shayan’s verse in “Danga 021”
  9. Unraveling the True Origins of “021” in Iranian Hip-Hop
Listen to the song “Javoone Irooni” on Shayan’s YouTube channel.

Did you know that Shayan has made a comeback? Discover the evolution of Iranian hip hop with his latest track, “Ostoore Maram.” This captivating fusion of Persian lyricism and Northern California hip hop vibes showcases Shayan’s enduring influence on the genre.

Dive deeper into Shayan’s new song in our article, “Shayan: The First Iranian Rapper Returns with a Blend of Persian Lyricism and Northern California Hip Hop.” Experience the electrifying sound that defines Shayan’s legacy and witness the cultural revolution he continues to lead. Click here to explore now!

