SunContract in the year 2018

Reasons to join and stay with us

6 min readJan 7, 2019


SunContract is the first crypto-funded project in the energy sector to utilize blockchain technology to create transparency and offer peer-to-peer infrastructure for mass adoption of renewable technologies. Since the platform went live in April 2018, we have achieved some important milestones. What is more, we have remained true to the roadmap we presented to our community pre funding and we have achieved the milestones in our roadmap on time, and often ahead of schedule.

But how do I benefit as a registered user?


There has been some heated debate about electricity prices. One aspect of this debate has focused on billing — whether consumers get enough information about what they are paying for energy. At SunContract, we have sought and found ways to improve the billing and energy consumption experience of our consumers.

Energy consumption should not be an experience where consumers lack autonomy on their energy choices. Energy consumption should be an easy, transparent task that involves our consumers, allowing them to make choices that better suit their lifestyles and those of others. Consumers should also have a say on the source of energy they prefer to use. Why should we be forced to buy unclean, polluting energy from coal power plants if there exists renewable energy options for the same price or even cheaper?

Consumers on the SunContract platform have access to the following benefits:

  • Reduced electricity costs
  • Production and consumption insights via the SunContract mobile app
  • Access to clean, renewable energy
  • Ability to negotiate price of electricity they buy
  • Easy to use and get started mobile app
  • Paperless billing all easily accessible on the mobile app

SNC token is already offering Slovenian consumers (households and businesses) electricity purchases via the platform for different services like solar power plants, heat pumps, IR panels and air conditioning systems. All those great features and products were presented for the first time on one of the biggest regional business and trade fair event called MOS in September.

SunContract is pushing hard to introduce products on your local market as soon as possible. This is why we attend many different events in different countries where we continue to search for potential partners. We already found one very good fit from Italy where we are working intensively to open the market in 2019.

With the New Year, fully functional Peer to Peer energy marketplace will come to life. We will have not only households trading energy on the platform, but also businesses. Users of the platform will get new features never seen before.

Producer Benefits

Retailers are today the alpha and omega of energy market. They are market makers and they set energy prices. As a small producer of energy from solar, hydro or wind power your negotiation power is small which means you need to accept whatever price they offer you. Sounds pretty unfair, right? The SunContract project was born to solve that, we are giving you the first open energy market where producers can freely negotiate the price with consumers.

This is not the only benefit you get as a producer. Did you ever experience failures of payments for produced electricity? It is estimated that up to 20% of all clientele do not pay their electricity bills. With SunContract, that will never happen to you. The platform works on a pre-paid system. As soon consumer’s funds fall below minimum level he or she gets a notification. Before funds are dried out, the procedure of unplugging the customer starts and you get an option to switch the customer.

You do not need to worry if your production capacity is not completely purchased with individual agreements. The platform unique value is its algorithm that takes care of balancing energy surpluses or shortages. This means your energy always finds customers. This means system is balanced and your energy always finds customers.

Payments are processed every day for each hour. Domestic platform currency is SNC, Ethereum based token which is taking care of settlements and transparency over data. Production, consumption and prices are all settled on a blockchain permanently written to guarantee immutability over data.

To accommodate the needs of producers we organized many informative events across our domestic country to answer all potential questions that pop up in minds of renewable power plants owners.

OK, SunContract is not yet in my country. What can I do then?

SunContract is more than just a simple trading market. It offers different possibilities for all members of our community.

The SunContract token was issued in July 2017 as the official and only currency that can be used on the platform. By holding SNC token, our investors have access to the services we provide on the platform. Check SNC token price here.

Tokenomics is influenced by same market forces as is the case with normal currencies. The more the demand, the higher the price. It works in both directions. You can buy SNC tokens on many markets. Learn about them here.

SunContract platform represents “an energy umbrella” for disrupting business models and ideas in the energy sector. It can sustain practically any service on a common energy market. On our global tour from Europe to Asia and more, the team presented the project to a completely new audience, managed to get many meetings and announced signing of important partners such as Philippine Government-Owned CEZA, EUNEX exchange and European Blockchain Hub.

In 2019, the first international service(s) will been presented on the platform. As SNC token holders you can decide to actively participate on energy market and get benefits from a safe and stable investment into the real life power equipment. With this service you do not support only locally produced energy projects but also help the world with transformation from pollutants to sustainable and green sources of energy. As a cherry on top you can earn money with it.

It is important to remember…

The energy sector is very traditional and does not like changes.

This is why some people still have to report monthly/yearly energy consumption to DSOs (Distribution system operators. However, with new technologies come new opportunities and SunContract is extremely excited to be able to take advantage of these technologies to transform the energy sector.

Let’s not forget that sea levels are rising and oceans are becoming warmer. Longer, more intense droughts threaten crops, wildlife and freshwater supplies. From polar bears in the Arctic to marine turtles off the coast of Africa, our planet’s diversity of life is at risk from the changing climate.

Climate change poses a fundamental threat to places, species and people’s livelihoods that SunContract is trying to protect. To adequately address this crisis we must urgently reduce carbon pollution and prepare for the consequences of global warming, which we are already experiencing. The world is under climate change threat. Our generation is responsible to preserve nature for our children. We need to act now!

For SunContract, this is not the end of our innovation. We are excited to reveal in the near and longer term future new products and services which we believe will contribute towards making the world a more sustainable place.

Start supporting green energy, local communities and disrupting technologies! Register on the SunContract platform, chat with the team and community members on Telegram where we are always active. Our great supporters are following us also on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Buy SNC on: OkEx, Huobi, or Kriptomat.




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.