Privacy, Anonymity and OPSEC Advantages of a Business PayPal Account

The Tactical Victim
5 min readNov 19, 2023


(Still writing)

Photo by Marques Thomas on Unsplash

The Why:

When you’re escaping and trying to maintain your new hideout, information is your best friend and worse enemy.

More specifically, the more information you give out about yourself, the worse.

If you’re escaping and or hopefully are safe now,

the key is Reducing the: Financial, Digital, Location based information you give out,

  • either to People or the Internet.

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒

PS: Having Multiple PayPal Accounts

-I will include and article on this too.
-I haven’t tried this either, so, it may be wise to read more about it.

-I like to limit the information others have about me.
Some, I do this job (which I do), others I tell I do another job (which I do).

I’ll likely get a few paypal sub accounts, if I can.


One area that is hard to change habits with, is how you spend and receive money.

I was used to using a credit card, being late on payments once in a while, and not thinking twice about my name appearing on Peer to Peer Apps.

Now, I’m paranoid about it.

I’m constantly looking for ways to hide my full identity, as, your name will reveal A lot, for someone who doesn’t have good intentions.

PayPal, A Real Pal

So far, PayPal is one of the best ways I’ve found to hide my information.

Note: I haven’t used this yet, so, later I will update on my experience when I do.

A business account can completely hide your name, if you use it as a Business Account.

The downside is it takes a couple days to send and receive payments.

CashApp?: I'm currently trying to learn more about CashApp.

What are the Risks of other Payment Methods?

Risks of Bank Transfers

When you’re first escaping, you may be using your old bank account.

Even if the other person, doesn’t have any access (that you know of), to that bank account, for many reasons, you should still change banks.

  • Abusers can be very: Crafty, Clever, Creative and Cruel…
  • I don’t feel comfortable going into details, but, don’t assume than any legal protections you have with your account, will protect you, or expectations of how things legally or morally “should be”, will protect you

They may not

Routing Number Risks:

-State Identification

“Your routing number is based on the state where you opened the bank account.”

If your first hideout, is in a state/area right next to your abuser, you may want to hide that's the state you came from.

Someone may know your abuser, ask questions about that state (because they have friends in the same industry as you/your abuser), or a myriad of other questions.

Cover all your bases, including ones that aren’t obvious.


Risks of Revealing Your Bank Account Number

Other reasons the Get a Business PayPal Account

If you do freelance work online or in person, run a business, this is another way to earn money.

It will help keep record too for tax purposes, which helps too.

Using AI for Help:

I typed the blog title into Perplexity AI, and this is what came up.

Ps: make sure to use a different email, that doesn’t have your name!

Pss: use a VPN too

Perplexities “How to” Answer

“When using a business PayPal account for receiving donations, there are potential privacy and anonymity advantages to consider.

Here are some insights based on the provided search results:

Use of Business Name:
With a business PayPal account, you can use a business name instead of your personal name, which can help protect your real name when receiving donations.3.5

Control Over Information Disclosure:
Business accounts may offer more control over the disclosure of personal information. You may have the ability to manage the permissions and
choose what information is disclosed to other users.2

Privacy Preferences:
PayPal may provide options to adjust privacy settings within the account, allowing you to
control which third-party services are linked to your account and what personal information they can collect about you.2

Legal Compliance:
It’s important to be aware of the legal implications of using a business account without being legally registered as a business.

While you are allowed to create a PayPal business account without being registered as a business, it’s essential to understand the terms of service and any potential repercussions(3)”

CashApp is good too, as, your “cashtag”, doesn’t have to be your name.

I need to check and make sure, that no one can see it when they send or receive money from you.

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Thank you all for your support

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-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒



The Tactical Victim

Male DV, SA and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Acting as Your "Blue Team" AI Expert to help you: ⬇ Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional