A Collective of European VC Blogs

Videesha Böckle
3 min readOct 14, 2015


Recently I asked the audience of a panel on Venture Capital in Europe how many of them read blogs written by Venture Capitalists actually based in Europe. A small scattering of hands went up.

Of course there are several well known Venture Capital blogs from US based investors with a solid track record and lots of insights. However, what I’ve noticed over the years and especially having worked in both the London and Berlin tech ecosystems is how heavily culture in a particular ecosystem can influence the way that VCs think about investing and how start-up founders can leverage understanding these cultural differences and the way the VC they are pitching think when raising capital.

So here’s an evolving list of blogs I‘ve pulled together from my fellow VCs across Europe which not only help me get a better perspective on all the angles that influence their decision making but challenge my own assumptions.

From Individual VCs in:





If I’ve missed any then please do e-mail me: videesha@redstonedigital.de

You can also follow me on twitter for any more updates: @justvideesha

