A natural World Order: Part V

A new/old World Order: 1, 2 , 3, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8, 8a, 8aFR, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15

Andrew Zolnai
Andrew Zolnai
3 min readOct 23, 2022


“A transgender girl, seen right, could be seen lobbing a ball at her opponent striking her in the head”, down at left (see video here and source here)

Know your strength

This is part V of a series, Part IV here and Va here, on how pretending that men are equal to women leads us to all sorts of problems. This is also part of the subtitled series — 4, 7, 8 & 12 above — see all series’ recap here and wrap-up here.

Here is another title-as-a-story article — Horrific moment female high school volleyball player suffers serious head injury after transgender girl in rival team lobbed ‘70mph’ ball at her head and struck her, picture, video and link above — underscores an issue plaguing the sports industry, ever since Caster Semaya intersex status in 2009 (wikipedia). I thought there was a controversial female athlete suspected of same at 2000 Sydney Olympics but cannot find a source, but let’s say it’s not a new issue.

Athletes who don’t interact is one thing, but team sports are another thing altogether. Canadian football/soccer player was the first openly trans athlere to win a gold in 2020 Tokyo Olympics (wikipedia), and altho she does look male it didn’t confer her a sizeable advantage. The 2020 Tokyo trans list (Forbes) give a glimpse where trans women have an advantage bringing male attributes over the sex boundary.

But the debate will surely come to a head, when as reported in the banner photo a trans woman overpowers and knock down a binary woman in a volleyball game!

This is not a matter of gender stereotyping, political correctedness or salon debates: the reason men and women are separated at sports events, is because they simply don’t compare in terms of abilities — and they shouldn’t either, it’s not misogyny — and revising gender standards simply put at least one athlete in the line of fire.

And don’t get me started on doing away with separate washrooms or changing rooms that allows perps to abuse the system (Cambridge News), never mind trans isues in prisons (crimeandjustice.org). Don’t get me wrong, I had two colleagues in the oil patch who were trans women — oddly I never met a trans man — so I’m not a stuck-up “perv tracker”.

Update: here’s a clear case of a trans abusing the system that’s too ‘woke’ to defend what has been the norm for millennia until now. Transgender is like affirmative action in the seventies, well-intentioned and mal-executed.

But there is clearly an issue that needs to be called out: trying to level the gender playing field for the sake of political correctedness is not going to work. There is a natural world order Man cannot change in its illusion it is better than God &/or nature.

Link back to previous posts on this topic in each post’s intro for more.

