What is the MoSCoW Prioritization Framework for Product Managers and Project Managers?

MoSCoW is a qualitative framework that works great when mixed and used with quantitive value. However, before we get deep into it let us first understand the history of the MoSCoW framework used for prioritization by Product Managers and Project Managers. I believe it should not just be restricted to professional use but should be read by every individual because it can be instrumental in a person’s daily life too.

Anubhav Mishra
4 min readJan 17, 2024

History of MoSCoW framework:

The MoSCoW framework was developed in the 1990s by Dai Clegg, an expert in project management. The framework gained prominence as a prioritization method within the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), an agile project delivery framework. DSDM, itself a product of the 1990s, aimed to provide a structured approach to software development, and the MoSCoW framework became an integral part of its success.

Understanding MoSCoW framework:

The MoSCoW framework, which derives its name from the initial letters of its four priority categories

  1. Must-haves,
  2. Should-haves
  3. Could-haves, and
  4. Won’t-haves

*O is used as filler so that the word can be pronounced and remembered.

MoSCoW framework for Product managers by Anubhav Mishra

Let’s delve into each category:

To use the MoSCoW framework make a list of all the product features that you want to develop.

The MoSCoW framework is designed to help project teams categorize and prioritize features, requirements, or tasks based on their importance and necessity.

Must-have (M):

  1. Let's say that we want to work on x number of features, now make a list of top must-have features that are part of the value proposition for the product.
  2. These are non-negotiable elements that are critical for project success.
  3. Failure to deliver must-haves could lead to project failure or significant compromise in the project’s value.

Should-have (S):

  1. These are important features or requirements that contribute significantly to the project’s success.
  2. While not as critical as must-haves, should-haves are essential for achieving project objectives.

Could-have (C ):

  1. These are desirable but non-essential elements that can be considered if resources permit.
  2. Could-haves enhance the project but are not crucial for its core functionality.

Won’t-have (W):

  1. These are features explicitly identified as out of scope for the current project iteration.
  2. By clearly defining won’t-haves, the team avoids unnecessary scope creep and maintains focus on essential tasks.

Now put all the features step by step as shown in the table above and start working on the features step by step starting from Must>Should>Could and eliminating Won’t have features.

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Implementing the MoSCoW Framework

  1. Requirements Gathering: Begin by identifying and gathering all project requirements, features, or tasks.
  2. Prioritization Workshop: Facilitate a collaborative workshop involving key stakeholders to assign each item to one of the MoSCoW categories.
  3. Documentation: Document the prioritized items and regularly review and update them as the project progresses.
  4. Communication: Ensure effective communication of priorities across the project team, stakeholders, and other relevant parties.

Benefits of the MoSCoW Framework:

  1. Clear Focus: Helps maintain focus on critical project elements, reducing the risk of project failure.
  2. Effective Resource Allocation: Facilitates the allocation of resources to the most critical and valuable components.
  3. Adaptability: Supports agile methodologies by allowing for adjustments and reprioritization as the project evolves.
  4. Stakeholder Alignment: Facilitates better alignment between project teams and stakeholders by providing a shared understanding of priorities.

Qualitative to Quantitive conversion

Mix the framework with the RICE scoring framework or Kano Model framework to get the quantitive value of each feature when there is a decision problem. Do not completely rely on the RICE and Kano model because these two have completely different perspectives when it comes to prioritization but you may take inspiration when needed.

Drawbacks of the MoSCoW framework

  1. Not Including relevant stakeholders
  2. Team bias while for initiatives: Sometimes the internal politics in the team which is unavoidable can lead to bias while prioritizing because MoSCoW does not give a quantitive value.
  3. Inconsistent scoring process: Must have, Should have, Can have, and won’t have features can be different for different stakeholders which is why it is important to include every stakeholder before jumping to any conclusion.

When Do You Use the MoSCoW Method for Prioritization?

MoSCoW prioritization is effective for teams that want to include representatives from the whole organization in their process. You can capture a broader perspective by involving participants from various functional departments.

Another reason you may want to use MoSCoW prioritization is it allows your team to determine how much effort goes into each category. Therefore, you can ensure you’re delivering a good variety of initiatives in each release.


The MoSCoW framework stands as a powerful tool in the arsenal of product managers, providing a structured approach to prioritization. By clearly defining must-haves, should-haves, could-haves, and won’t-haves, teams can navigate the complexities of project development, optimize resource allocation, and increase the likelihood of success. As project management continues to evolve, the MoSCoW framework remains a valuable asset for those seeking to deliver successful outcomes in a dynamic and competitive environment.

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Anubhav Mishra

I'm a Product Manager skilled in roadmap development, market research, data analysis, revenue growth, and launches. Strong communicator, taught 1000+ students.