Thinking about creating your own Blab show?

Brittany Metz
2 min readNov 2, 2015


Today I did a Blab and asked who has thought about creating a Blab show, but hasn’t tried yet, and the response was shocking! I would like to personally help anyone who is thinking about a show start one!

This is the week of new show creators! DM me on Twitter a link to your scheduled show this week if it’s your first! I can help!

Helpful tools:

What’s your topic?

Do you have something you’re passionate about? These types of topics make for great Blabs. Passion makes Blab shows great!

Experiment with formats

If you aren’t sure how you’d like your show to function, do a episodes of your show until you find a format that feels right. Here are some possible format examples.

Finding your audience

Starting a show can be scary. It’s also rare that it’ll be a hit right away! You should find where people are already talking about your Blab topic. Where do they meet? Forums? Physical meetings in your hometown? Facebook? Meetup groups? Become an active member in those communities if you’re not already.

Evolving your show

The best way for you to know if your show is working or not is to get feedback. Your audience could be a great way to get feedback, just reach out to them after the show on Twitter. Ask them what their favorite/least favorite part was.

Post your recorded episode on reddit and ask for feedback on the format/topic.

Distributing your content

Use your replay on Blab and embed it on your blogs. Upload it to iTunes and YouTube as a podcast show!

Maybe the replay of a past show was so good, and you find it relevant to an existing community so you share it out. Sending scheduled or replays of Blabs to a mailing list when it is relevant is a great way to gain exposure for your show.

I am creating my own show

I want to feel the same pain points that you feel as a creator. What are the things that make scheduling a show difficult? What would make it easier?

Watch the full replay:

DM me a link when you schedule your first Blab show! I want to help. Don’t forget to ❤ and share this out so we can spark the creatives on Blab.

