Salesforce Spring ’24 Release Notes — The Funny-ish Summary — Volume II

Mustapha El Hassak
3 min readJan 9, 2024


Sometimes, the questions are complicated, and the answers are simple. That’s where analytics comes in.

This article is one of many other volumes for the Spring ’24 Release Notes — The Funny-ish Summary. If you want to jump to a specific Topic please use the links at the bottom of this page.

Unified Analytics Experience

  • Share your Lightning Reports & Dashboards folders from the Analytics tab. Previously we had to navigate through multiple tabs to share folders.
  • BULK-tastic! You can now act on your Analytics Assets in bulk instead on doing it one by one.
  • Go Mobile or Go Home! You can now Load and Save views on iOS and Android devices. Previously creating views was only possible on Desktop. Will be available during the week of FEBRUARY 12, 2024.

Lightning Reports & Dashboards

  • Playing tag! Transferring Lightning dashboards ownership. Previously you had to clone or recreate the dashboard. GA.
  • Because everyone deserves a little flair! All Salesforce Editions can now use rich text and image widgets in Lightning dashboards. Previously this was only available for Unlimited and Performance editions.
  • Add Up to 5 filters to your Lightning dashboards.
  • Lightning Reports can now contain Summary Filters AKA filters on summarized columns. BETA.
  • Don’t force your filters into existential crises! Update the fields of the filters without the needs to delete and re-create them. Previously it was only possible to update the operator and the value but not the field of the filter.
  • Drag & Drop multiple columns at a time in Lightning reports.

CRM Analytics

  • Dashboard query results are now cached making your dashboards faster.
  • New Download Option: Download in Excel format with Metadata. This will include information such as name of the user, the date and time of the export, dashboard and widget titles and more.
  • CRM Analytics Dashboard component found its way to the LWR sites. BETA.
  • Native CRM Analytics Dashboard LWC! BETA.
  • Nobody likes a flatlining transformation surprise! Right?! So, before you run your recipes, make sure they’ll run correctly by previewing results of hierarchical data in aggregate nodes and flatten transformations.
  • It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities! Meet Data Prep Concurrency Allocation that will allow you to choose how to allocate jobs to dataflows & recipes that run in parallel. Previously we had to stick to two dataflows and one recipe at a time.
  • Auditors gonna Audit! Get more information about data prep jobs that are running off schedule or when they were canceled and by who.
  • Data about your Data! New usage information includes the number of external uploads, the total number of dataflow and recipe runs in a rolling 24-hour period & monthly count of rows output by recipes.
  • Trigger your recipes based on External Connection Syncs. Plus you can select multiple events. BETA. Previously this was only possible with Internal Connection Syncs.
  • Amazon Athena Connector is now GA.



Mustapha El Hassak

Salesforce Certified Technical Architect (CTA) & 17x Salesforce Certified (Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Application Architect, System Architect, CRM Analytics)