Gender-Binary System notes

Orlando G. Bregman
25 min readSep 12, 2016


‘What Does The Transgender Brain Look Like?’ (from 2015)
Film Production Office, Hollywood 2016. In Production of LGBTQ Immigration Documentary ‘THE QUEER CASE FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS: From International Film Student to Queer and Undocumented.’


LGBTQ hatred, and the woman hatred that is at the root of it, will never go away if a general understanding (and according legislation) of the full meaning of consensual behavior between the sexes and the genders is not established.

Besides LGBTQ fear being rooted in fear of femaleness, which is equated with weakness and submission, LGBTQ hatred also has basis in the heterosexual male oppression agenda for using sex for procreation only, and at the expense of women’s pleasure.

Since LGBTQ people’s sexual practices oftentimes do not directly involve procreation, this upsets the oppression agenda greatly.

The heterosexual male oppression agenda falsely uses biological nature in its’ defense, even though there is nothing natural about procreating for a deity not proven to metaphysically exist. And most wild animals procreate for the survival of their species only, and are natural born killers at the same time.

The heterosexual male agenda does not hold up because it is not rooted in the real reason for our humanity, the capability to be moral.

The gender-binary system, like the race system, as legal systems that is, was created by the European colonialist mindset for the purposes of population control and slavery, and so including sex slavery.

(Again as legal systems exclusively, so also not to suggest that many people do not feel themselves to genuinely fit into the binary.)

And heterosexual men generally support to systematically keep women down in order to avoid female rejection and competition, but many cultures recognized more than two genders prior to colonialism.

Misogyny’s root lies in insecurity of people, and is a practical leftover of early evolution, when the discovery of individual rights as pertaining to all human beings was simply not yet discovered and would even have been inconvenient in light of human survival in the wilderness. Society is not a natural wilderness anymore and individual rights either way morally trump the need for the survival of the species.

It is for the reason of experiencing extreme insecurity that some people, and mostly men, feel the need to rape, primarily women, and have a mortal fear to be raped themselves, by other men. It is for the reason of experiencing extreme insecurity and for these needs to rape and fears to be raped that some people engage in misogynist behavior.

The need for rape, even though rape is a sexual act of physical assault, lies in the need for control and thus the sense of not having control and feeling helpless instead.

The lack of control is rooted in the lack of self-esteem and self-love, and on its’ deepest level lies in the lack of experiencing a comprehensive understanding of metaphysical reality of the universe and one’s role in it.

The emotion behind the need for rape is greed, which is generally more obviously used in terms of obsessively needing material things. Greed also lies behind feelings of jealousy and envy. The greed for materialism, feelings of jealousy and envy and the need to rape all have to do with feeling powerless.

The animal world develops differently than the human world, and the survival of the species has so far relied on rape and murder in a majority of animal species exactly. Rape and murder in the animal world are practical modes to attain control and thereby control survival of the species.

What sets humans apart from animals, (besides biological traits such as a different number of chromosomes, a skeleton spine that has developed for humans to walk upright, the development of a thumb for gripping and building purposes, and different teeth and intestines for the consumption of vegetables exclusively, and the elimination of a tail for balance,) is the different development of the brain.

Our long term memories allow us to form not only complex memories but also the capacity to develop critical thinking skills, form moral judgment based on experience and critical thinking, experience living in the moment as well as the past in various degrees, and simultaneously, and having anticipations about the future as well. Our long term memories allow us to form many complex languages and to write and make music and art.

Constitutional Rights (with their basis in the Age of Enlightenment, or Reason, as well as the logic of the Greek philosophers,) stem from the understanding that human beings have long term memory and therefore the capacity to form judgements, including morally, from experience, and through critical thinking. And that human beings are individuals first, and judge, and are to be judged, as such.

Our Basic Rights to Life, (not as a personal guarantee but as a principle, and not just as a means to survive but as the right to a dignified existence,) Liberty, (the only way to choose to have a dignified existence,) Private Property (of personhood, as an individual; that is private property of one’s own mind, one’s own body, and the fruits of one’s own labor,) and the Pursuit of Happiness, (not automatic, guaranteed happiness but an opportunity to seek what makes us happy,) stem from our capacity to reason, to think critically, as individuals first, and not purely from our basic needs for survival.

Men and women alike have a need far greater than the need to survive, and through the procreation of the species in particular, (which is only a biological function,) and want happiness, (a psychological function, and which can ultimately be summed up into “a dignified life” exactly,) and each should have the full and unhindered right (without harming others) under the law to pursue it.

Psychological Sex Differences and Autistic Traits


NOVEMBER 13, 2018


There have been studies which prove that there are differences in the brain of the different sexes, pertaining to gender. In other words, male and female brains exist, and to many this is a controversial theory, in light of political causes, specifically the need for legal female equality, but this doesn’t take away the fact that this is scientifically true.

In reality it also does not invalidate the need for women’s legal equality at all but the controversial part lies in the fact there there seems to be a biological basis to male and female behavior, and so that gender role behavior is not entirely a learned, social construct, but has a hormonal basis.

These studies prove that there is a biological, hormonal basis for transgenderism, in that the identification with a gender other than one’s sex lies in the brain region, having been shaped that way in prenatal development by hormonal distribution, which seems very valid to me.

The studies indicate a release of an excess of, or abundance of, testosterone after the shaping of the sex in the fetus, for trans-masculine/trans-male individuals, and a shortage of, or lesser amount of, testosterone distribution in the already sexually formed fetus of a trans-feminine/ trans-female individuals, and either way focusing on testosterone. (Of course all male and female fetuses are female first and develop with the male hormones testosterone and androgen as well the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, and all maintain these in some fluctuating pattern throughout life.)

(A book has been written on this subject which also confirm this, named ‘Male And Female Brains And The Truth About Autism. The Essential Difference,’ by Simon Baron-Cohen, although he seems to focus more on androgen than the other hormones and he does not talk about transgenderism specifically.

The title to the link here is from a review of ‘The Essential Difference: Men, Women and the Extreme Male Brain’ by Simon Baron-Cohen. I’m not completely sure if this is the same book with a different title, as in a different edition, but it covers essentially the same subject.)

There is also no mention of homosexuality in these studies, (and there are other studies done in epi-genetics to discuss the role of homosexuality in human evolution, and it’s natural necessity in light of population control,) and the studies I’m discussing here focus purely the formation of male brains, through hormone development, and resulting in more white brain matter, and slightly less grey matter, and female brain development, with less white matter and slightly more grey matter, and in the studies I found online correlate this to a sense of gender identity and in the book focusing solely on male and female brain functioning in particular.

The author of the book discusses the male brain in terms of being a superior systemizing type of brain and the female brain as a superior emphasizing type of brain, and acknowledges the validity of both these systems in equal terms and also not as pertaining to all male and female subject matters in the predictable pattern. In other words, he is not being sexist and makes no case for male nor female superiority, nor prescribes any rules to apply to gender behavioral patterns.

In neither the studies found online nor in the particle book I mentioned any political or moral issues are addressed, as these are purely scientific studies.

If anything, these scientific studies only confirm the morality of transgenderism and so indirectly affirm a need for equal legal rights for transgender individuals.

These studies do not claim any choice involved in the prenatal formation of male and female brains, so no morality in terms of choice needs to be discussed. It is no choice to have a male or female brain, and there is no right or wrong in a having a male or female brain. In these studies there is no condition attached to the male or female brain, not even in transgender subjects. They only provide a biological explanation. (And the book discusses autism only, in terms of extreme male brain patterns.)

Check out the link below for some facts:



Because 40 percent of trans people have tried to kill themselves.

By Leslie P. Henderson, The Daily Dose, Feb. 25, 2017

The author is a professor of physiology and neurobiology at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine and a former fellow of the OpEd Project.

NOTE (and these are my opinions only but nevertheless well informed):

Transgenderism is not the same thing as gender dysphoria, which can in and of itself come in different forms, like social dysphoria and body dysphoria, and can exist in combination or separately from each other.

(Social dysphoria is anxiety felt from external sources, like how society views you, and not in the least over how legislation might affect you. For instance, a person who’s not sure what gender you are could call the police on you for using a public restroom, a very common problem with potentially very serious consequences. One’s sense of social dysphoria increases the more one senses misunderstanding or disapproval of one’s appearance and/or behavior, specifically over how one is read in terms of gender and sex.

Body dysphoria is anxiety felt from internal sources, like how one’s sense of gender may not feel the right combination with one’s biological sex. One can have no body dysphoria and only social dysphoria or vice versa, or a combination of both. One can also have very partial body dysphoria, like for instance a person who was born with a female body but experiences themselves as male can have no problem with their body at all, except for when on their period.

One could even confuse social dysphoria and body dysphoria with each other, so it is very important to understand the distinctions, as they really require different treatments. An example of confusing social dysphoria with body dysphoria for me arose of the idea of pregnancy, in order to have children. I say pregnancy in order to have children because a cis-man does not have to consider pregnancy for himself in order to have children.

Because society, and entirely unconstitutionally, forces/coerces female-bodied individuals to give birth it is not hard for a female-bodied person to falsely reason, or fear, that one is required to give birth, regardless of one even wants children at all. For any female-bodied individual at all a pressure from society to be pregnant causes anxiety, and for a person who is female-bodied and experiences themselves as male/or masculine, the anxiety is usually worse.)

So you could say it it is really mostly body dysphoria which requires medical treatment, since social dysphoria can simply be alleviated by society informing themselves and treating transgender people with the same basic dignity as one would a cis-gender person. And of course equality under the law also helps out a whole lot. That is not to say that a person still couldn’t want society to completely see them as male or female physically but the anxiety would be a lot less if no judgment and endangerment was felt from society.)

Transgenderism is a medical, hormonal condition, regardless of whether a person transitions. Transgenderism is not in and of itself a gender identity, nor is it in and of itself gender dysphoria. The terms transgenderism and gender dysphoria should not be used interchangeably as they are not one and the same thing and can exist without each other.

Gender identity is the gender with which one’s brain aligns itself, and is as such male or female, or experienced as a combination. So a binary transperson’s gender identity, (just like a cis-gender person’s gender identity,) is not transgender but male or female. A non-binary person’s gender identity is a combination of the genders.

Gender dysphoria is often thought of as the condition itself and so the transgender person regarded as someone who has innate conflict between the mind and the body, which isn’t necessarily so at all. As I explained previously, even dysphoria doesn’t have to be felt at a bodily level, and so doesn’t always have to be treated physically. Social dysphoria doesn’t necessarily have to be treated medically. One should not be required to alter one’s physical appearance through medication in order to be accepted by society for who you really are.

Enough medical research has been done to prove a physical basis for transgenderism. The correct information needs to be made public and followed by medical professionals. Medical professionals should stop focussing on boxing transgender people in through falsely narrow definitions of what it supposedly is to be a man or a woman in order to be treated correctly. And of course transgender people with dysphoria should not be discouraged to receive treatment neither. All information available should just be made public and with stigmatization, so a potential patient could make an informed decision.

Gender dysphoria can accompany transgenderism but does not have to. (Conversely not even all people who experience gender dysphoria are necessarily transgender. They could be intersex, or experience themselves to have no gender, or could even just be questioning their sense of gender.)

So to be perfectly clear, a person is not born cis-gender, (that is with an aligned sense of gender and sex,) or a-gender, (with no sense of gender,) then somehow develops gender dysphoria, and becomes transgender, through the specific act of transitioning, (obtaining hormonal and/or surgical treatment.)

This is often how the narrative is framed though, (or some variation thereof,) a person born with or developing gender dysphoria, then transitioning, after having been found satisfactorily dysphoric by a medical specialist, and so being transgender.

In reality a biologically female-formed fetus becomes hormonally masculinized, or a biologically male-formed fetus not hormonally masculinized “enough,” (or stays feminine, as all fetuses start out female,) through hormones, (primarily testosterone,) during prenatal development, and this determines the sense of gender identity, (sense of maleness or femaleness as experienced in the brain,) in the child, usually already fully formed around age 3.

(There are other ways transgenderism or intersex conditions can come about, through androgen, or on a chromosomal level, and there is apparently also some genetic basis, and other specific situations I haven’t looked into deep enough yet.)

So the child is transgender from the start, (has a preexisting/ prenatally formed hormonal distribution “imbalance” condition,) but the child is not necessarily gender dysphoric from the start. Transitioning does not make a person transgender, a pre-existing hormonal condition does.

Transitioning, if desired, and to whatever extent desired, just aligns the body physically (to a large extent) to the gender experienced in the brain, and which can alleviate feelings of dysphoria, (a specific form of anxiety felt over one’s sense of gender being different than one’s sex,) if those feelings are at all experienced.

If no dysphoria is felt, no transitioning is in and of itself necesary. This does not make a person any less transgender, it just makes them not transition. (By the same token of course, a person who cannot afford to transition financially or legally or socially is also not any less transgender, and may or may not feel dysphoric.) But the preexisting hormonal condition always remains, with or without transitioning.

In other words, transitioning does not “treat” transgenderism, as it does not need to be treated in and of itself. Transitioning treats dysphoria, the anxiety that may or may not accompany transgenderism.

On a final note, just as any person could want to alter their body to improve it, especially health-wise, a transgender person without dysphoria should have the right to transition as well. Other medical conditions have been treated without a person necessarily having discomfort, so it shouldn’t be any different for a transgender or gender nonconforming person.

On Vacation in Barcelona, Spain, Age 7, in 1980.


As a (44 year old) trans-masculine/gender nonconforming lesbian I’ve done enough research by now to know my identities are real and valid, while I personally experience no dysphoria at all, never have, and personally don’t feel any feel any need to transition. (This is my personal experience only of course!)

I don’t feel the need to transition personally because I don’t find any validity in having my maleness or femaleness accepted by most others. I also don’t find any incompatibility between being both male and female at the same time and actually appreciate the complexity of it. It has gotten me in a lot of uncomfortable and even dangerous situations but I personally embrace the combination of male and femaleness to the extent that I experience it.

Since there is no morally right way to be in terms of gender, it really doesn’t matter if one is male or female or both. And it certainly doesn’t stand it the way of my sexuality, since I don’t feel two female-bodied individuals are incompatible with each other, obviously, and my internal sense of maleness also doesn’t get in the way of my female body. I experience myself mostly as a straight guy, a somewhat sensitive one I guess, certainly an artistic one, but a straight guy nonetheless.

And with the added complexity of understanding what it is to be female based on my bodily experiences, not gender experiences, and to what extent I am perceived as female by society. All I would want for is the full acceptance, and understanding, to the extent that that’s possible, of my gender identity and sexual orientation of those who are close to me.

Since I’m not transitioning I will have to rely on female facilities, which is no problem to me, and be perceived as female legally, which is also no problem to me. This complex way of experiencing both femaleness and maleness only adds to my understanding of the need for female equal treatment and rights, and have given me an opportunity to embrace feminism in my own unique way.

I personally feel no need for a whole lot of societal acceptance of my transgenderism, gender nonconformity or lesbianism, and primarily have the need for equal individual rights under the law. I know a certain amount of societal acceptance is necessary for my personal happiness, health and safety but do not place a whole lot of validity in the general intelligence levels of a lot of the world’s population.

High intelligence, beyond natural disposition I mean, generally requires an intense focus and the majority of people simply lack the will to focus. In other words, people do not like to think a lot, even though their livelihood depends on it, and prefer to feel a lot instead. Feelings give off a sense of euphoria and are experienced more immediately, working almost like a drug.

Thinking requires intense focus and will power and its’ effects, though both more even and intense, are not experienced as rushing and immediate. The discovery of knowledge fills one with a longterm sense of accomplishment and a certainty, which is extremely satisfying, but simply harder to attain. Once it is attained however it is also way harder to lose than the ever-changing, short term nature of experiencing primarily feelings.

I’m also in no way implying that transgenderism and gender nonconformity, or non-binary identities, are one and the same.

Plenty of transgender individual are very binary, experiencing themselves truly as male or female. While with gender nonconforming people the binary extremes aren’t really experienced as such and they often feel somewhere in between, experiencing either both genders or neither, or somewhere in between that.

Even though I experienced myself as (straight) male throughout my life, and dressed and behaved accordingly, it took me quite a while, and a lot of research, to settle on my own identities as trans-masculine, (as opposed to trans-male,) as in “a milder form” of trans-male, as well as gender nonconforming, feeling that lacking any gender dysphoria and also not wanting to transition positioned me somewhere in between male and female somehow, as in male-gendered and female-bodied simultaneously.

(This kind of information, and acceptance around it, was simply not available to me growing up in the 1980s. I really only started vocalizing these identities in a clear way in 2012, 39 years of age by then.)

I also retained the sexual orientation of being lesbian, since not transitioning and so socially and moreover legally perceived as female, while for me this merely means just being attracted to women, not necessarily while experiencing myself as a woman, which I don’t. I just have no conflict with having a male gender and a female body, and can only hope that others I care about could understand and accept this about me.

In Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Age 12 in 1985. With my best friend. (I’m the one with the knee patch.)


I identify as Queer/Lesbian and Trans-Masculine/Gender Nonconforming. Socially that mostly translates into, I’m a Gender Nonconforming Lesbian.

I personally experience no body dysphoria and happen to not need any medical and/or legal transitioning procedures myself, yet do consider myself to be trans-masculine/gender nonconforming and this gender identity, on top of my sexual orientation, did further complicate social and immigration matters for me, specifically through the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. In 1992, at age 19, I moved to the US legally on a 5-year student visa from the Netherlands to study film in Los Angeles.

I have a real Social Security number, along with real State Identification, a CA ID, because I was an international film student, legally entering from the Netherlands in 1992 at age 19, after enrolling at LACC from abroad and having filed all my paperwork and paying all the fees up front, totaling some $15000, and so was allowed to work on school campus, and got my work permit through a guy who forced me to marry him while attending the film program at LACC.

He adjusted my status from student to wife, which started all my trouble. He went on to become one of the screenwriters of the first ‘Fast and Furious’ in the film franchise. I wasn’t technically out as a lesbian in 1992 when I got married to him at age 19, him being 25 at the time, but I was definitely aware that I was only interested in women, and had had girlfriends before.

Because marriage to a US Citizen is the only realistic way to become a Permanent Resident or Citizen, and because this was not allowed for LGBTQ immigrants prior to DOMA being struck down in 2015, I fell “Out-Of-Status,” or became Undocumented.

My marriage to a straight guy, as someone who experiences themselves as basically a straight guy, was definitely forced on to me by a US straight man who would not accept my identity, however obvious, as real and valid. Even if I had been a refugee, which I was not, as a legal film student from the Netherlands, I probably would not have voluntarily given into opposite-sex marriage to a heterosexual guy.

As a person who experiences themselves as a straight guy I knew I could not possibly be in any sort of romantic and sexual relationship with another straight guy. The thought of this alone is psychological rape to me, while the actual relationship amounts to real rape of course.

My marriage was a Forced Mixed Orientation Immigration Marriage, and lasted less than two years, with me moving out of our apartment after less than two months and filing for a divorce immediately after. I was only coerced and intimidated into marrying him, and he walked away from the situation with only a divorce, while I became illegal.

Downtown Los Angeles, 1992. (Age 19)
Hollywood, 2016


I have only since 2012 come out as gender nonconforming/trans-masculine, (yet at least partially aware of my gender identity since my childhood but not having any words for it then. I’ve been shopping for clothes in the boys/mens department exclusively since age 6.)

I have been openly lesbian since 1994, and was aware of this sexual orientation basically all my life, despite social disapproval.

(Gender non-binary, a term used often interchangeably with gender nonconforming, also doesn’t necessarily translate into neither man nor woman, as that could also be defined as a-gender, but is more of a combination between male/man and female/woman, just like bi-racial is strangely enough often dismissed as not belonging to any race at all, or not legitimately anyway, while it actually means belonging to two races simultaneously. If you think this comparison is strange, it actually applies, and I suffer from both misunderstandings, as I am both bi-racial and gender non-binary.

I personally prefer the term gender nonconforming to gender non-binary, even if the word nonconforming denotes a voluntary act, and being gender nonconforming is not a choice and in all likelyhood has to do with one’s hormonal distribution, having more, or less, of either estrogen/progesterone or testosterone/androgen, in comparison to most cis-women and cis-men. I just like the term nonconforming, as I am very nonconforming to society’s standards in many other ways as well.)

I’m maintaining my birth name and pronoun by choice, even if I have no choice, and though I’m definitely not offended by the “male” version of my name, Gabriel, and the pronoun he.

I do go by “they” as well, to publicly acknowledge my gender nonconformity, but my only physical “transition” has been shaving my head, started in 2013 and never stopping since. And I have always worn male clothes and male hairstyles, whether long or short hair, and have never in my life gone through any distinctly female stage. Yet I’m not in any way super masculine neither.

I’ve been “mistaken” for a guy plenty all my life either way though, so got plenty of time to get used to it, and it never truly bothered me, only made me very awkward when not understanding gender identities outside they binary myself. I got called “brother” and “sir” on two separate occasions today alone.

Santa Monica, 1998


When I was growing up the question “Are you a boy or a girl?” used to make me very uncomfortable because I honestly didn’t know how to answer it without endangering myself but now I am at least prepared to deal with that all the time.

Two of the few advantages of not being clearly read as male or female in this misogynist society are that I don’t usually get sexually harassed by guys, I just get plain hated on instead, and I don’t generally get shamed by society for enjoying sex, which is something heterosexual women in particular have to constantly deal with.

(I’ve also gotten a fair amount of requests to be photographed or painted by artistic types throughout my life but then there are quite a few people who use that as pick-up lines as well, so this hasn’t always felt that complementary to me.)

I’m maintaining my original name and pronouns and body to combat any notions that transgenderism necessarily is accompanied by gender dysphoria, which I don’t experience, other than social dysphoria at people’s disapproval of me.

(I use the women’s bathroom, which tends to cause some confusion in others but I am perfectly entitled to as a female-bodied individual of course, and personally don’t subscribe to “packing,” “binding,” or even bras, and luckily for me I don’t need those really.)

So I’ve personally never been at odds with my body, and in fact like my body perfectly fine as it is, but only with the traditional gender roles society has pushed on me. I see my sex/body and my gender as being in perfect harmony, and find the notion of male and female being necessarily at odds very strange and unfairly discriminating.

(Not too many people would argue that opposite-sex marriages don’t work because a woman and a man are necessarily at odds with each other, so why does it become a problem all of a sudden when male and female are combined in one person?! And to top it off we are created from/and with male and female hormones, so I don’t see the problem personally.)

I however respect any individual’s decision to transition or not or partially to the utmost and only blame the legal system and society at large for this equating of a gender identity with a medical disorder. And I wholeheartedly stand with my trans-brothers and sisters in their fight to use the public bathrooms they feel comfortable using.

Los Angeles, 2016


I personally believe the gender-binary system, like the race system, as legal systems that is, was created by the European colonialist mindset for the purposes of population control and slavery. (I am bi-racial, Dutch and Indonesian-Dutch. Indonesia was a Dutch colony called “the Dutch-Indies” for 350 years. I was born and raised in Leiden, The Netherlands.) I also know there is a lot of money to be made in pharmaceuticals, and I personally don’t intend to make this business any richer than it already is. (And heterosexual men generally support to systematically keep women down in order to avoid female rejection or competition.)

I am however not claiming that body or gender dysphoria is not a real and valid something, which can most definitely require medical attention and which should not ever be denied, and regardless of age as well. (By the way, I’m also not suggesting only people with gender dysphoria should transition. Any individual has the right to alter/improve their bodies as they see fit.) I’m only maintaining that we live in a heavily conditioned reality, one which should be questioned deeply and thoroughly.

I identify as Queer/Lesbian and Trans-Masculine/Gender Nonconforming. Socially that mostly translates into, I’m a Gender Nonconforming Lesbian. (I personally do not wish to transition.)

And for the record, I identify as female, and gender nonconforming, despite my male gender. My pronouns are: They/Them/Theirs.

Constitutional Rights (with their basis in the Age of Enlightenment, or Reason, as well as the logic of the Greek philosophers,) stem from the understanding that human beings have long term memory and therefore the capacity to form judgements, including morally, from experience, and through critical thinking. And that human beings are individuals first, and judge, and are to be judged, as such.

Our Basic Rights to Life, (not as a personal guarantee but as a principle, and not just as a means to survive but as the right to a dignified existence,) Liberty, (the only way to choose to have a dignified existence,) Private Property (of personhood, as an individual; that is private property of one’s own mind, one’s own body, and the fruits of one’s own labor,) and the Pursuit of Happiness, (not automatic, guaranteed happiness but an opportunity to seek what makes us happy,) stem from our capacity to reason, to think critically, as individuals first, and not purely from our basic needs for survival.

Men and women alike have a need far greater than the need to survive, and through the procreation of the species in particular, (which is only a biological function,) and want happiness, (a psychological function, and which can ultimately be summed up into “a dignified life” exactly,) and each should have the full and unhindered right (without harming others) under the law to pursue it.

Senior Year High School Picture, The Netherlands, 1989. (Age 16.)

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(Note: This article was originally published on Sept. 12 2016 as ‘Gender Binary System notes.’ It was written as a loose set of notes on the gender-binary as an exclusive system, and its’ limitations, rather than as a cohesive article or essay. I have broken the article up in 7 parts, with 7 different titles, for your reading convenience.)

Gender Binary System notes (Original Article in its’ Entirety)

The Root Cause Of Misogyny, And The Necessity Of Free Will (Gender Binary System notes, part 1 of 7) (2016)

The Male And Female Brain, And The “Cause” Of Transgenderism (Gender Binary System notes, part 2 of 7) (2016)

The Reasons I Am Not Transitioning (Gender Binary System notes, part 3 of 7) (2016)

How My Gender Nonconforming Identity Affected My Legal Immigration Status (Gender Binary System notes, part 4 of 7) (2016)

My Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs (Gender Binary System notes, part 5 of 7) (2016)

On Looking Androgynous Throughout My Youth, While Also Being Gender Nonconforming (Gender Binary System notes, part 6 of 7)

The Gender-Binary System Was Created For Population Control And Slavery, Including Sex Slavery (Gender Binary System notes, part 7 of 7)

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1992 Passport of the Netherlands with 5-year International Student Visa (F-1) (Ironically My Student Visa Expired and I Became “Out-Of-Status” the Exact Same Day Ellen DeGeneres Came Out On Her TV Sitcom on April 30, 1997.)
US Social Security statement

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My name is Gabriella Bregman, I am a Hollywood-based Writer, Filmmaker and Producer, currently in production of a Feature Documentary about LGBTQ US-Immigration Exclusion-Policy, including my personal story of US immigration discrimination during DOMA, (Defense Of Marriage Act, of 1996–2015,) titled ‘The Queer Case for Individual Rights,’ through my film production company Bregman Films.

The 2001 John Cassavetes Film Retrospective ‘Gena and John: A Cassavetes Retrospective’ at the Laemmle Theatres in Los Angeles is a Bregman Films Production.

I am also the Founder of a Nonprofit Film Organization Queer Female Filmmakers Los Angeles — A Media Site & LA Film Mixers (2018.)

In 2018 I am publishing my story and essays in a book, titled ‘The Queer Case for Individual Rights & Other Essays.’

I identify as a Gender Nonconforming Lesbian, “non-op” Trans-Masculine, and Bi-Racial, from the Netherlands, Los Angeles-based.

My pronouns are: they/them/theirs.

Please check out my other articles on LGBTQ- and Immigration Issues, the State of Women and LGBTQ People in Film, and Lesbian/Queer Film as well as Queer Female Sexuality and Gender Identity at

A few titles:

Resume/FILM BIO: Gabriella Bregman (2018) (2018)

2018 Update on Documentary ‘The Queer Case for Individual Rights’ (2018)

A Note on the State of Women in Film (2016)

A Few Notes On LGBTQ Filmmaking (2017)

Some Thoughts on the State of Lesbian Filmmaking in the US (part 1 of 5) (2018)

John Cassavetes Film Retrospective (2001) (2018)

On ‘Moonlight’ and the Subject of Positive Representation (2017)

My 2018 Oscar Pick for Best Picture (2018)

In Defense of Rationality (2018)

In Defense of Individual Rights (2018)

Immigration Law Explained: The Irony of a Simultaneously Capped (temporary work visas) and Uncapped (family law marriage) Visa Immigration System (2014)

A Few Notes on US Immigration Exclusion Policies Towards Women- and LGBTQ Immigrants (2014)

The Root Cause Of Misogyny, And The Necessity Of Free Will (Gender Binary System notes, part 1 of 7) (2016)

The Male And Female Brain, And The “Cause” Of Transgenderism (Gender Binary System notes, part 2 of 7) (2016)

The Gender-Binary System Was Created For Population Control And Slavery, Including Sex Slavery (Gender Binary System notes, part 7 of 7)

All Articles Written by Gabriella Bregman (TM). All Pictures Owned by Gabriella Bregman (TM). All Rights Reserved (2018)

Divorce Papers, First Marriage to Erik Bergquist, (Nov. 1992– Aug. 1994,) one of the screenwriters of the first “Fast and Furious” film. (Forced Marriage, Almost Immediately Upon My Arrival in Los Angeles, at Age 19 in 1992.)



Orlando G. Bregman

Essay Writer TRANS-MASCULINE IN HOLLYWOOD/Documentary Filmmaker F-1 DUTCH FILM STUDENT/Founder THE AUTEUR Film And Identity Publication & Film Org (2024) TM