Robustness testing — Is it even possible to predict the future?

2 min readMay 12, 2018


Most traders would be familiar with the term back testing, to see if your trading strategy would have worked based on past returns. But is it possible to test if it can work in the future?

One powerful feature in the GSTAR Ecosystem is the ability to predict if a trading system can potentially continue to be effective if the market conditions change.

Trading systems, which we term as Stars on our Ecosystem, will be subject to intense swings and spikes, to test its resilience against future black swam events.

The higher the score a Star obtains, the more valuable it will potentially be. Owners can submit their Stars for robustness testing, for a fee paid in GSTAR Tokens in the GSTAR Ecosystem. This is to cover the costs of the computational power needed to carry out this intensive test. The robustness score receive on the Star is public and it can help to increase the value of a Star. Hence, it doesn’t just benefit the owner for his knowledge, but it makes the Star more attractive to potential lessees or buyers.

In the vibrant Market Place in the GSTAR Ecosystem, ranking on our leaderboard is key. Naturally, a user would want to lease the most successful Star. The robustness score will allow the user to make a more informed long-term decision of which Stars to try.

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