Run for the Shadows (Pt 5)

A Nano-Tech Thriller in 13 Chilling Parts

Gus Gresham
3 min readAug 16, 2022


Photo Credit: Gus Gresham (Author)

<< Part 1 << Part 2 << Part 3 << Part 4

This is Part 5

Run for the Shadows

“This is running now,” says Yasmina. “I’m nine years old when my mother walks out on us for a year. My party trick is playing piano with one hand and doing calculus with the other. I’m so happy in my father’s care. I don’t know he’ll be dead in four years. I think it’s all forever. Every day of that long summer, we go to the meadow at the back of the house …”

As she talks, she wanders about the seventh-floor office of the Selaphor Biosystems Building in a dreamy, floaty state.

Kessler gets up from the floor, stunned. The shock or whatever it was had sent him across the huge office like a thrown doll. Now, alarmed and agitated, he follows Yasmina. He sees more fighter jets over Kingston-upon-Thames. As he watches, one pilot ejects for no apparent reason and the jet screeches on, stable at first, then hurtling and twisting and dropping towards the horizon.

“He’s a good talker, my papa,” says Yasmina, “and a good listener. On one morning walk, I ask him about…



Gus Gresham

Writer of Fiction. Interested in the Human Condition, Science, the Environment, Social Justice, Family. Also writing Memoir, Travel, Opinion, occasional Poetry.