My Top 7 Time Management Tips for Busy Writers

learn how to get more time for writing

Hazel Paradise
4 min readFeb 19, 2024
Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

Writing is hard. Writing along with other responsibilities is even harder!

Chances are that you want to become a writer but.. only one thing is coming your way.

You don’t have enough time to write.

10 years back, I was in tech school. I used to write after 8 pm. All the classes used to get over till then and I hardly went out with my friends.

Introvert here.

I thought I’d get more time once my uni. is over.

But then things got even busier.

My 9–5 job was a 7–7 job. I hardly had time so I used to write only during weekends.

Then during Covid, I started working from home and even worked as a Data engineer. So during those times, I used to write ebooks from 2 am to 6 am. I won’t suggest following this because my physical health deteriorated after that.

Now my work timing has changed a lot and I adjust it along with my other activities. I never liked to stick to a routine. I do have a writing routine though. I write mostly in the morning.

If you are struggling to find time for your Medium or any writing blog then do check out these few tips that I follow myself. My routine has evolved with time and I’ll try my best to keep it as simple as possible.

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How do I get time to write

  1. Yoga/Long walks — My health deteriorated a lot during lockdown. My mom suggested I go back to Yoga. Since then I have lost weight and even increased my immunity as well. My hair fall is in control. Other than this, I work better than before. I take long walks mostly during the morning time. But if my work gets completed before 5 pm (if…) then I’ll go for another round of long walks in the evening. That’s the best time to get new writing ideas. Try it.
  2. Rest — Working from 2 am to 6 am and then the morning shift as a Data engineer destroyed my health a lot. I used to work also on Sundays and Saturdays. But now I rarely work on weekends. I reserve it for my YouTube channel (a faceless voiceless channel requires less time) and for my family.
  3. Ruthlessly organize and prioritize — My writing career is my top priority right now. So I keep writing work mostly in the morning time. After that, I rarely have the energy left to do other work. Be ruthless while prioritizing your work. Keep writing at the top. I hardly talk while I am working. This way I complete my work in less time.
  4. Turn down low-paying jobs — Maybe not many will agree with me but if you need to work for better money then stop accepting low-paying jobs. If you are a student or a newbie then start small. But later make sure you increase your level. Low low-paying job will consume most of your time and energy.
  5. Sleep and TV — Not a fan of TV. Wish I could throw out the one I have but my mom loves it dearly. TV/OTT disturbs my sleeping pattern. Better sleep means more productivity.
  6. Create a Schedule — Having a schedule helps a lot. You can use an Ultimate Planner for this.
  7. Celebrate small wins — I used to not do this before. I was strict and a perfectionist back then. But now, I may not announce it on social media much but I do take my close family out for dinner or a small vacation. Do it silently. You’ll enjoy more. Trust me.
  8. Pick one task at a time — Want the shortest way to make more time for writing? Then do one thing at a time. When I write, I don’t pay attention to my YouTube channel. When I work on my music store, I don’t do anything other than that!
  9. No, means no — Should I watch Netflix while eating? No. My family has come to visit me. Should I ditch my work and go out with them? No.

Note — First I always work and then keep evenings to go out with my family. Don’t be too strict. At the end of the day, you are doing it for them!


In the writing business, there is no boss. So we are completely on our own. No one will tell you to tweet on your Twitter account.

No one will tell you to write a post for Medium.

No one will tell you to complete your book.

You have to do everything yourselves.

That’s what freedom comes with, right?


Don’t be too serious like me. Don’t be a perfectionist like me.

Go with the flow and keep improving.

You’ll get there soon!

If you have a problem scheduling your day then you can check out this easy-to-use Daily Weekly Monthly Tracker [Dynamic Tracker].

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Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.