
Chapter 4: Are hue seeing this?

Hue NFTs
2 min readOct 6, 2023

In Chapter 3, our huero, 1, discovered night, felt fear for the first time, and became one with it.

The stars above

As 1 ran with her eyes closed, her mind ran too. And in her mind, she saw herself running.

She wondered if the runner in her mind also had a runner in her mind with a runner in her mind, and so on…

How many runners and how many minds can there be?

It was a stunning thought. She gasped and opened her eyes —

It was the most beautiful sight she had ever behueld:

The night still hueng above her. But now, it was as if someone had poked tiny hueles in it that looked like eyes staring at her.

In that moment, 1 felt in her hueart that she wouldn’t be alone very much longer. And she wasn’t —

To be continued…

Go back:
Chapter 1: To split is hueman
Chapter 2: The solitary Hue
Chapter 3: The Hueniverse out there


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