How to build a conversion machine with FB ads

Steve Liu
4 min readSep 18, 2016


Hey all, Steve here from (we do drag and drop advertising for FB and Twitter — check it out:

A question I get a lot is— how do I build a scalable and repeatable process to drive conversions from Facebook ads? I don’t have a huge amount of advertising experience nor a huge email list.

Good question. It really only takes 3 steps and I’ll hold your hand throughout.

P.S: I am also creating a Facebook group for anyone interested in eCommerce/ startups and Facebook marketing. Join here.

A few more articles for you guys:

1. Build a FB Audience

Facebook is cooler than email in the sense that you don’t need your potential customers to commit any information before you target them. You can utilise custom audiences to build your audience. Here are two of my favourite methods:

a) Retargeting Audience.

Everyone knows this little trick already. We can target people who have visited our website through a Facebook pixel. Here is a good guide on how to set it up: Facebook Pixel Guide.

Basically once you’ve set up the pixel, as soon as someone lands on your website, the pixel “fires”. This notifies Facebook and allows you to retarget them later on with Facebook ads.

Why is this awesome?

You can now start targeting people without their email addresses.

b) Engagement Retargeting.

Another way to build a large audience without emails is through Engagement Custom Audience. The one we will explore at the moment are custom audiences through Video Views.

Yup. You can now create audiences of people who watch your videos.

I would recommend setting the Engagement Level to at least people who watch 50% of your videos. This will capture your most engaged audiences and hence the people more likely to buy your product.

2. Turn Audience into Leads

There are two main ways to convert Audience into Leads (a.k.a convert FB audience above into actual emails/ contact details), these methods are: Landing Page and Facebook Lead Ads.

a. Landing Page

The classic landing page is not to be ignored. Set up a Facebook Ad with the objective Website Conversions and point it to your landing page with a freebie (ebook, webinar, free membership etc). After they input their email, redirect them to a Thank-You page. The ads should be targeted to these audiences:

  1. Ad Set #1: Visited Your Website — 30 Days

2. Ad Set #2: Viewed Your Video — 30 Days

You should also put a pixel in the Thank-You page to track conversions and create these custom audiences:

3. Visited Opt-in Thank You Page — 30 Days

4. Visited Opt-in Thank You Page — 180 Days

Lastly, you should exclude 3 &4 from 1&2 to avoid spending advertising dollars on people that you’ve already converted into Leads.

b. Facebook Lead Ads

This is pretty self explanatory. Create a few Facebook Lead Ads and run them to the same 1 & 2 audiences described above.

Similarly, create the two custom audiences below and exclude them from 1 & 2 to avoid double targeting:

  • Opened and Submitted Lead Form — 30 Days
  • Opened and Submitted Lead Form — 90 Days

3. Turn Leads into Sales

By now you’ve fed audiences through the sales funnel and have some high quality leads to play around with. Run ads with the Website Conversions objective with these two audiences:

  • Visited Opt-in Thank You Page — 30 Days
  • Opened and Submitted Lead Form — 30 Days

You’re objective now is to sell them something. Direct them to your products page to shorten the process from click to purchase. For this stage, I recommend optimising for Impressions rather than Conversions. The reason being is that the audience you are now targeting is already validated. There is no need for Facebook to re-validate them.

….and there! Done!

Rinse and repeat.

Much love,


P.S. Don’t forget to run email campaigns on top of this!

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Steve Liu

University of NSW | Student | Startups | A couple of friends and I built a drag and drop ads tool for FB & Twitter. Sign up to the beta: