22 Things I Learned in 2022 (Short Version)

2022 was a year like no other for me.

Jamaine Gatbonton
3 min readDec 31, 2022

I went through online classes at the beginning of the year, a summer of growth in the middle, and face-to-face classes towards the latter half of the year.

I didn’t expect to learn as much as I did. But as I did my reflection in my journal, I realized I was a completely different person before and during the beginning of the year in comparison to how I am now.

So here are the 22 things I learned in 2022

  1. I learned that the world isn’t going to end. (not anytime soon)
  2. I learned I was free to make mistakes.
  3. I learned to try new things and explore.
  4. I re-learned how to make friends and talk to people.
  5. I learned how to listen and be more interested in people.
  6. I learned how to be more confident around people.
  7. I learned how to set boundaries.
  8. I learned how to have a better, more positive mindset.
  9. I learned how to be grateful for the little things.
  10. I learned how to take action and actually improve the things I noticed about myself.
  11. I learned how to accept and be ‘more myself’ with other people.
  12. I learned how to expel my negative thoughts.
  13. I learned how to build and follow habits.
  14. I learned how to organize my tasks.
  15. I learned how to utilize systems (i.e. software) to help me achieve my goals.
  16. I learned how to study better.
  17. I learned how to ‘take notes’.
  18. I learned how to make the most of what I read.
  19. I learned how to write stories.
  20. I learned how to clearly analyze and synthesize my ideas.
  21. I learned how to take my ideas and turn them into something ‘more’.
  22. I learned how to share my thoughts and ideas.

In conclusion, 2022 was a year of growth for me. I tried so many things and in the process, I learned a lot. All of these items on the list can be expanded into their own little stories.

I don’t think this list begins to capture the true growth that I went through during the year, and making it did help me to reflect on the things I did which will guide me to another year of growth and change for 2023.



Jamaine Gatbonton

High school student -> Writer | IG & Twitter: @hellojamaine