5 things I learned in Myself | 22 Things I Learned in 2022

“I can tell you these were some of the most important things I learned which I will carry with me for the rest of my life. ”

Jamaine Gatbonton
3 min readDec 31, 2022

The summer of 2022 was a huge, huge period of growth for me. I truly made an effort to better myself, and to just be better. Part of that was task management and habits (which appear later in this list), but another part of that was also just my mental state and my attitude toward everyday life. I didn’t expect it to have a big impact, but at this point in time, I can tell you these were some of the most important things I learned which I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

1.) I learned how to have a better, more positive mindset.

For most of my life, I was a pessimist. I thought that having a positive mindset was to be one of those people who believed the world was all sunshine and rainbows. Well, I can tell you, it’s not. Learning to have a positive mindset is an ever-continuing journey, but setting the intention that this is something you wanna accomplish is how to start, and that’s what I did this year.

2.) I learned how to be grateful for the little things.

Ever since I was a young kid, my mom had us take part in this gratitude practice where we would write on a sticky note what we were thankful for every day. And when I restarted my journaling practice, I made sure to dedicate a section to list down everything I was grateful for that day. It wasn’t until this year that I realized just how impactful expressing gratitude was for the small things, like waking up or just feeling well. It contributed so much to my mental wellbeing and changed the way I interact with the world.

3.) I learned how to take action and actually improve the things I noticed about myself.

Self-awareness was something I didn’t struggle with. I was hyper-aware of my thoughts and actions. The thing was, I did nothing with it, I didn’t use it to improve myself. And it’s funny because I was aware of that too. Well, during the summer of 2022, I finally decided to tackle this part of me as well. It was life-changing, especially when it came to socializing. I learned something new every day, and every day, I did my best to do something better.

4.) I learned how to accept and be ‘more myself’ with other people.

Writing was actually something I’d hide from my friends and people I knew. I used to hide basically everything about myself and follow the trend. That was how I was for all of elementary. So when I had the chance to reinvent myself during my first year of face-to-face classes this year, I slowly but surely shared parts of myself I never shared before. And it was the best thing I ever did.

5.) I learned how to expel my negative thoughts.

This one was a big one for me. Despite the fact that I did learn how to have a more positive outlook, the negative thoughts will always be there. For a while, I didn’t know how to cope or how to deal with these thoughts. I ended up bottling everything up, which absolutely didn’t work at all. This year, I learned how to write everything I felt, into a journal or just on a note. It did wonders for me, and I can’t believe I didn’t think of it sooner.



Jamaine Gatbonton

High school student -> Writer | IG & Twitter: @hellojamaine