3 things I learned in Life | 22 Things I Learned in 2022

These were some fundamental things I learned that shaped my year and brought me to learn basically everything else on my 22 Things I Learned in 2022 list.

Jamaine Gatbonton
2 min readDec 31, 2022

1.) I learned that the world isn’t going to end (not anytime soon)

There were several points in the year where I felt like the world was gonna end, I felt like I wanted it to end. Everything just became so overwhelming. I felt like I wouldn’t even reach this point. But, I’m writing this on the last day of 2022. I’m still here and still standing. Realizing this was huge for me during my reflection of this year. I made it

2.) I learned I was free to make mistakes

I’m a perfectionist, I admit it. It affected me to this grand scale, everything about how I lived my life took a hit. From small decisions to big decisions, I was anxious and worried. This lesson came to me slowly, with conversations I’ve had and things I’ve thought. And learning it helped me to finally overcome major obstacles and learn more of what’s on this list.

3.) I learned to try new things and explore

When I finally learned that I could make mistakes, I ended up learning this too. As a whole, it’s super hard for me to try new things, to stray away from my regulars and safe choices. But it’s because I learned to try new things that I ended up finding out how I could bond with my friends in different ways or do what I love and have it reach more eyes than my own.



Jamaine Gatbonton

High school student -> Writer | IG & Twitter: @hellojamaine