Happ-Y-Ness Factor News — 6


What Can the 4th of July Celebration Mean To You?

Birthdays are about time stamped beginnings…

Recently, while listening to a talk show, I came across an intriguing distinction between self-confidence and self-esteem. This sparked a thought-provoking reflection within me. Further into the show, two speakers emphasized that we are essentially spiritual beings living a human experience, not merely humans possessing a spirit. This perspective ignited another round of deep contemplation

The past month has served as a period of profound introspection and transformative action for me. I found myself grappling with changes in the educational environment where I had been teaching. More and more, I felt a discord between the approach the leadership was adopting and my personal teaching philosophy. Despite my best efforts to maintain a positive outlook, an internal struggle brewed. I soon recognized the need for a significant shift.

Making the decision to move on was far from easy, especially considering I had spent the last eight years in that very workspace. Despite the discontent, a sense of comfort had taken root through familiarity. I understood that to restore my mental equilibrium, I had to take a leap of faith.

After sending out emails inquiring about opportunities better suited to my leadership style, things began to fall into place surprisingly quickly. Within a mere 12 hours of resolving to make a change, I received a call from an interested party. I made a point to lay all my cards on the table, being forthright about my expectations, my capabilities, and the time I needed for my creative pursuits.

Reflecting upon my experiences, I realized that I had been dimming my own light in my previous role. Out of concern for unsettling others with my enthusiasm and creativity, I had chosen silence over self-expression. This self-imposed restraint was suffocating my spirit. Early in my career, I had felt a need for approval and validation, so when my creativity seemed to intimidate others, I’d retreat into silence.

But in retrospect, I see our lives akin to flowers — if we neglect to water our roots, we risk withering rather than blossoming. Fortunately, I received an offer to join a team that appreciates my contributions to the children and respects my personal interests. Accepting this offer turned out to be a gift, not only to myself but also to those I serve.

How do you define a weekend? This summer, for me, it has essentially been one long weekend. I’ve consciously chosen not to set any rigid plans, allowing my intuition to guide my business decisions, health practices, and family interactions. Yet, I’ve noticed that even with this newfound freedom, a form of structure has naturally taken shape.

I’ve set a consistent bedtime to ensure I get the required eight hours of sleep. Waking up without an alarm has become the norm, leaving me feeling rested and ready to tackle the day, albeit at a leisurely pace. My morning routine involves a collagen and adaptogen boost from Isagenix to kickstart my day, followed by brewing a fresh pot of coffee while I perform some light stretching exercises. This gentle start helps invigorate me for the day ahead.

Even so, I’ve found that an afternoon nap or meditation session is sometimes needed for a midday recharge. Despite having the flexibility to switch tasks as I please, I set aside time every Sunday to plan for the upcoming week. Additionally, at the start of each month, I outline the goals for the weeks ahead and quarterly targets. As a business owner, it’s crucial to know whether I’m meeting these benchmarks.

How about you? How do you structure your day to allow yourself the space for an energy reboot or the flexibility to shift focus when different project aspects demand your attention?

This 4th of July, as we commemorate the day of national independence, let it also serve as a moment for personal introspection. It’s the perfect time to consider your own journey towards self-liberation and how you’ve been nurturing your wellbeing. Make this day a celebration of your individual independence too.

In closing all my talk shows (CryptoMom2, JCooperTravels, The GBA Talk Show), I regularly emphasize the importance of kindness — to oneself, to others, and to the interconnected world we inhabit. But have you ever paused to ponder how you show kindness to yourself each day, each moment?

This ties back to our spiritual journey rather than our mere physical existence. Self-kindness isn’t always simple, and it extends beyond mere thoughts. It’s about how we communicate with ourselves, how we nourish our bodies, and the kind of people we surround ourselves with to uphold our essence.

Here are a few insights to aid in this transformative journey:

  1. Acknowledge your strengths. We all excel in something — be it cooking, singing, problem-solving, or being a reliable friend. This is about appreciating ourselves healthily.
  2. Cultivate positive relationships. Healthy community is key to our wellbeing.
  3. Show kindness to yourself. Treat yourself gently and thoughtfully, enjoying healthy treats that bring joy.
  4. Develop assertiveness. Confidence is essential for our growth and should be nurtured healthily.
  5. Start saying “no” more often. This is about setting healthy boundaries to respect your time and energy.
  6. Challenge yourself. Stretching your capabilities in a healthy manner fosters personal growth.

All these facets contribute to self-love and our continuous journey of self-discovery.

A core element of our personal well being are the benefits we receive when we give back to the world. Therefore, I am reaching out to my community to rally support for a couple of forthcoming events.

In August (and later in the Fall as well in case you see this post later), I will be co-hosting two events that might be of interest to you or someone you know:

  1. August 1st — Interested in Solar Power? For those curious about harnessing solar energy for their homes or businesses, we are hosting an informative session. Learn how you can save money and take control of your power needs with this sustainable option. Missed the August date? No worries, we have other sessions lined up. To receive the event link, please drop an email to jcoopersolutions@gmail.com.
  2. August 3rd — An Initiative for Non-profits: We are co-hosting another event for non-profit organizations focused on leveraging Artificial Intelligence tools for Grant Writing. If you know a non-profit that might benefit from learning innovative technology to boost their fundraising efforts, encourage them to contact me for a direct invitation to the event.

Please help spread the word about these opportunities by sharing with those who might find this information beneficial. Together, we can make a positive difference.

There are many sides to this journey

As we revel in the festivities of the 4th of July, let’s take a moment to remember those who don’t share the freedoms we are privileged with. Let’s acknowledge the liberties we possess today, as well as the evolving ones. The 1st Amendment grants us the power to voice our diverse perspectives, emphasizing the significance of active participation in all aspects of the political process.

On this 4th of July, let’s reflect on these words to guide our meditations:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

I treasure your participation in my online community, and I am eager to hear your thoughts, questions, and comments. I hope you savor the beginning of summer and the delightful experiences it brings.

As we venture into the next month, remember to be kind to yourself and to others. We are interconnected, and our actions ripple across this shared world.

Wishing you love, support, and joyful travels…

Until our next update, Jacqui (Also known as CryptoMom2)

P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe and share this with friends, family, and professional networks. Your support helps us grow and continues the dialogue.

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J. Cooper, JD, Travel & Blockchain Consultant

Talk Show Host & Producer: JCooperTravels/LoveTravelScotland/CryptoMom2 & VirtualCareerDay