2 min readJul 19, 2016


Letters for Black Lives Canada — Below is a list of links to the available translations for the 2016 Canadian Letter:

Letters for Black Lives is, an ongoing project for people in ​the US and Canada​ to create and translate resources on anti-Blackness for their communities in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter ​and other movements for Black liberation​. The letters were written and translated collaboratively by hundreds of people who want to have honest and respectful conversations with their ​families and communities​ about an issue important to them.

Translations of this letter are now available in 16+ languages at and are listed in full for your convenience here.

We welcome and encourage people from all communities to adapt and build off of these resources! If you would like to help our translation efforts please contact us at and visit our Translation Project page to start your own translation.

The Canadian team has been working hard to make this a truly collaborative and inclusive process. For transparency, we have saved a draft of our letter-writing process in our original Google Doc for the English version of the letter. If you are interested in taking a look at some of the behind-the-scenes work and conversations, please visit the original document ​here.

