A life of a cat — Chapter 10: Interrupted into a battle

Luis Conejo
2 min readMay 29, 2017


This is a story my daughter is working on. As such, the following is a direct transcription of her draft for chapter 10. You can find chapter 1 here.

Previous chapter

I coughed as the dust Delilah blew caught in our mouths. I opened my eyes and fussed under my breath, “W-where is she…”. “Uh, EXCUSE ME!” Yelled Ritsip from above. “Stop wasting your time talking, cause’ now you ain’t got no one like Delilah to help ya now, ya know? Get to it!”. I put a paw forward. “Ritsip….” I hissed. “So it was you all along!” Choco growled. “You told lies to Delilah to make her hate us!”. Except for Choco, (Because he growled instead of hissing,) Me, Aura, and Oran hissed, “If you want to mess with people, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!!”. Ritsip just smirked. Aura laughed, trying to embarrass him. “We all know you don’t know what root beer is!!!”. We all laughed. Ritsip blushed, so he fell over.

We all laughed, teasing Ritsip. “Haha! He said he had a crush on a hamster!” “Omg, Ritsip looks like root beer but he doesn’t know what it is?!?” “Perhaps he should be called Theonewhodoesntknowwhatrootbeeris-butt!”. As we walked, I tripped on something. It was Delilah’s head flower. I looked up, and thought, Is this flower Aura’s? Hmm…. I smelled the scent of Delilah and the flower. The flower most smells like Delilah, so it must be her’s,

“Um, Scout! Who the bee’s butt is THAT?” Said Oran. I looked to see what was there. There she was, a cat. Who was she? We’ll see in the next chapter.

Continue to next chapter…



Luis Conejo

Software developer, traveler, aspiring novelist and short story writer with mixed results :-)