A life of a cat — Chapter 11: New Cat, New Brat

Luis Conejo
2 min readJun 13, 2017


This is a story my daughter is working on. As such, the following is a direct transcription of her draft for chapter 11. You can find chapter 1 here.

Previous chapter

“Delilah!” I shouted. It was Delilah! “Hi,…” She replied. “Are you oka — “ She layed down for a nap. “And that’s just awkward!”. Aura shrugged. “Sometimes people need to sleep in the middle of something important.”. “Uhm, not important to me,”. There was a big moment of silence. And this is so awkward now… we now are very silent., I thought for a bit. Suddenly a Calico Cat coughed through the dusty surface of where we were. We noticed we had stopped at an old, abandoned house. We decided to first talk to the Calico, then see the house. “Whatcha guys doin here?” He asked. “This ain’t you’ home, it mine!”. “We were on an adventure and ended up he-” He interrupted, “Well, ya guys ain’t got to ask to stay for tha night.” Country talk? Really? I thought about him. I just went inside, though. “My name is Scout.” “My name is Aura.” “My name is Oran.” “My name is Choco.”. We all introduced ourselves. “Sorry about the country talk. My name is Fireflie.” He said. A knock came. However, when he opened the door, a rat came out and gave him a shot that made him go to sleep.

Continue to next chapter…



Luis Conejo

Software developer, traveler, aspiring novelist and short story writer with mixed results :-)