A life of a cat — Chapter 13: We’re not in the past anymore, we’re in right NOW

Luis Conejo
2 min readJun 13, 2017


This is a story my daughter is working on. As such, the following is a direct transcription of her draft for chapter 13. You can find chapter 1 here.

Previous chapter

There I sat with my Children, Tinsle and Willow, and my Husband Fireflie, my Mom, all of my friends, Delilah, Aura, Choco, and of course, me, Scout. We all sat together laughing. Because the past was sad, but the future was bright. “Tinsle! Wanna drink something?” Oran asked. “Yes, Milk please Granny Ory!” Tinsle said. Tinsle was my daughter, Willow was my son. “Mommy? Can I play with your friends?” Willow asked softly. “Yes.” I told him. “They’re very friendly.”. “Thanks, Mommy. Hey, Delilah, Aura, Choco, wanna play?”. “Yep! Ya bet!” They said. Soon I smiled when I saw them all playing together. “Scout, your child is so funny! I wish I had children!” Delilah shouted. Then, fireworks went on. We put the party for the public and lots of cats came over to the party! There was Amber, Buttercup, Poppy, Tulip, Silver, Snow, Tiger, Flakie, Tiko, and more! I made tons of new friends, thanks to the party! Almost all the cats wanted to play with Tinsle and Willow. So they did. Suddenly, more cats wanted to talk with ME! We all laughed and talked, and even Fireflie talked. I decided that the saying Happy Wife equals Happy Life was true. I was a wife, and I was happy, and WE DID HAVE a happy life. This was all because we’re not in the past anymore. It was RIGHT NOW!

Next chapter



Luis Conejo

Software developer, traveler, aspiring novelist and short story writer with mixed results :-)