The fundamental of everything in life

Identify them and improve them to live a better life.

Manoj Singh Negi
5 min readNov 19, 2017

I believe there are some fundamental things in life which are responsible for why we do everything in life the way we choose to do. Our every decision is directly influenced by these fundamental things in every area of our life whether it is achieving something, building relationships or taking a decision no matter how small or big.

But I believe these fundamental things can be improved. We can make them better thus improving the quality of life and our decision making.

Let’s discuss what actually these fundamental things are.

1. Belief

Because it is not the failure that hurts the most, it’s the fear of failure that hurts more than the failure itself.

What is your belief?

What do you believe in?

What do you want to achieve?

The first step in achieving anything is to believe in our skills and ability, believing that we can do it. Confidence is a weak word here it is not enough. Belief is what we want.

Believing in your ability to overcome anything. Believing that you are strong enough. Believing that you are wise enough. Believing that you don’t know everything but when you go out there you’ll do just fine.

No doubt there will be a lot of obstacles but if you believe that you have to get to that other side no matter what you certainly will achieve more, build better relationships and overcome your fears.

When we don’t believe ourselves, our ability or the capacity to create things, do good things or achieving success a very common thing happens we don’t start at all.

Why even start when we know we are going to fail. Why even go after a goal when we know there will be thousands of obstacles on road ahead and we are likely to fail.

Because it is not the failure that hurts the most, it’s the fear of failure that hurts more than the failure itself.

So believe in yourself in your capacity and your skills. Always remember it is not about the goals or failures, it’s about improving yourself every day.

2. Introspection

we learn to admit our faults, an invaluable skill.

Whenever there are multiple people involved in something it can be anything a relationship, a software team or team of colleagues and that team or relationship fails we blame each other. We quickly become the judge and blame the person sitting next to us or sometimes the person we don’t like.

And most of the time that person is not to blame. If I am failing in something over and over again to solve that problem I will look for something common among those failures. That common thing is me.

Introspection is a process of observing your own thoughts. I believe if you can introspect more you will find what you lack in order to progress. What most of us lack is the ability to admit that we are not doing things the right way.

We are not ready to admit that we don’t know most of the things and pretend that we know everything thus taking poor decisions and messing everything up.

Introspection can prevent that. By observing our own thoughts we can take better decision. We get to know ourselves and our mind more and most importantly we learn to admit our faults, an invaluable skill.

3. Trust

When we work in an organization or when we are in between any relationship we need someone to rely on. We need someone to trust who will watch our back when something goes down or we fail. Because when we have someone to trust we feel safe in other words, we give our 100% because we know there is someone who care about how we are doing.

Suddenly, we don’t fear to try, exploring and pushing our limits. We look after the people who we trust because they trust us too. We feel worthy because someone trusts us and now we have the responsibility to watch their back and make them feel safe.

But obviously, we lack this skill nowadays. In the modern era, we can’t trust anyone. Every person you’ll meet will tell you to not trust people.

In my opinion, we should learn to trust and we have to keep in mind building trust is a process it takes time. You don’t build trust with everyone in your organization on the first day of the job, but once people start to trust you they will look after you and definitely will help you achieve greater success in your life.

4. Love & Respect

Giving to people without expecting anything in return is my definition of love. When you do nice things for people without any expectation you build credibility and become a better human being in general. People will respect you more. People will feel free because you don’t ask them ‘ Hey I did this for you now you have to do this thing for me ’ and if you do you are not loving them you are doing business with them.

When you love, people will trust you more which is a good thing, people will ask for your help more because they know you don’t ask for anything in return and as you help them they will appreciate you more and if you feel more appreciated you likely to give your everything to achieve whatever you want to achieve.

When people feel respected they are likely to help you more and listen to what do you have to say because they know you are here to listen what they have to say and you respect their time. This builds trust between you and the person and this applies to everything from your friendship to the interview you want to crack.

So focus on building meaningful filled with love and respectful relationships with everyone. This kind of relationship will guarantee a happier and a meaningful life.

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Hi, My name is Manoj Singh Negi. I am a Javascript Developer and writer sharing my world view with everyone. Join my quest by following me at Twitter or Medium.

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Manoj Singh Negi

I write about Javascript Solving people problems using code. Javascript developer, Writer.