What leadership actually means

and no its not having control of everything

Manoj Singh Negi
2 min readOct 29, 2017

Our job as a leader is not to control everything and make sure everything runs smoothly our job is to make our followers, team members or the people who believe in us to feel safe and providing them space where they can experiment with their skills to create and do amazing things without any fear.

Leadership is about trusting and caring about people so they can care about your organization, about the cause you are fighting for, about the beliefs you believe in.

I get it. Leadership is hard. When your team fails you have to take all of the blame on you so your people don’t feel threatened and they don’t lose hope. When your team wins you have to give all the credit to your team so they feel motivated to explore themselves more in order to create and do more amazing things.

Leadership is about motivating and inspiring your people when they need it the most.

Leadership is about nurturing your people and focusing on their personal growth so they can be a better person.

Leadership is about asking your people how they are doing when they fail.

Leadership is about giving the credit to your people that they truly deserve.

Leadership is about raising them up to your level and giving them a portion of your power to show them that you trust them and care about them so they can in return trust you more and care more about your organization, about you and the beliefs you believe in.

Hi, My name is Manoj Singh Negi. I am a Javascript Developer and writer sharing my world view with everyone. Join my quest by following me at Twitter or Medium.

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Manoj Singh Negi

I write about Javascript http://eepurl.com/co0DYj. Solving people problems using code. Javascript developer, Writer.