24 Manifestation Methods for New Master Manifesters to Consider

27 min readFeb 23, 2024


The world of manifestation is an incredibly exciting one! Finding out about manifestation is like finding out about a whole other dimension. Needless to say, when you decide to embark on your journey into this vibrant, new world, there is tons of brand-new information just waiting to be uncovered — and as exciting as it may be, it can also be overwhelming, especially when you’re not sure where to find it all organized and condensed in one area.

But don’t worry! If you’ve been feeling a little all over the place when it comes to trying to learn about manifestation methods, this article was written just for you! We’ll be taking a look at some of the most common manifestation methods and how to do them.

Sound good? Great! Keep reading to find 24 manifestation methods for new master manifesters to consider.

About Manifestation Methods

Manifestation can be described as the act of taking something from your imagination and making it into your reality. Depending on whether you follow LOA or LOASS, you can do this by either transforming your energy and aligning with what it is that you want to attract or by changing your state and living in ‘the end.’ Both of these laws similarly involve changing your thoughts to match the reality or ‘state’ that you desire to live in.

If you’re already thinking, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down! What is LOA, what is LOASS, and what is the end?’ feel free to check out this article to learn about some common terms you’ll see within manifestation spaces. If you’re already well-versed in the manifestation lingo department, let’s move on to talking about manifestation methods!

Some people do not like manifestation methods and think it’s stupid to waste time on them. These people are usually part of the LOASS community, where it’s more important to focus on changing your state and living in the end than it is to focus your time and energy on various methods that are meant to ‘bring’ your results to you. While LOA is about aligning with and attracting what you want, LOASS is about becoming the person who already has it and taking it whether you’re ‘aligned’ with it or not. Therefore, opinions about manifestation methods and their efficiency are often split between the two communities. However, the important thing, regardless of which law you follow, is to figure out what appeals to you the most and decide for yourself whether it works for you or not.

If certain manifestation methods don’t resonate with you, you don’t have to try them or stick with them if you’ve been doing them for a while. You can always try out another method and figure out what works best for you — because everyone is different, and what works for some may not work for others. Likewise, if you don’t believe in methods or see the value in trying them out at all, nobody’s forcing you to try them. If it just isn’t for you, it just isn’t for you, and that’s okay.

Finally, you should know that it’s okay to mix methods. You don’t have to pick one and stick with it and only it forever. A lot of methods mix well together — such as numeral methods with scripting or the pillow method with the SATS method, etc.

Just do what’s best for you, figure out what resonates the most with you, and don’t let others dictate what you do.

With all that being said, let’s go over 24 manifestation methods for new master manifesters to consider!

List of Methods

Visualization Method

Gratitude Method

Scripting Method

Letter Method

Yesterday Method

Why Method

SATS Method

2-Cup Method

369 Method

3x33 Method

55x5 Method

108 Method

777 Method

888 Method

17-second Method

Spec Method

Water Method

Moon Method

Whisper Method

Complaining Method

Manifesting With Pinterest

Manifesting With Affirmations and Saturation

Manifesting With Meditation

Manifesting While You Sleep

Manifestation Methods for New Master Manifesters to Consider

Visualization Method

Visualization is one of the most common manifestation methods. All it entails is doing something that most of us do frequently anyway: Imagining things. If you’re someone who ends up zoning out and daydreaming throughout the day, you’re already familiar with visualization. Just be sure that you’re imagining things that serve you.

Don’t spend your time visualizing and imagining bad things or thinking about sour topics. Instead, focus on visualizing the things you want. Imagine yourself driving off a car lot with your dream car, signing the papers for your new house, or getting dressed for a date with your crush.

This is visualization, and by consistently visualizing the things you desire, you’re programming your subconscious mind to think they’re happening or have already happened. Therefore, they will not only appear in your 4D, but they’ll also begin to manifest in your 3D.

If you’re unfamiliar with the terms 3D and 4D, I suggest checking out Common Manifestation Terms You Should Know, and if you’re someone who struggles with visualization, I recommend reading this article for an in-depth guide on how to visualize that’ll get the wheels in your head turning! Otherwise, keep reading this article for more manifestation methods!

Scripting Method

The scripting method is another extremely common manifestation method. If you’re someone who likes to write stories or keep a diary or journal about your life, you’ll likely enjoy this one!

To manifest with scripting, you just write about your desires and your dream life as if you already have them.

For example, if you really want to manifest front-row concert tickets to your favorite artist’s concert, you can write, ‘I am so happy now that I have my concert tickets!’ and then proceed to write about your experience at the concert — what you’re wearing, how much fun you’re having, who you’re going with, etc.

You could also write about how you got the ticket. If the concert is sold out in the 3D and it seems impossible to go to the concert, this will help you open your mind to other possibilities. Just because you may not be able to score tickets the traditional way doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get them. You could write about finding the ticket during a random walk, winning the ticket through a contest, being gifted the ticket, ETC.

I like having a special journal dedicated to scripting, and on the first page, I wrote about how everything written in my journal was destined to come true no matter what. This has encouraged me to be careful about the things I write and make extra sure that I’m only writing about the things I truly desire.

If you are or want to be a writer and would like to kill two birds with one stone, you could even legitimately make a script, formatted as a screenplay, online. This script can have scenes of everything you want playing out the way you want it to. Just a random tip for anyone who needs practice formatting scripts for work.

Remember, you can write in present tense or past tense. Either way works just as long as you realize that you have what you desire.

Yesterday Method

The yesterday method is one of my favorites and it can go hand-in-hand with scripting!

All you do is write your script or say your affirmations in the past tense. This can help make it easier for you to live in the end — in the state of the wish fulfilled. Saying things like, ‘I got my dream apartment yesterday,’ ‘I finally got rid of my cold yesterday,’ or ‘I got all my desires yesterday’ just reaffirms that you have already gotten what you were trying to manifest.

This is a great method because it’s important to always remember that you are not in the process of manifesting. You have already manifested it. You’re not trying to get something. You already have it. You don’t want to constantly be in a state of waiting, wishing, and wanting. You must embody being the person who has already received what you once wished for.

Letter Method

Similar to scripting, you can use the letter method. As with many of the methods mentioned, there are several ways to do this. The first way is by writing a letter to the Universe, your spirit guides, or whatever divine entity you may believe in. In this letter, you can communicate what you want and allow yourself to be open to them bringing it to you.

This is a good method for those who believe in a higher power and would like to communicate more with them. I find it comforting to write letters to the universe as it makes me feel that I’ve officially told the Universe about my desires, so I can relax knowing that what I want is finding its way to me at the right time.

If you’re not a spiritual person and don’t believe in any higher power, you could use method two, which is writing a ‘love letter’ to someone. This is a good method to use, particularly if you’re manifesting an SP, but it can be used in other ways as well.

For example, if you’re manifesting your SP, you can write love letters to them daily, essentially just telling them about your day, how excited you are for the plans you’ve made together, and talking about your desires as if you already have them — because you do! This puts you in the mindset of someone who already has their SP and allows you to do something you’d normally do with them, which is simply talking to them.

If you’re not manifesting an SP, you could instead write these letters to anyone — a made-up friend, an interviewer, someone who’s writing your autobiography — and just tell them about your desires, how you already have them, how you got them, what you like about them, etc.

Celebrity Method

This method is an extension of visualization and is pretty common, even amongst those who aren’t actively trying to manifest anything. I think it’s safe to say that most of us enjoy pretending to be celebrities or public figures in our imagination, so using the celebrity method can come naturally.

Pretend you’re a celebrity and talk about your desires and how you got them. If you’re manifesting getting to publish your debut novel, envision yourself on a popular talk show discussing your novel, what it’s about, what the writing process was like, etc.

If you’re manifesting becoming a world-renowned artist, imagine yourself giving a huge group of people — your adoring family and the press — a tour around a massive museum dedicated to your work and explaining your art to them. If you’re manifesting moving into your dream home, imagine yourself on a podcast talking about all the details of your home and how much you love living in it.

If you’re manifesting your dream car, imagine yourself as a celebrity signing autographs for your adoring fans, one of whom randomly strikes up a conversation about your new car. Picture yourself doing a tell-all interview or sitting down to film a confessional for your documentary, and talk about every last detail of your life, how great it is, all the success you manifested, all the material things you have, all the goals you’ve accomplished.

You get the picture.

People love talking about themselves, and they love being adored. This method allows you to do both!

Gratitude Method

This method goes along well with scripting and journaling, although it can also go with saying your affirmations and any other method. The gratitude method just involves manifesting with gratitude. When scripting, you can start by saying, ‘I am so grateful for…Insert your desire.’ When journaling, you can include a section dedicated to expressing your gratitude at the beginning of your page before moving on to writing about your day or your desires.

You can create a list of things you’re grateful for each day or choose one thing a day to write about being grateful for in great detail. You can use gratitude affirmations when manifesting as well. Affirmations like, ‘I am so grateful now that I have so much money,’ ‘I am so thankful my crush likes me back,’ or ‘I am so appreciative of the fact that I have so many new job offers’ are all good examples.

This method works whether you believe in a higher power or not. You can express your gratitude to the divine if you believe in them, or just take the time to focus on positive thinking and expressing gratitude in general if not.

Why Method

The why method works well for those who struggle to believe their affirmations. If you deal with a lot of self-doubt, this one can work wonders for you. It’s a simple switch-up that allows your conscious to be a little more accepting of the information you’re feeding it, and as a result, your subconscious will be impressed by the new story much more easily.

Instead of saying, ‘I am so successful,’ you can ask, ‘Why am I so successful?’

Instead of saying, ‘I am the luckiest person in the world,’ you can ask, ‘Why am I the luckiest person in the world?’

Instead of saying, ‘I am so rich,’ you can ask, ‘Why am I so rich?’

Your conscious mind may argue with you when you tell it something that it deems to be ‘untrue,’ but there’s nothing to argue about when you’re simply asking it a question. Plus, this method can allow you to begin thinking of answers for why what you’re saying is true.

Why are you rich? What could happen that could suddenly change your circumstances and cause you to suddenly be super wealthy?

You could win the lottery. You could end up suing someone for millions of dollars. You could inherit money you had no clue even existed from a relative you never even met. You could just find thousands of dollars lying on the ground. You could suddenly be sent a ton of money from a celebrity who sends random Cash App, or Paypal accounts cash now and then.

The list goes on and on.

The more you think about the wild ways in which your desires could manifest, the more you open yourself up to receiving what may at first seem ‘impossible’ to get.

SATS Method

SATS stands for State-Akin-To-Sleep and is one of Neville Goddard’s — a huge figure in the Law of Assumption community — most infamous manifestation methods. When one is in the state-akin-to-sleep, they are not fully awake but also not asleep yet. Think of when you’re nodding off in class or completely zoned out. We all also enter this state while we’re in the process of falling asleep.

When you’re in SATS, the mind — particularly the subconscious — is much more receptive to new information, new thoughts, and new ideas. It’s also a state in which your imagination is more vivid, and therefore, your mind is more open to visualizations. This makes SATS the ideal state for manifesting your desires.

To manifest using the SATS method, you first need to allow yourself to relax as much as possible. You can do this by staring at a particular item until your eyes begin to blur and your body begins to relax — or you can find a long YouTube video like this one and focus on a particular part of your screen until your eyes blur and your mind clears — or you can even lie down and close your eyes, taking deep breaths until your body relaxes and you are almost falling asleep.

(I only recommend doing it that way if you can manage to prevent yourself from actually falling asleep, though.)

Once you’ve relaxed your body and mind and have entered SATS you’ll want to visualize your desire or desired outcome and make sure your visualization is as vivid as possible. What does having your desire feel like? Sound like? Taste like? ETC. You can replay the same affirmation over and over in your head while doing this or loop the same image or scene in your head instead. Make sure to hold this image in your head and allow yourself to actually feel what it’s like to have it.

For example, let’s say you’re manifesting a pet cat.

You can loop the words, ‘I finally have my pet cat!’ in your head while looping the vision of you walking out of the animal shelter or hospital — or wherever you envision getting it from — with it inside a cute and cozy carrier!

You’re probably familiar with what most pet shelters smell like, so you’ll envision yourself going from smelling the shelter to smelling the fresh air as you walk out of the shelter with your new pet — or maybe the shelter you want to get your cat from is right beside your favorite restaurant, so you smell delicious food instead.

Maybe you really want to get your new pet during fall, so you’ll get to enjoy the holiday season with it. In that case, you may see yellow and orange leaves everywhere, and you’re a little chilly because the wind is blowing. You’re wearing a nice sweater that you don’t mind getting a little cat hair on and some comfortable pants, and you decided to keep your hair down today.

You were chewing on a peppermint when you walked inside the shelter, and the taste still lingers on your tongue as you’re walking out. Your cheeks are sore because you’ve been smiling this whole time! Along with the cat’s carrier, you have your car keys and some paperwork in your hands — the adoption paperwork as well as some information about your cat, some veterinarians near you, and information about which vaccinations it’ll need soon.

I could keep going, but you get the point. If not, and you believe you could use even more advice on how to visualize your desires as vividly as possible, you can read this article for a more in-depth explanation. Otherwise, you get the gist of it.

You can think of every last detail and really sit with the feeling of what it’s like to have what it is that you desire. Soon enough, you’ll start to feel giddy, excited, and happy to have it!

Sometimes, it can feel a little ridiculous if you catch yourself smiling, clapping, giggling, or outwardly reacting to something you’re envisioning, but don’t feel embarrassed or force yourself to stop reacting like this. Allow yourself to feel the good feelings that come along with getting what you want — and know that you do have what you desire, so you have every reason to be excited.

2-Cup Method

The 2-cup method is very simple.

Get two tall glasses of the same height and fill one with water. Write your current circumstances or your current reality on the first glass. Next, write your desired reality on the second glass. Finally, slowly pour the water from the first glass into the second while visualizing your desired reality and focusing deeply on the transition between your current reality and your desired one. Once you’ve finished pouring all the water from the first glass into the second, understand that it’s done. You have now transitioned from one situation to the next.

For example, if you’re manifesting a new job in a new company, you’ll write about your role, your salary, and the things you don’t like about your current predicament on glass 1, then write your desired company, role, salary, and predicament on glass 2.

369 Method

The 369 method is a super popular manifestation method that many people swear by, and there are a few different ways to do it.

First, you should know that the idea is to write what you’re manifesting three times, what your intention is six times, and what the outcome is nine times.

For example, if you’re manifesting $20 dollars, your 369 would look something like this:

(What you’re manifesting)

  1. $20
  2. $20
  3. $20

(What your intention is — here, it is to get $20)

  1. I’m getting $20
  2. I’m getting $20
  3. I’m getting $20
  4. I’m getting $20
  5. I’m getting $20
  6. I’m getting $20

(What the outcome is — of course, you’ll always get what you manifest, so since you’re manifesting $20, the outcome is that you now have $20)

  1. I have $20
  2. I have $20
  3. I have $20
  4. I have $20
  5. I have $20
  6. I have $20
  7. I have $20
  8. I have $20
  9. I have $20

Another example:

  1. 1. I’m so grateful now that I have $5,000
    2. I’m so grateful now that I have $5,000
    3. I’m so grateful now that I have $5,000
  2. 1. $5,000 randomly appears before me
    2. $5,000 randomly appears before me
    3. $5,000 randomly appears before me
    4. $5,000 randomly appears before me
    5. $5,000 randomly appears before me
    6. $5,000 randomly appears before me
  3. 1. I have $5,000 and have paid off my debts
    2. I have $5,000 and have paid off my debts
    3. I have $5,000 and have paid off my debts
    4. I have $5,000 and have paid off my debts
    5. I have $5,000 and have paid off my debts
    6. I have $5,000 and have paid off my debts
    7. I have $5,000 and have paid off my debts
    8. I have $5,000 and have paid off my debts
    9. I have $5,000 and have paid off my debts

It’s as simple as that!

The most common way to use this method is to write your 3 in the morning, your 6 in the afternoon, and your 9 in the evening or at night.

If you’d prefer, you can also choose to write your 3, 6, and 9 all at once.

3x33 Method

Like most of the numeral-based manifestation methods, the 3x33 method is super simple and easy to follow. To do this method, you simply write your desire 33 times every day for three days.

This is basically you writing your desire, aka your affirmation — IE. ‘I am wealthy,’ ‘I am abundant,’ ‘I always get princess treatment,’ etc — over and over again, which helps to impress your subconscious and align you with your desire — or if you prefer LOASS to LOA, we’ll say it helps you live in the end.

Remember when using numeral methods like this one that it’s not just about writing something over and over again, and then suddenly you’ll magically have it. Make sure that you’re also sitting with your manifestation, visualizing it, feeling what it’s like to have it, repeating your affirmation over and over again, etc while you write because that’s the whole point.

Regardless of which numeral method you prefer, the idea behind it is for you to take some time to consistently place focus on your desire each day.

55x5 Method

Similarly, the 55x5 method entails writing your desire 55 times per day (in one sitting) for five days.

108 Method

108 is a significant number as it is viewed as a holy number by many religions and is thought to be the basis of creation. Its importance is explained in many mathematical and scientific studies. The idea behind the 108 method is to, once again, write down your desire 108 times in one sitting. You can do this once, or you can do it for several days in a row.

Regardless, 108 is seen as a “completeness of presence,” so writing your desire 108 times is said to ensure you’ve successfully manifested it.

777 Method

777 is an Angel number. Angel numbers are numbers that many people view as signs, signals, or other forms of communication from Angels, spirit guides, or other divine entities. Seeing an Angel number once every other year doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but when you start seeing them constantly, everywhere, that is when they are considered to be significant. Angel numbers are usually repeating numbers such as 111, 1111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 1010, and so on.

777 is also, by many religions, considered to be a lucky number. It represents wealth, good luck, and good fortune.

The 777 method is very similar to the 369 method. It involves writing your desire seven times in the morning, seven times in the afternoon, and seven times in the evening or night. You can also just write your desire 7x3 in one sitting.


  1. 1. My crush
    2. My crush
    3. My crush
    4. My crush
    5. My crush
    6. My crush
    7. My crush
  2. 1. My crush has a crush on me
    2. My crush has a crush on me
    3. My crush has a crush on me
    4. My crush has a crush on me
    5. My crush has a crush on me
    6. My crush has a crush on me
    7. My crush has a crush on me
  3. 1. My crush asked me out on a date
    2. My crush asked me out on a date
    3. My crush asked me out on a date
    4. My crush asked me out on a date
    5. My crush asked me out on a date
    6. My crush asked me out on a date
    7. My crush asked me out on a date

There is also the 77x7 method, which is similar to the 55x5 method. With this technique, you write your desire 77 times (remember, always in one sitting) every day for seven days straight.

888 Method

You can perform the 888 method in a few different ways. One way is to visualize your desire intensely for eight minutes every day, then write your desire/affirmation eight times a day for eight days.

Another way is to write your desire eight times at 8AM and eight times at 8PM every day for eight days. Finally, you can choose to do an eight-minute meditation that centers around manifesting your desire at 8AM or 8PM — or both — every day for eight days.

17-second Method

To do the 17-second method, you must hold a positive thought about or visualize your desire for seventeen seconds. This method was developed by Abraham Hicks, who believed that simply holding a positive thought for just 17 seconds straight was enough to activate its vibration and set it in motion!

SPEC Method

Helene Hadsell, in short, is a woman who won thousands of contests during her lifetime, and she won tons of both big and small prizes as a result! Some would call this great luck, but Helene credited her major winning streak to her unwavering belief in herself and what she wanted, as well as her ability to vividly visualize what she wanted.

She also used the SPEC method vehemently and was adamant that it worked like a charm every time. So, what was the SPEC method?

S.P.E.C stands for ‘Select it,’ ‘Project it,’ ‘Expect it,’ ‘Collect it.’

Select it — What is it that you want? And be specific.

If it’s money that you want, how much is it that you desire? $100? $111? $1567? $10,001?

However much it is, select what you want.

Project it — Feel as if you already have it because you do.

Think about why you want this money. Is it because you want to pay your bills or pay off debts? Is it because you want to buy new clothes or a new electronic? Is it simply because you felt like manifesting something else after receiving all your desires, and money seemed like a good option?

After you know why you want it, think of how you’ll feel once it’s in your hands.

You’ll likely feel excited, relieved, or maybe even smug since you’ve once again manifested your desire, just as you always do. Whatever it is that you’d feel when you’ve got the money in your hands is what you should be feeling right now. Project that feeling.

Expect it — Now, it’s done. You’ve manifested what you wanted, and it’s yours.

Expect to receive it the same way you’d expect to receive a package after ordering something online, or your food once you’ve ordered it at a restaurant, or a phone call from someone who told you they’d be calling you. You don’t know when it’s coming, but it is. Expect it, but don’t dwell on it. It’ll come soon enough.

Collect it — Well, it came. Just as you knew it would. Yay, congratulations!

Collect it and move on to manifesting your next desire.

Water Method

The water methods we’ll discuss are a little similar to the 2-cup method we talked about earlier, at least in the sense that they all deal with — you guessed it — water. Water is very significant to many cultures and religions. It’s thought to be a source of purity and renewal, which makes it a great cleansing resource. It’s also very vast — think about all the humongous oceans in the world — so there is a lot of unexplored territory and unexplained phenomena in the water. Water can signify wonder, unexplored opportunities, wisdom, and much more. Water also carries energy.

Those are just a few of the reasons why, for many people, manifesting with water makes sense and is super effective! Plus, there are a number of ways to manifest with water!

One way is to fill a cup, glass, or water bottle with water. Then, write your desire on a piece of paper and tape it to the item you’re drinking from. Drink all the water, and voila! It’s done. You’ve got your desire.

Another way to manifest with water is to make it a habit to think positive thoughts, say your affirmations, and visualize your desire each and every time you drink it. Most of us drink water a lot throughout the day, which means you’ll be repeating your affirmations or thinking about your desire a lot, which is great. Plus, as mentioned before, water carries energy. When you start using that energy for your benefit, you’ll see results quickly!

As with all the methods mentioned in this article, it’s important to remember that it isn’t just about going through the motions. It’s about reconnecting with your desire, spending time with your desire, envisioning your desire, and setting your focusing on your intentions. These methods work best when you do them with feeling and with intention.

Moon Method

For those who are heavily into anything from astronomy or astrology to witchcraft or other spiritual practices, manifesting with the help of the Moon may sound exceptionally appealing! One way to do this is by setting intentions during full moons and then releasing and detaching from that intention, knowing that it’s done.

There are plenty of other ways to manifest with the Moon as well, during lunar cycles and other special phases on special days!

Whisper Method

The whisper method involves allowing yourself to get into a meditative state, or SATS, and then visualizing yourself — as a ghost, spirit, or just as your regular self — walking up to a specific person or thing and whispering in their ear.

You should visualize as many details about this person or thing as possible. If it’s a person, what do they look like, what are they wearing, what are they doing, what do they smell like, what is their vibe like, etc? If it’s a thing, where is it, what is it, what is its energy like, etc?

You should whisper what you want to them. Then, envision yourself walking away from them or becoming invisible to them. After this, all that’s left to do is know that what you asked for is what you’ll receive, and you’ve already gotten it.

For example, let’s say you have a crush, and you want them to confess their feelings for you. You’ll imagine going up to them and visualize all the details about them. Then, you’ll whisper in their ear, ‘You are in love with me,’ or ‘Tell me you like me,’ or ‘You’re going to text me that you want to talk,’ etc. Then, envision yourself walking away from them.

Another example: Let’s say you want your dream home. You’ll visualize every aspect of your dream home, picture yourself walking into it and whispering, ‘You’re finding your way to me right now,’ or ‘You’re already mine,’ or ‘I’m moving in ASAP,’ then you’ll envision walking back out of it.

One final example: Let’s say it’s been storming a lot lately, and you want it to be sunny. You can visualize yourself walking into a beautiful green forest with tons of beautiful flowers around — or some other part of nature that you connect with — and going up to your favorite tree, a particular patch of dirt, a huge stone, etc. You’ll whisper to this object, which represents mother nature, ‘It stopped raining,’ or ‘It will not storm anymore.’

Complaining Method

Society has conditioned most of us to engage in negative self-talk, behavior, and thinking since we were just children. Negativity is, unfortunately, often easier for us to engage with and open ourselves up to than positivity. A lot of people feel unnatural or as if it’s ‘forced’ when it comes time to speak positively about themselves or about their desires, and a lot of people are used to complaining as opposed to expressing gratitude. So, this method is a great way to manifest even when you’re not quite out of that negative ‘safe’ zone just yet.

Complaining is second nature to most of us, so this one is easy. Simply complain about the things you desire having to complain about.

For example, sometimes we end up complaining, ‘Ugh, I have another bill to pay!’ But if you’re manifesting being rich, this complaint does not at all align with your rich self.

Remember that you’re meant to be embodying the state of the person you desire to be, who has the things you desire to have. Is Beyonce, Jay Z, Elon Musk, or Mark Zuckerberg walking around complaining because another bill is due? No, because it doesn’t matter. They make too much money to give a damn what bills they have to pay. They probably forgot they even pay bills years ago.

Instead of complaining about having another bill to pay, you could complain, ‘Oh! I didn’t even realize this bill was due. Ugh, I can never keep up with my bills because I never notice when the money gets taken out of my account. The transactions always get lost between my deposits since I keep making thousands of dollars a day.

If you’re manifesting a text back from your SP, instead of complaining, ‘Ugh, why do they never text me back?!’ You can complain, ‘Ugh, they’re not texting back. I swear if they’re out buying me gifts again…I wonder if they’ll show up at my house again since they prefer seeing me in person to texting, too? I guess now I have to get ready…

If you’re manifesting moving out of your house because you’re always fighting with your parents — and if you wish you had a better relationship with them — instead of saying, ‘Ugh, I hate living here with them! I can’t wait to get my own place and move out because we’re always fighting!’ Complain instead, ‘Ugh, I love my parents, but I’m so glad I have my own place. I can’t wait to get back home because we’ve been arguing a little today. We usually get along so well, but today is just not our day…

Get yourself into the state. Be the person who already has what you desire. Complain about the things they would complain about, not the things you previously would’ve complained about prior to having your desires.

Manifesting With Pinterest

Let’s talk about Pinterest, which a lot of master manifesters would say is THEE manifestation app. You’ve likely heard of it before, but if not, Pinterest is an image-based app and website similar to Instagram, except it’s more positive and helpful, and there isn’t nearly as much social interaction.

Most people who use Pinterest would say it’s one of the most peaceful social media apps on the market, considering the ‘social’ aspect is not nearly as prominent. You can interact with other users on the app, but that isn’t as common as simply posting or saving pins and then going.

And as mentioned, Pinterest is filled with images, which are usually very aesthetic. Whatever kind of images you want to find on there, you’ll likely find them. So, it’s an excellent resource for those of you who enjoy making vision boards. Whether you’d like to save the images to your phone and make a photo collage on another app, print the pictures out to put on a physical vision board, or simply create a board on Pinterest where you keep all the pictures that resonate with your desires and your desired life, you can really connect with your visualizations when using the app.

I love putting on my manifestation playlist or my affirmations during saturation sessions and staring at the pictures I’ve saved on my vision board. The pictures I save represent ‘my’ life. I also like to write a brief description for my vision board that affirms I’ve already received everything on it. Then, every time I click on the board to view my pins, I make sure to read it.

Make sure you’re saving the pictures that represent what you truly want and resonate with you the most. And although it’s fun to make your Pinterest boards as aesthetic as possible, remember that it’s not so much about being aesthetic as it is about connecting with your desires.

Here are 11 Of The Best Apps for Manifestation if you’d like to know more.

Manifesting With Affirmations and Saturation

Affirmations are one of the most common ways to manifest. Simply affirming until your subconscious accepts the new story is a great way to see results. But I also enjoy saturating — which is explained in great detail here.

Taking the time to really sit and saturate is one of the most powerful ways to manifest if you ask me. If you’re struggling to believe your affirmations, then the good thing is that saturating is mostly just about filling your mind with your affirmations until your subconscious has no choice but to accept them as your new story.

Manifesting With Meditation

There are tons of guided meditations available for free on YouTube. Odds are, if you’re trying to manifest it, there’s already a guided meditation to help you get into the mindset of receiving it.

You can also do your own meditation, completely unguided. Put on some meditation music and take some time to sit with your desire.

Meditation is a super powerful technique to unlock access to your higher self and to the things you want! It’s also just a really good self-help practice. I talk more about it in this article about the benefits of manifestation.

Manifesting While You Sleep

You can absolutely manifest while you sleep. One way to do so is by putting on your affirmations or a subliminal and listening to them throughout the night. While your body and conscious mind are resting, your subconscious will be taking in the new story you feed it.

As for an actual method to manifest while sleeping, you can do the pillow method.

With this method, you simply write down your desire/affirmation on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow while you sleep. As you’re falling asleep, you focus on this desire, making it the last thing you think of and, therefore, placing more emphasis on it within your subconscious mind.

Another way to manifest while you sleep is by thinking of three things you’re grateful for, visualizing your desire, and repeating your affirmation a few times. You can either repeat your affirmation until you fall asleep, or you can simply repeat it a few times before letting go of all thoughts about your desire — detaching from it and knowing that you have successfully manifested it and don’t need to do anything else. Think about other things that make you happy until you fall asleep.

Final Thoughts

We covered plenty of methods and multiple ways to do them, but there are still plenty more out there if none of these resonated with you.

Remember, no matter which method or methods you choose to do, they all essentially serve the same purpose. The point is to connect you with your desire and allow you to sit with it for a while and understand it’s done.

I hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful. Let me know what your favorite methods are down in the comments!




A freelance content writer who has a passion for telling stories. Using Medium as my portfolio! LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tia-t-01a229224/